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2017-07-24 19:04:18
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2017-07-24 21:39:38
Arena HELP
yes will reset a set amount stars given per season for reached rank, 6 path with 12, super kage with bout 9. etc.edit: can be checked in season rewards in arena tab. good news will not lose rank level if you lose points in battles. This post was last edited by Oreos at 2017-2-27 12:33
Bugs & Support
2017-07-24 21:39:47
[Strategy Share]
Level 85 Ninja Exam Help
This a little late however I beat it with the earth main with an offensive force I used ninjas like neji, earth main, tobi, and there was one other ninja...Oh gnw kiba lol. so here was the format I guessGNW Kiba, Kiba Clone, Earth Main,*,Tobi, Neji*,*,* lol I dunno how people do it. So the idea was that neji could distract dmg for awhile with his dodge shield thing a ma bob, and Earth main would pile on the resistance with 3rd auto in combo with I don't remember the name of the 2nd mystery but yeah you use that and primary lotus, knockup immunity, hrmm pose of duel and after that it was kinda downhill I had around 20k power-ish more or less but yeah. Sorry if what I say sounds kinda lame lol. I wish I could make this fancy. I believe I used a summon with low float chase but chameleon could probably work as well.Tbh I think tobi and GNW spot are misplaced oops so umm redo of format This post was last edited by Oreos at 2016-9-26 14:21
dark jutsu
2017-07-24 22:07:42
Need help for water main build
So umm, I typed this prior, and it didn't submit so i'm just gonna get straight to the point o.o, so Hinata, kurenai, sasuke and main. Use skills i'd mentioned above prior, Hinata attack first, Kurenai 2nd, Main 3rd and Sasuke last. You can check lineup attack order in Ninja team set up tab menu, by looking at the word "line" tagged onto your ninjas. I've yet to experiment much with this team so good luck. I'll umm wait for a reply lol cause I don't have much of a life o.oOh umm my bad it says move and number lol, and not line. In terms of summons I have yet to look into but a summon that can continue where your combo left off. This post was last edited by 103***@google at 2016-9-3 15:31 This post was last edited by 103***@google at 2016-9-3 15:33
2017-07-24 20:40:42
Need help for water main build
What talents do you use o.o. and what kind of team comp would you like to have? Moreso what are you looking or what do you want to build in terms of combos. Well to get back to the main point if I were you i'd use regenerative healing justu for your mystery and healing jutsu for your attack, neurotoxin, poison tai, and chakra dissection blade. Using these talents you can create a tanky sustained dmg over time. Umm in terms of ninja and summons I'd say have at least 1 tank character like naruto or hinata, instead of just your pains, and a summon that can cause knockdown like gamachu, or in your case that gamaken, so you can combo with the chakra dissection blade, as well as naruto. Umm theres a lot of other things I could say, however I'm not sure what kind of team for which events are you building for, like world boss, ranked battle etc. An overall good comp imo for Azure Fang is using your main as a carry healer support, and building a dmg comp around her.if I knew how to post screenshots I would '-'. This post was last edited by 103***@google at 2016-9-2 07:10
2017-07-24 20:40:42
What would the community like to see?
I would like to see for the summons maybe that we could get points for the summons store for you know our 10 daily summons attempts. Just as a way to have *ternative way for getting currency for the summon store, and each frag could be like 15 or 10 points depending on the quality of the frag, and how much we got from the farm. This way we wouldn't just have to do extremely well in Sage battlefield, but we could y'know Just have a way to farm and ac*ulate stuff, for stores. Oh, I'd like to see like a merge shop where you get points for each day of logging into the game in the benefit hall, where you can merge those points for like magatamas, and Maybe even past GNW ninjas. you know kind of like how Unlimited Ninja has a daily checkin redeem shop that would be neat.
General Discussion
2017-07-24 21:29:18