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2022-07-28 13:22:07
Oh yeah, a character who is 100% dependant on landing "or" chases on a character who can dodge to be anything more than a paperweight is sure to be dangerous, I mean it's not like oasis already have characters with "or" chases but are too * to make them work and too lazy to even try and fix them and even this is assuming the asura is able to deal enough damage and consistently cripple shisui to outlast shisuis immunity ignoring ignition. Yeah, asura is definitely sure to finally be viable when his breaks are added in 2026, I like where your heads at (!) Sorry for large text, this site seems to resize when typing on the phone and won't let me change it
General Discussion
2022-07-29 01:28:28
Obito Uchiha [Ten-Tails Attachment] Lineups
"standard attack counter based ninja" in a stage of the game where the only front characters you will ever see including in servers that have just opened all have standard attacks that can't be dodged. I know you are just doing your job ice but this post says it all really, when a mod tries to do his duty and summarize this character in an inoffensive way there is still no escaping that he is simply terrible a bottom 10 character put behind a paywall.
2022-07-15 21:59:58
New Event Cycle - 14th of July
I am sorry, this has to be a joke right? Not only is the event selection utterly crap but you have also staggered the dates you add them which is an aspect that not a single player has ever liked and that makes the cycle even less appealing than it already is and the rewards have to be a joke. The worst hiruzen, a useless form of itachi, the worst madara, a free yugito being sold for coupons or ingots, a useless haku not even worth collecting, 2 now useless forms deidara(courtesy of jiraiya), 2 useless forms of naruto , one of the most common pieces of clothing, not enough frags to even recruit izuna let alone 4 star him so that is also useless, a useless jugo and a useless version of obito that you are trying to charge money for when you havent even bothered to fix his chases which by all accounts are still broken which is not only incredibly *my but is also grounds for a refund because anyone who bought him technically did not get what was advertised and you even removed the shisui frags from the special sales... are you kidding? There is nothing, nothing to see this week.. No reason to open hot topics and even less reason to open our wallets. "happy anniversary customers who pay our bills, we would like to thank you for keeping our company alive by offering absolutely nothing,not a single event worth looking at, not a single reason to spend, not a single reason to log in, we will also remove rewards from events and we will not bother to fix any of the broken chases, or the bugs, or the horrendous performance of our client that most toddlers could do a better job of programming.......we offer less than nothing but still expect you to fork out huge sums of money for these useless,unviable and broken characters oh and we will also stagger the dates the events go live just to make sure we thoroughly screw over as many people as possible and ensure anyone dumb enough to give us money gets the lowest possible return for their spending ". Either this is a joke and oasis are putting some real effort into making next weeks anniversary worthwhile or they have given us the single worst event cycle in the games 6 year history for no reason,other than a tedious zero gameplay fetch quest that takes maybe 20 seconds this cycle does not give a single player, free or a spender a single reason to click hot topics even once, at this rate either next week is something special or oasis will once again pass another anniversary so poorly that they will cause yet another wave of players to quit. China is a well oiled machine churning out new servers to meet the demand of its ever growing player base, meanwhile oasis are months if not years behind on merges and clusters and despite doing none of the work and simply re-selling china's creations they are so monumentally braindead they cant keep a single server healthy. China needs more servers whereas oasis butcher this game so badly that one of the most common complaints and questions are people talking about their already dead server needing a merge because oasis never fail to drive away players in their masses.We in the forums dont often agree on something and there are always the plants to come out of the woodwork and try to trivialize the problems and pass the buck, but if you put us all in some kind of virtual meeting and offered us money to design the worst cycle we could think of even as a diverse collective spanning multiple countries working together incentivized by money we could not think up a week as sht as this
2022-07-18 05:27:08
New Event Cycle - 7th of July
Was able to find the answer, courtesy of youtube and some surprisingly friendly people on a discord. kamui mark does neglect immunity but this is still the worst iteration of obito no immunity+ pure nin standard and msytery mean he literally cant harm madara etr + his only durability tool is dodging standard attacks, but all 3 of the 1st pos characters that 100% of players use have standards that cant be dodged + his cd reduction odds are the same as hashi fb <1% = 1 utterly useless obito. Far far far far worse than obito 10 t ( as expected) but also far far worse than obito gnw, worse than obito enraged and no better than obito shonen, nevermind shisui or madara sb, this obito is outmatched by choji gnw and 3 star etr madara, both of whom are given for free to all players, just for logging in. Not that I think anyone here would be tempted in the first place but I can assure you this obito is not worth 2k coupons, let alone $500. Until itachi cs comes along there are no characters currently in the game or that china has that we dont yet that are worth even considering spending a penny for and this obito is at the bottom of that already disappointing pile. Late addition: This thread is already dead but no harm in sharing this just in case anyone stumbles across it but also turns out obitos chase is broken for us, much like angel konan sb. obitos chase says " chases and attacked a knocked down or low floated unit, causes repulse" this doesnt work, he only chases knock down not low float
Amber Alex
2022-07-13 04:18:16
Help build Team Semi-Whale 240k Power
