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2017-07-24 19:55:51
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2022-12-10 19:19:42
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2022-12-10 19:18:27
Ten-Tails Jinchuriki Optional Pack
I just found out by a friend in-game that yes, pack had only pick between 10-tails Madara and 10-tails Obito frags. Kinda saw this coming. I guess I just wanted to keep up hope that our version too had susano Shisui frags somewhere. Should have remembered what our sersion of the game is like compared to others. I'll try to be a bit more practical next time something seems good.
General Discussion
2022-12-10 19:18:27
Seasonal ninja
2nd clue is "Konoha".
General Discussion
2022-10-21 13:19:50
mission box event .
Compensation should be at least 60 (40 boxes gained and 200 points) mission boxes for lost points from 4 days missions + 15 boxes each day events is down for players to break even. But that would need Oasis to care about players AND manage to open event before it is over for the week. In addition even that wouldn't compensate for those who spent for this event, since their loss would be even more. Knowing how little Oasis does for us we'd be lucky if we'd really get this event back by Wednesday evening. We have seen Oasis doesn't want to give their players anything even when we're owed that, so not much hope for any compensation anymore at this point. Even less hope for event to return with all of our points there, since we know everything unclaimed after event ends is lost for good, even when they end ahead of their time. All we might be able to do about this is to wait till fallout after event week is over, since players voices have already stayed unheard for so long...
Bugs & Support
Tachibana Saeko
2022-05-11 06:31:22
mission box event .
S363 here. Missions event was there earlier in the morning. I had it open, but suddenly got a message saying something about rewards being unable to be claimed since event is over. It seemed weird, so I refreshed the game. After that missions event was gone from Hot topics. Sorry I can't be clear enough about the message, since it only flashed in the screen for a moment. This happened around 07:20 server time. Any info about when we get missions event back? And I'm hoping we didn't lose points and such from previous days (and the morning) because of this after we do get the event back...
Bugs & Support
Tachibana Saeko
2022-05-11 06:31:22
Group funds for summon chakra
Yes, I know that 1 person could possibly donate the amount needed, but that active donators usually donate all of the sets they have and have to start saving up sets once again. An that could take more time that summons need. And yes, I know we have a system to trade summon chakras to help us get a whole set. But we're limited to 3 trades a day. And most often players are not lucky enough to need different chakras, I have seen many players trying to trade same chakras competing for same trades. And yes, using summon chakra for less than 3 summons is possible, but it would still mean lower power from group summons for every member of the group. Even when we have reached the point that group summons aren't that big of a help in GNW anymore, they still give a buff to group's members power. I wrote this in perspective of someone, who'd wi*'d be possible to earn same amount, that is needed daily. And to get some use for group funds, that are currently mostly just a number in groups stats.
Bugs & Support
Tachibana Saeko
2022-03-04 21:39:37
3v3 Failed to connect
3v3 works again. This was a fast fix or people did their themed arena and load for x-servers lessened. Either way, we can enter 3v3.
Bugs & Support
Tachibana Saeko
2022-03-04 21:46:54
3v3 Failed to connect
Same at S363. Nobody seems to able to enter 3v3, no matter who tries and how many times we try. Refreshing the game and such does not seem to help either. Hoping this is fixed soon.
Bugs & Support
Tachibana Saeko
2022-03-04 21:46:54
General Page
Just so nobody misunderstands, this is not about new Trial in Infinite illusion. Getting it is a GOOD thing. Only part I was complaining was that one of the rewards is unusable and it can take away rewards we'd otherwise get from said event, with increasing numbers when time passes. Nothing more, nothing less.
Bugs & Support
Tachibana Saeko
2021-10-22 00:10:06
Collecting talent bug
I think this is just wrong name in Collecting talent. That would explain why you got it. You already have the needed ninja for it. The real bug is just the text that tell us what ninja is needed. My current guess is that it's Rin.
Bugs & Support
2021-10-03 04:29:05
Season Ninja
Same here. I didn't notice it, when I still had said screen and I was told about it only after I had clicked it off. Thought things would work like ususal...
Bugs & Support
2021-10-02 12:16:20