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2018-06-24 14:10:34
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2022-09-29 05:40:37
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2022-07-02 03:21:26
Missions General Mobilization event
Not gonna lie. I honestly dont mind it. An event where you have to rely on a friend or *t to do is just bad. Would be so much better if you could just complete the missions yourself and be rewarded for it. Edit: What was the exploit? Not asking how it was dont, just what it was
General Discussion
2022-07-02 03:21:26
Akatsuki Itachi skill trial when?
For the Illusion - Rotation of heaven and earth. Not sure if this would too much of a split off. but, instead for Y. instead of reflecting all debuffs that target him. Has a chance to reflect it back at the enemy, and making the debuff irremovable. So not to make it overpowered, make that chance a fair percentage. For Tsukuyomi Y. Instead of 100 chakra. 40 or 60 chakra. while the barrier is up.Who ever itachi hits with his standard attack removes their immunity to debuff skill for that round. Those are probably really bad. Just something I thought up on the fly instead of giving it thought. Though I like the idea of the passive one.This is why I don't come up with ninja ideas. I did once. and when the mod asked about the skills I just responded. Im not good at that. what ever they think would work. They've been making the skills for a long time LOL
General Discussion
2022-04-14 14:24:39
Chase dodge is too powerful
I see you point. Though at the same time. I also look for ninja that can apply those debuffs with their mysteries as well. A good amount of those sadly you have to break your bank to get the ninja.
General Discussion
2022-04-17 12:45:36
Akatsuki Itachi skill trial when?
Are you talking about for the skills for +2 and Y+1? Cause That would be interesting to see.
General Discussion
2022-04-14 14:24:39
Is it worth to level freeze?
My opinion I would start the freeze once all treasures are unlocked. that way you can go for all ninjas while your powering up. More ninjas, more power. more stars, more power. Even if not my much, it's still an increase.
General Discussion
2022-03-25 14:01:38
Chase dodge is too powerful
I never saw it as a problem really. most of the damage is gonna come from mystery anyway. chase would be nice to do, but if it gets dodged all the time. its no big deal in my opinion.
General Discussion
2022-04-17 12:45:36
Various things need fixing
Characters are not easy to fix. Other devs in different games have problems fixing characters too. They can make a change and end up making it worse, a little better, fix them or make them over powered. Maybe even beyond useless. Take world of warcraft for example. The paladin was overpowered for so long when I first started in burning crusade. A lot of people complained. It took years to finally nerf them. Now not a specific character, but a character class. They made many changes, but people realized that it was for the better until the nerf. I'm pretty sure anyone who is a veteran in fighter games can list characters for this too, me,I wont be able to, but I'm sure it has happened. Snorlax in unite was OP for all of season 1 from what I was told and the seasons if I remember correctly are around 50 days. If you think you can fix characters faster, then instead of calling Oasis out, why not apply to work for them and help fix things? What I would like is for regular maintenance and check for problems to fix that people have posted and work on a good amount of them. Not just for event changes. Yes, it would be a * that the game would be down when the planned time for maintenance happens, but bright side, less bugs/problems would be found.
Bugs & Support
2022-03-16 04:39:19
Various things need fixing
How would I do that? Sorry. When it comes to computers, I'm not the brightest. I know of install and unistall., but how do I do a clean install? I got a new computer and just installed the game. Also, it happened on my last computer as well, and it wasn't always a thing, it only recently started happening.
Bugs & Support
2022-03-16 04:39:19
Various things need fixing
Bugs & Support
2022-03-16 04:39:19
Various things need fixing
For the friend one. No, my friend list was closed. I would open to invite them, seeing they move around often making it hard to click on them to invite them. So I would use the friend list. The Missions one isn't too much of a bother, I'd thought throw it in there with everything I've noticed. an extra second isnt bad to delete the text bar. Only annoying that you have to do it yourself. If it were to get fixed, sure that would be great, but I think ones that force you to restart should be a priority. For the ones of you asking. Sadly I do not know how to capture video on computers. I haven't been on computers much in a very long time. browsing and this game is what I have done for so long for being on a dinosaur computer for years til now. I have a lot of catching up to do. LOL If I can get recordings of these bugs, I would be gladly to record them for you. As for the last one, the ninja are different. It has happened to me in TI, arena, gnw and 3v3. I had to refresh to come back and rejoin.
Bugs & Support
2022-03-16 04:39:19