I am not saying these are "meta" by any means, not saying you should use these in space time or gnw if you care about that kind of stuff. But these are the kind of teams I would be throwing together with your options, you got the characters, may aswell try them out, do what nobody in this entire game does, experiment I know you didnt have all of these exact breaks in your screenshots, but im assuming you are still trying, so you may have them by now and if not the lineups still work, my selected ones are not vital to carry the team or anything ^ People seem to forget/overlook orochi having the akatsuki tag, there are plenty of good options with him/kakuzu/male chikushodo/konan variations etc If you just want easy wins or an auto team: an
2022-06-10 00:57:18
New Event Cycle - 2nd of June
im sorry but this argument doesnt hold up anymore. There are already more people with 6p than without so limiting his frags at this stage does nothing to change how boring he made the game. Also the 2 characters that are given free to all new players these days are edo release madara and hashi new year., 2 incredibly boring stall ninjas, one cancels buffs/shields, has a horribly compressed god awful mystery cutscene that takes about an hour and the other is a offensively weak but tanky support character with a control ability, the new player starter kit is easily one of the most boring teams this game has ever seen and I am including def stacking kushi, tsunade reserve seal and 6p teams in that comparison. In fact giving 1 free character immune to pure nin and 1 character who surpresses immunity and controls to all new people means that 6p, while annoying, isnt as big as a threat as he was on release. Lastly you said it is to avoid new servers getting madara breaks "that early"? The server I play in after a long hiatus had been opened for 15 days and would you like to guess what all of the players at the top of the rankings were already using? thats right, sb madara. There are always going to be cowards like those guys, they played and paid in multiple servers but are crap at the game so they run to a new server, * ingots directly on frags and vials for a character they know will allow them to bully literal children so they can stroke their own egos. Sure down the line when the new people get accustomed to the game and events and definitely when a merge inevitably happens then some of those cowards, who are somehow surpassed by the average player in every server they play in despite embodying the "pay to win" mindset and paying their way to easy wins, they will again run away, find a new server and the cycle repeats, but the point remains the same, the people boring and/or desperate enough for 4 star madara will get him, even if that means spending ingots directly. **^ I need to edit this, I initially said that holding character frags hostage across all servers of all ages to try and pretend there is balance in new servers does not make sense and does not work, but from a business standpoint I guess it does. Like I said the guys in my server had madara early, it was not humanly possible for them to have stockpiled coupons to buy him from the rng events his frags dropped in, so from those cowards alone recharging and spending ingots directly oasis must've made a killing, so maybe that is the motivation, whether we like it or not, ignore the majority to encourage the minority to pay more and more so they can temporarily run around new servers with meaningless titles above their heads. Don't get me wrong by the way, if I have to watch 6p stall his way to a 10 round default win one more time im gonna vomit, but this is a game built entirely around collecting, I dont like 6p or madara but I dont think any character should be impossible to collect in a character collecting game, and I don't think the reasons you gave are why oasis is running things this way
2022-06-04 01:56:15
Shisui susano'o/ Ashura/Indra
Update v2: I first asked about shisuis passive 2 Y ability. It is the same as the expensive pain, when hit by a debuff they cancel it and get an extra standard attack. up to 5 a round for shisui and 10 for pain. I noticed a lot of times this didnt work with lightning main players. I thought I had it figured out and that root of warrior was the cause. That root of warrior applying to shisui meant shisuis passive wasnt technically cancelling debuffs so he did not get extra attacks But now I have seen some shisui + lighting main root teams in 3vs3 and the results are very mixed. Sometimes shisui gets extra attacks, sometimes he doesn't. I dont know why. The most succint example I can give is Fu. Her standard attack causes sleep, if shisui does not dodge and that hits him he does not get another attack but if Fu's mystery, which also causes sleep hits shisui, then he does Also, I am not assuming things here, I am only taking in to account the people I know are running the Y and not +2 break and there is no consistency. Am I missing something here or is that passive broken?
General Discussion
paul paner
2023-02-07 19:58:25
New Event Cycle - 11th of February
That's the point, you have been here long enough to know that oasis only see money, they dont even register us players as humans, just numbers in a profit margin. For some reason a lot of people want a return to the most boring period in media history and go back to spamming the most cancerous character ever devised by human minds, oasis smell the opportunity to milk the boring unimaginative players by making it more difficult to get 6p without recharging, ofcourse that's exactly what they are going to do
2021-02-16 18:05:28
New Event Cycle - 11th of February
its actually lower than that. Konan was the exception, it was probably a bug to be honest, 17 people in my server got her and none of them spent more than 2k. there was also one person who got the 40k coupons 3 times and the plant, less surprisingly, got it twice , no way in hell did oasis suddenly decide to be generous with their events, it was completely unintentional But other than one bugged * event, in 4 years no one in my server has ever won a character from there. Dont know if that date is your genuine join date or if thats *t of yours, but the odds truly are lower than 0% in "rng" events here
2021-02-16 18:05:28
New Events Cycle - 31st of December
personal plea, can we please have the nightmare summon ever again? He was released and then removed, been on 78/80 frags for almost the entirety of 2020, its frags are not in lucky boards, no redeemable events and for some reason are not even in the summon optional packs. Thank you
2021-01-06 10:28:37
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