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2017-07-24 19:13:12
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2017-07-24 21:45:05
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2017-07-24 21:45:05
LA and NY servers' SA and TI Reset BUG
Server ID: S40: KidomaruCharacter name: FleeceBug description :Team Instance and Strong Approaching have yet to reset and I have not done them at allPrint screen of the bug:
Bugs & Support
2017-08-18 10:14:43
Events - Jan 12
I have to say hats of to the devs, I thought another catastrophe like the December events would not happen again ,but yeah we are. This month has just been back to back failures all except the holy grail of all of your * events "Lucky Board" aka your saving grace. My hats of to the dumb Jiraiya you provided us, really appreciate it, nah it was a utter disrespect to all players really. You spit in our faces with this dumb ninjas you provide us . "He is really good now, he does a measly 14 dmg" omg the best ninja in my life. While other servers, yes I am bringing other servers get konan as a monthly event, you continue to spit in our faces with utter disrespect and *. You have got out 2.0 congrats and yet we are still sitting on this * shops. Look i see your plan, we all see it all. You are trying to milk konan and the pains. Just release the * shop updates stop trying to be a money hungry company. The events for this week are just utter *, you continue to shove these events down our throats but i got news for you , we all went to school. We can do simple math, we can research, we can read. You can take your events, go back to the drawing board and rethink your life.
2017-07-24 21:25:37
[Ninja Profile]
Tendo Pain thrown in the dumpster
You must not know but it is 400 pulls to pull tendo or Hashirama. Whichever one you get depends on your luck, then you must do another 400 pulls to get the one you missed out on.
2017-07-24 22:15:45
[Ninja Profile]
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You could use Gnw Kankuro?
Hinu Hyuga
2017-07-24 21:20:20
[Strategy Share]
[Strategy Collection] Breeze Dancer - Sage Naruto, He'll * you away.
It is a powerful burst team. It has its perks of huge dmg by the first round and continuing it has the rounds go and is an interesting team play but it can be shut down simply by cc. If the player is smart, he acupuncture the main within the first round and then second round if your opponent has lower ini than you then i assume he will have CC the sage naruto and at the same time the wind main(all this if the person is running scarlet blaze) and then he will probably go for your kinkaro , cc him with a combo. then he just picks you off at that point. If he has higher ini than you then he cc the kankuro then picks of sage at round 2 (cc). Against a lighting main the build has potential but if it is a light main with the acupuncture skill ,which is starting to rise up. He will cc the main and if he has higher ini pick your sage off. Against a water main , your dmg has to be uber high like one shot high or else the dmg will be healed right off and worse if the water main his running another healer. Against a earth main I do not know how it may go. All this are simulations and perfect conditions, it c*l change depending on who you are facing. This post was last edited by Fleece at 2017-1-3 13:42
2017-07-24 22:08:52
Lineup for Lvl 43 Crimson Fist?
Look you are only lvl 43 with ninjas i like to call Hinata friends or the age of kid Naruto.Here is the truth:-The cap for this game lvl85 -The ninja you chose works only when you have good ninjas to work with-Your ninjas, some have them have not reached the 3 star version-you have not gained access to summons-you have not gained access to the later treasuresEssentially I am telling you to * with your current team or just * with team seven or a mixture of their friends.You c*so work on getting the frags of your ninjas so you can 3 star them. Now you do not have to stay like this forever, just until your eyes open up to better ninjas and better versions of your ninjas.
2017-07-24 21:17:59
Events - Dec 29th
The events have certainly gotten better. Deciding to bring out lucky board was really a good play on your part and unveiling a new ninja that basically has potential even now and still late game. I am though partly disgusted with next month ninja.It is essentially a ninja that is essentially given out for free. Earlier in the post i saw someone say, well it is great now you can make him 5 star. I would like you to get a calculator. 5 stars require 200 frags , unless you have 150 frags already, no way you getting 5 stars. 50 frags is all that is given. The other guy says he is good in ranked, you are talking about his sage version which is prompt which means he gets it of before he dies. Anyway overall pretty okay events. You made up for the robbery you tried last week, now I would like to see it continue.It really is not that hard to have events where all three parties are satisfied. you are tired of complaints, I am tired of complaining , the top guys are probably tired of complaints. If you use this as a stepping stone towards a better event, then a brighter future awaits you. It is one where all three are happy, and the top brass happily get their money. This post was last edited by Fleece at 2016-12-30 05:35
2017-07-24 21:18:29
Jigokudo or Sailor Sakura
Sailor Sakura is like having ice cream on top of cake. She is really good and can be played with avariety of teams. She can be ran with water main for huge cc, damage, outrageous heals, and the infamous immortal build and the other variants. She can be ran with Earth main for cc, damage, self healing tank, heals. There are also many combos you can create with the Earth MC if you got the right ninjas that is huge dmg. Fire mains same as water main. Lightning main is the only time I havent seen a variant.
2017-07-24 21:16:13
Help me lv 60 earth main with team
For now just focus on getting to level 70. I know you did not want to hear this but this is the truth. Team seven and their friends are what you are going to use for now.Now you have to get ready as you make your journey to 70.1.Look at your merchants(group shops, arena shops, survival shops) start getting some worthwhile ninjas or an array of ninjas: Tobi,Kisame, deidara, Itachi,Kakuzu,Kabuto,Suigetsu. At the same time this is happening buff up some ninjas you already have.2. Start doing elite instances to help buff up the ninjas you have and to gain some new ninjas.3. Enjoy the game and have fun.
2017-07-24 21:15:41
[Strategy Share]
How do you beat this?
Well i will just give you a typical setup:1.This team can be destroyed by cc if played right. This means you c*e the fire main seal mystery and another ninja that causes cc. Also you have to choose between two chases celestial prison or the fire ball that causes ignite. You can run oboro clone for more cc, defense, dmg.2.Pay attention to how the team is setup , if the earth main is front row align your main in the same row, so that you perm sleep and perm cc to death. If not and the earth main is behind gaara, same just cc main, then sleep will handle gaara.3. Pay attention to when Gakido uses his mystery, usually most people use it in the first round to prevent negative effects. Ninjas like tobi , gakido hates because it is back to back ignite.4. Your priority on who to take out is not gakido, gaara. It is jigokudo. Take him out and if you are smart earth main and gaara should be cc'd.You then take out Gakido next. After taking that out gakido , the rest is really easy.5. This is a perfect scenario, please remember that that a human controls the teams. This is just a start and a mock to get you started, but the one thing that is consistent is jigokudo dies first, gakido dies second. Merry Christmas and enjoy your day.
2017-07-24 21:17:50