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2017-07-24 19:44:38
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2020-05-18 12:17:40
Edo Minato Frags
Thanks to Picklejuicy's nice couple events guides, this is easy to find out. His average coupon/frag price is 244 cp. And considering the past month, his lowest price was in lucky stars, that is 221 cp.
General Discussion
2020-05-18 14:09:43
Money transferred for ingots, but didn't get the ingots.
Admins/moderators, please help regarding this problem. I have had this problem since 2 days. I made a form in customer service already. But no reply yet. I've talked with others and many people have this problem.
Bugs & Support
2020-05-19 06:13:01
Convoy bug
This happens when the ninja who supported you, goes offline.
Bugs & Support
Tachibana Saeko
2020-05-24 06:55:07
CVS gift card
It's been over 4 hours for me and I didn't receive ingots. It's not your payment method that is wrong, it's the bugged game. My Konoha Special Sale rebate is fked. Probably Platinum Recharge too if this goes on.
Bugs & Support
Tachibana Saeko
2020-05-17 16:57:43
[Player Guide]
Debuffs - Effects Guide (6.0) - Full Do(c)ument
You were right. Its the same type of immunity. I had this misunderstanding because i saw the fire main cc skill + edo itachi sleep + madara barrier effect on my edo minato. I saw him sleep for 2 rounds. And simply assumed that "immune to all debuff" is different and can be controlled. I tried it today with kushina and she also got controlled. I can only conclude that it has to do with the chakra not being above 40 at the end of r1 that causes them to not regain their immunity but I can't confirm, that, that's what causing it. It might be the madara barrier itself.
2021-09-18 05:09:14
[Player Guide]
Debuffs - Effects Guide (6.0) - Full Do(c)ument
I think there are 2 types of immunity. One is what u get with Roshi, or Kushina Red that is immunity to debuffs which is gained every round. So you cant cc them past one round. And the other is what u get with Edo minato or Itachi ssn, they are immune to all debuffs. Which means they can be cc using suppress immunity + cc skills which last more than one round. This should be mentioned here.
2021-09-18 05:09:14
Recent HK Region Bug Report Thread
Character Name: S451-KuramaUID:200000095665503Bug Location: Hot TopicsBug Description: During the bug problem, I spent 6800 coupon in Sakura Gift and bought 3 Command Flags. I had around 23 friendliness left over. After the emergency maintenance, I lost all friendliness and my 6800 spent coupon in Fuku Rebate reset to 0.Edit: I was going to reach the 8k cp milestone, but if this error is not fixed I don't know if I'll spend. I hope I will be sufficiently compensated for this. Tasks which I completed during the bug problem, are not showing up in my Summer Memories - Activity. Bug Print Screen:
Bugs & Support
2019-05-28 02:11:08
Celebration of release: Konan [Angel of God] – Story contest
It was a windy night near Amegakure, when the sound of firewood crackling echoed in the stale air of the hidden cave where the Akatsuki were camping for the night. Konan was busy sealing the entrance of the cave with paper bombs when she heard Kyusuke sigh loudly behind her. " Why are we hiding like this, Yahiko? Hanzo is a cruel leader. We should free the people of Ame from his tyranny as soon as possible." grunted Kyusuke as he poked at the campfire with his sword. " Violence is not the way to peace Kyusuke. If we topple one leader, another will rise. We need to become stronger before we can make our stand in front of Hanzo and talk it out with him on equal terms." replied Yahiko as he glanced at Nagato for his advice. " We should have accepted the offer of help of that Madara who came yesterday." Said Nagato hesitatingly as he rubbed his aching eye. " Something wrong with your eye, Nagato?" asked Konan worriedly. " It's been aching a lot these last few days." replied Nagato and continued, "though I can't completely trust him. He was too mysterious." " Yeah. Something about him rubbed me the wrong way. Such a powerful shinobi won't help us with no strings attached. We should be wary of such people." mused Yahiko. "Though Nagato's idea does have merit. We need to increase our strength. And now that Root and Hanzo both have their eye on us, it's becoming harder to recruit members." Everyone glanced at each other before they sighed in frustration as Kie poked angrily at the campfire with a spare wood. " I have screened 5 Konoha shinobi who were abandoned by Root and are in Amegakure right now. I can approach them tomorrow." said Konan quietly. Yahiko sighed in relief and said, " Well, leave it to Konan to pull us out of this mess. I hope you are careful on your way there." Konan nodded and volunteered for the first watch. She