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2020-09-11 07:51:13
Error talent warrior
Did the opponent had a ninja that removes buffs? cause buff removal removes root
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2020-09-13 23:58:24
new player here
Madara Gnw over sasuke rinnegan for fuku and Naruto 6 path because you're new as he should be pretty reliable for early ninjas exams and overall, Although I would recommend just going for the power pack instead of the 2 ninjas as right now power should be your priority than the 2 base ninjas that aren't useful for you right now
2020-08-22 13:28:35
Which Kakashi [Beheading Sword] +2 Breakthrough?
Standard over the chase. Use it on the standard breakthrough.
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2020-05-10 16:02:31
Sasuke rinne sharingan is weak
Im being baited into this but this is fun Lets go over how control works itachis dream can still trigger it just has a less chance to trigger and judging from that power. That is still a pretty good chance for edo itachis dream to still trigger I've seen 200k people immobile or chaos hit a 340k pos 1 with no trouble so that doesn't really matter. It also seems to be a 2v1 judging from your partners nins, how they are dead already, and the fact your opponent seems quite fine on health and shield this seems to be a 40k power difference and in a 2v1 that doesn't matter as much and the gap is still close enough for them to do havoc on you. 200k and a decent power above 160k would ruin you and with the added fact your pos 1 is out of commission. You also have hit the lucky jackpot of sasuke rinnegans 2 hard counters of ibiki and edo itachi prevent your sasuke from doing jack* which is probably why you got destroyed in that fight And with the final fact that the team you are using with sasuke rinne is honestly horrendous. Gaara and kushina are great ninjas but they don't synergies or help sasuke rinnegan with his problems. Kushina a wonderful pos 1 and alright pos 2 nin but she doesn't offer anything sasuke needs or helps in that regard. You have a dedicated pos 1 with no support. Gaara kage is alright support for wind ninjas except wait Sasuke isn't wind and Gaara takes away 20 chakra to set up his barrier against. Oh god is that a ninja with a barrier breaker you're facing? Roshi well your Gaara is useless and somewhat hindering with kushina not really helping or supporting. Sasuke isn't a ninja like six paths you can throw in anything and expect him to work. He's an excellent ninja but you do still need to put the effort into the right teams for him to really excel. I hope this helps with the fact why your sasuke rinnegan isn't doing so well.
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2020-05-12 02:40:27
Sasuke rinne sharingan is weak
I mean I'm not sure what this picture is trying to show as it looks like you are fighting a 1v2 within about I say a 50-60k range judging by the health which is already enough in a 1v1 with a dedicated pos 1 to win. I'm guessing the 101 has enough power to stay alive so long so he can most likely do some damage to you. The other thing is that's not a really good team for Sasuke rinnegan but let's ignore that.You are 100% right on Sasuke * as a pos 1 tank and his defensive stats * and also the fact that he can be easily controlled, but that's what he's weak against and that normal. He has strengths and he has weaknesses. He can get shredded easily or controlled and stop and those can be very crippling to him but what he excels at? He god* nails it. One is powerful status fear which can ruin EG teams however it is on a 50% chance to trigger which honestly isn't that bad or do chaos which some people do over fear. Two is his buff to crits with a whopping 145% buff with explosive mode and chase. Four is his most important is his ridiculous fast scaling with chakra with the right teams. He c*so choose to just spam mystery instead without the scaling or do the spam with the scaling that's your choice. Five is that he can debuff def which is nice. Six is not as important but the cherry on top is the ability to ignore shield which is wonderful. Sasuke rinnegan is a glass cannon that hits hard except not made of entirely a glass and is more cannon and weakness can be tempered with teams and pos 1 spot focus. He still has that weakness of being controlled but I say that's alright for what he gives and what he does right. You don't need to wait for round 4 for his mystery to start being good cause there are plenty of ninjas that give chakra like the mains.Edo minato is a terrible ninja to compare to because I think most people agree that's he is considered the best ninja right now for those reasons and the fact that both ninjas offer two completely different things.
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2020-05-12 02:40:27
Incoming buffs for Main's Talents
Can you still remove the buffs from the buffed immunities/super armor? Im guessing from the wording you can't since it said it can't be dispelled but im not so sure.
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2020-04-08 22:02:00
Naruto Six path Breakthroughs Finally here
It seems fake due to how the +1s and plus 2s seem cropped in. As from the plus 1 blues and plus 1 purple aren't the same when they should be as china just really recolored them. The y+1 has a bit of green-tinged around it. The purple Y seems compressed or distorted compared to the rest. The blue plus 1s don't seem properly cropped as you can tell comparing his dodge to his chase. It has a bit of white still not cropped out from the +. Im guessing the dodge is from edo minato cropped in as its the only one that seems right and from how the +Y is basically the same with the edo tensei picture as well. Also on how the dodge +1s edges is more softer comparing the other +1s and it also has the proper glow soooo Its probably fake
General Discussion
2020-01-31 01:33:47
F2P Best theme arena team
What SB passive for Iruka?
2020-10-22 23:12:59
[ Noob - Help Counter ]
is the something like this an example team you made or the meme builds you're going against?
2020-01-21 09:54:06
Why is Pain Tendo so slow?
Is his mystery just meant to be that slow?
2019-08-10 08:59:23