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2020-04-24 09:47:18
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2020-08-20 14:42:05
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2020-07-23 22:41:17
How Fuku deals should be
I also agree with optional ninja packs being implemented as rewards for fuku deals. It´s easy to implement, it has been done before and it is a great way to give players more choice in what they can get as a reward. It also adds to the lucrativity of the event as more people might be inclined to go for fuku deals if they have a chance to get their favourite ninjas they are still missing. Great idea overall.
General Discussion
Juice Wrld 999
2020-06-24 10:04:10
Arena on server 1512 Adorable
Thank you. Some additional info regarding X-Server great ninja war because the question came up. Today for the first time our event info for gnw looked like in the screenshots below despite us scheduling a regular gnw preliminary for today. When talking to the cross-server npc however the text comes up that our server has yet to activate cross server ninja war. We did our regular gnw fights without any further issues so this might just be some overlapping visual differences. Maybe it helps with further narrowing down the issue.
Bugs & Support
2020-06-23 01:43:06
Arena on server 1512 Adorable
Thank you for the intermediate info and effort by helping us finding a satisfieing solution. It is understandable that there probably will be no quick fix and that digging through all the info takes time. Concerning the use of computer generated combatants (if they are infact implemented already) I can only speak for myself and my point of view but I believe they should not be removed completely (our server does have low population so additional enemies are welcomed) but instead altered in such a way that it doesn´t become almost impossible to climb arena rank for the monthly season rewards. The goal should be to provide a realistic challenge for participants to be able to reach six paths sennin rank eventually until the end of the month. If such a change could be implemented before this month ends I would like you to submit this suggestion as I believe it is the most fair change for everyone. Regarding the addional info you requested I will try to provide as much detail as possible: - Our server currently is 40 days old as of the time of this post. - Apart from arena I haven´t noticed the "connecting to cross-server" message yet (it does pop up fast and only for 1-2 seconds for me). But I am positive both bonds and 3vs3 arena should have that message as well as they are cross-server related. Will check again and edit this post if needed. - Our sage world battlefield is currently not cross server. - Yes we do have access to both decicive bonds and 3vs3 arena. Decicive bonds unlocked for us at the 30th or 31st of may, so pretty much 30 days after server opening. Before that happened, the npc where decicive bonds is started prompted a message counting down the days needed until this feature unlocks. 3vs3 arena was unlocked for us even earlier. One time at the beginning of may until it was closed again around mid may, strangely enough. The second time was at the beginning of june and it is currently still running. - There are currently no other cross server events unlocked for us. The season system does pop up as a promoted feature when reaching a sufficient level but the *on to open the tab is missing. Training grounds also still promts the message that to be able to use the feature cross servers need to be unlocked and does not work. Zenith is greyed out with the message: "unlocks after cross-server matching". Also, the tab for the nature training event is missing (please correct me there if I am wrong as I have been told it is supposed to unlock at level 72, confirmed by people on older servers at that level. I am also not sure if this is related or connected to cross servers as it seems to be pve and not pvp) - We do not have access to cross server great ninja war yet. All in all we do seem to have a mix of cross-server features both unlocked and not yet unlocked which makes it a bit confusing to understand what is supposed to be opened already and what isn´t. Thank you again for looking into this.
Bugs & Support
2020-06-23 01:43:06
Arena on server 1512 Adorable
Hello there. Here is another screenshot to provide more examples questioning whether x-servers are unlocked and if this is a mistake or "working as intended".To provide some backround: - 1512 Adorable opened up on the 30th of april. It is 36 days old as of today. - Karui was the seasonal ninja for spring, between march-may. - The season feature does only open up for servers that are at least 60 days old, so the same timespan as with the x-server function, at least to my knowledge. We were locked out of the feature and didn´t get a way to receive her. So that player in the screenshot couldn´t have been from our server. Same as with the screenshot of chirku further above. - Even if we don´t consider seasonal ninjas, as mentioned by the op and his second screenshot there are currently no players on our server who have jonin minato or shisui and we only have one player with above 70k power who has unlocked the "eternal belief" cloth that lightning main is wearing on that picture. He doesn´t have those ninja either. - Just to throw it in there, we recently got both the "decicive bonds" as well as the "3vs3 arena" unlocked which seem to be, by nature, x-server related as well (please correct me if it is not). The difference here is that despite the inherent power difference (meeting 300k+power people compared to our highest, which is 70k) we don´t get punished that hard for not climbing a ladder or anything because we still with lucky matchups get some of the rewards at least. Not so with regular arena season being 1vs1. Considering all of the above it would be great to get a clarification on the matter whether it is meant to work like that or not. Maybe a summary on what features unlock based on server age would also help and prevent further confusion in the future. Kind regards Nendivia
Bugs & Support
2020-06-23 01:43:06
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