GNW Treasure
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2017-07-24 19:31:35
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2017-07-24 21:19:11
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2017-07-24 21:19:11
Server Merge Updates – Dec 27th
woahh dude!! a lot of this information is totally falsified. Also a huge number of the top 30 have expressed to me after asking them about a server merge that they do not want one at all... A lot of people are really happy with where the server is at right now and only 1 person that I have ever spoken to has expressed that they want a server merge to happen. so please do not make it happen until waay later.Here is the form I filled out with a more accurate account of what is happening on our server.1. Server ID: NY S174: Land of Fire2. GNW participation and group activity: There are only 3 groups that participate in GNW. The winner constantly switches between two of the groups and the last group (Exodus) always gets second runner up. The biggest group of the entire server (Uchiha) used to house all the members of the top 10, however a majority of the top 10 broke off into the number 2 group (Avarinthe), which allowed us to have two big groups in the server. This allows newer players and players with lower power join either group, not having to fear being completely stomped by one group. The activity rate for the number 1 group (Uchiha) is roughly 500+, Groups 2 (Exodus) and 3 (Avarinthe) have an activity rate of roughly 300 and 200 respectively. However recently, group 2 (Exodus) activity rate has lowered to below 200 and they can no longer participate in GNW meaning the two super groups are the only ones that can fight. All other groups don't come anywhere near that. Lately a lot of groups have been dying because more prominent members of those groups are losing motivation to play the game. In terms of group level, the Group 1 is at Level 8, while group 2 and 3 are trailing behind at level 6. Every other group from there is level 3 or below. 3. Sage World Battlefields status:When this event does happen, we have about 30 people participating. From there we will usually get a few people who are AFK. During the Holiday season, we weren't able to have this event, however as soon as the holidays were over, the event resumed. 4. Average power:The person who is currently number 1 is currently level 79 at around 29k power. The rest of the top 10 are in the 24k-29k range as well. Everyone in the top 20 has 20k+ power and the 100th spot is at 10k power. Almost the entirety of the top 10 are paying players, besides maybe 2 or 3 players. A lot of the top players also have smurfs to help donate to their groups or to help them farm arena wins as well since there is hardly anybody searching in arena. 5. Matsuri participation: Like many other servers, after about 20 minutes, nobody is searching and it's extremely hard to queue up. Not that many people participate in this event to begin with.6. Ability to kill Kurama in the World Boss event:Since the opening of our server, we have yet to kill Kurama. The furthest we've gotten him to is to around 7 bars of health left and that was with a lot of our higher power people participating. On average we usually get him to around 12-14 bars of health left. Many of the higher level people do not participate all the time either and even if they did, I still don't think we'd be able to kill him.
2017-07-24 21:22:56