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2020-10-01 23:41:46
What keeps you playing?
I stopped playing a month or two ago because of my studies and because, well, there really wasn't a draw anymore. I do like collecting the ninjas, but it got to the point where I couldn't really justify logging in and getting one or two frags for a ninja per event despite my hard work. I wasn't winning PvPs and my interest in the Naruto series itself has begun to wane. I've been a fan of Naruto since I was 12, so for nearly thirteen years of my life I've held this series a special place in my heart. It's just I've grown up and moved on, kinda. I don't think the answer is "make ninjas easier to get" because if people can get certain ninjas by just paying, then making it easier for F2P would render it moot. They'd still be able to kick my * in everything from Arena to SWB. Considering I've been playing this game for almost 3 years, it just grows disheartening. I've started looking for other games to distract me and scratch the itch of "character collection" that drew me to this game in the first place. Not to mention that the updates on this game are extremely slow since it IS Tencent we're talking about. And to be honest, I've done my reading and research and I really can't justify pouring my time into games for a company that is one of the world's representative money-grubbing, feature-slashing game companies that vie for our attention and wallets. People pay top dollar for this game, and as "whales" they are allowing themselves to be used as pawns by these companies to denigrate the experience for the rest of us--who cares about big change when people will fork over hundreds if not thousands of dollars for some pixels on a screen? And even after they get your money they don't jump to change anything. It's feeding money into a broken system. It's rewarding companies' cruddy behavior. As of now, I only pop in once in awhile. Today was the second time in two months I even glanced at the game and not much at all has changed except for a bunch of ninjas I have no interest in getting. The completionist in me wants to 5 star the ninjas I have or at least max their BT, but I know that won't happen if I'm not doing my daily Elite Instances every day lol
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2020-10-18 12:00:17
Events Cycle - January 16th
I second this. Every time I see the Fishing Mania in the events, I just get this little bit of dread. I wait until the very last day and spend 30 extra minutes fishing, fishing, fishing and ending up getting, what, 4 frags of a ninja I want..Lame.
2020-01-22 20:22:21
We want BP and not Lvl based PvP events!
I genuinely believe the dude's a troll. Either that, or a miserable individual that shouldn't be given any attention. Their opinions aren't worth listening to because they don't hold anything of value. As for the topic of this thread, I agree. I remember maybe a year ago I could get two matches in a row that had a BP similar to mine, but now I'm getting BPs that are 100K higher right off the bat. You'd think that if I entered during the middle of it, I'd get at least one player with a similar BP to me, but no, and it's because they're matching me up with P2Wers that are Lvl 100+ (I'm LVL 104 as I write this). I got to this level through playing each day, never spent much in the past and I don't plan on spending anymore in the future. The fact that there are certain achievements tied to getting wins (or sweeping everything in Matsuri) that are tied to the Season system makes it even more important that this is fixed. I don't feel the compulsion to spend just because I'm getting my ass kicked in Matsuri, so that'd be a dumb reason to not change it. If anything, giving F2Pers that measly chance of getting more than two wins every time Matsuri rolls around on Mondays and Fridays would at least improve morale for those of us that have become disillusioned with ever getting ANYTHING out of these weekly events because we're not shilling for the newest ninjas.
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2020-01-16 05:25:35
Events Cycle - January 2nd
Average events, but not terrible. Still a saving week for me.
2020-01-08 20:30:53
Events Cycle - November 28th
Pretty neat they added the new Deidara in Great Plates.
2019-12-04 17:51:08
Events Cycle - November 14th
Why are y'all whining about it being 70 frags. It's 30 in order to recruit and it's a gimmicky version of Itachi. He's essentially baby Konohamaru. I have problems with Oasis but this is not something to complain about compared to other stuff.
2019-11-20 08:46:59
15 frags Minato suit for 300 cave keys?
I agree with OP. 300 cave keys is pretty steep. I had to use coupons to make up for the lack of seal scrolls for the x10 draws. You would need 60K moon coins in order to get 300 cave keys. 50 cave keys is 560 coupons in the Cave Exploration menu. Of course saving always helps, but recommending over and over that people save instead of making the game such a way that you earn with immediate interaction just makes the game end up being one that's just hoarding fake materials for a pay-off you may never cash in on. People out here with hundreds of thousands of moon coins and coupons...for what end? I would've accepted 200 cave keys at the very most.
General Discussion
2019-10-22 17:22:53
Events Cycle - August 8th
Kind of disappointed by a repeat of the fireworks festival's ac*ulated rewards, but whatever, it's a saving week for me.
straw hat:)
2019-08-09 21:17:53
Version 6.0 - Preview
Keep your 6.0 until we get all the 5.0 features.
2019-04-24 19:18:56
Add Akatsuki cloak as an outfit
I would support this, but I want Azure's to be so big that her hands are completely covered by the sleeves. Floppy sweater paws.
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2019-04-09 14:09:42