watched everyone go to sleep and took out a half made paper sculpture of Yahiko. She glanced secretly at Yahiko before she got busy finishing the sculpture. It was almost done and she planned to show it to him after she got back from this trip. As Kie woke up for his watch, she went to bed and dreamed of fun days when she used to learn new ninjutsu from Jiraiya-sensei. The next day soon arrived, and Konan quietly approached the secret hideout of the shinobi. She was pleasantly surprised by the number of traps that greeted her though she easily passed them. She wasn't called Angel of God in Ame for nothing. Just as she was about to reach the place, she suddenly widened her eyes and was about to step back, when she froze in place. She tried to struggle but couldn't move a muscle. A man suddenly appeared from the shadows as he smirked at her. "Don't bother struggling, pretty lady. You're bound by my Red Lotus Seal and you can't move unless I say so." " Guys, come see what I caught sneaking around in the dark." he shouted. The others soon gathered around her. Konan wasn't worried. She could easily break the seal and capture all 5 of them if she wanted to. But she wanted to know if these 5 were suitable for Akatsuki. " These spies are relentless. We have fought back 18 attempts at reconnaisance just this week. Maybe we should relocate." suggested the man holding a sword seriously. " I'm getting tired of it. Let's rough her up a bit and get some intel on our enemy." said the bulky guy. The woman holding the wind fan suddenly moved to knock her out. Konan secretly protected her head with some paper armor and pretended to be incapacitated. These guys are pretty careful, she wondered who their actual pursuer was. Well, it didn't matter much. Now that events had unfolded this way, she could now eavesdrop on them in peace. " Now that she's out, we can discuss what to do now." the wind fan girl said while caressing her fan. " We can't just kill her, she might be an innocent passerby. " said the blue haired woman nervously. " Don't be naive, Azure. That woman walked through 10 layers of my traps like they were nothing. Don't trust her innocent appearance, she's as dangerous as they come. I am siding with Crimson on this. We should do as he says. " suggested the man who had captured Konan. " It's not like we can do as we like. It's likely that she is one of Hanzo's people. And she looks important too. Reinforcements are bound to come soon. We should relocate as soon as possible. What do you say, Breeze?" swordsman solemnly told them. "I agree, Midnight." smiled Breeze. These people aren't half bad. They captured me before i detected them and are clever. They won't be a bad addition to Akatsuki, thought Konan as she wondered when she should stop the charade. " Then we c*l agree..." the swordsman froze mid-speech and immediately released a Lightning sealing slash at Konan. The slash was as fast as lightning and was in Konan's face in no time. Konan realized that she couldn't pretend any longer and flexed her wings before breaking the deal and floating above them all." How did you know ... Midnight?" smiled Konan as she glanced at them. " I was just bluffing, it wasn't a true strike. But who knew... You were truly spying on us." replied Midnight. Scarlet grunted in assent. It was their standard protocol with captives. He was irritated that someone has broken had broken his Red Lotus Seal so easily. " Well now that you guys are done , you should know i could have killed or captured you guys easily." said Konan quietly. " Don't be so sure, paper lady" shouted Crimson as he rushed her. Konan promptly bound him up with paper and threw him on the ground. She stared at the others. " We get your point. We are listening." said Midnight. Azure untied Crimson and healed his bruises as Konan started speaking. " My name is Konan. I have come as a representative of Akatsuki to formally invite you to join us. I have seen that you guys are not affiliated with Hanzo and Root. Also all 5 of you are strong in your own way and formidable together as a team. Akatsuki would be glad to have you join us." said Konan solemnly. " It's fortunate that you didn't come to kill us. We aren't sure we could beat you. And we have also heard about Akatsuki. We would like to have some time to discuss this among ourselves before committing." replied Scarlet as he glanced at others who also nodded. " Fine then. I will send a paper clone with our next rendezvous location to you guys. Till then." announced Konan as she disappeared in a storm of papers. " What a formidable display of ninjutsu." whispered Crimson in a rare show of seriousness. This was the start of how Konan met Scarlet, Midnight, Breeze, Crimson and Azure for the first time. Even she didn't know how this small meeting would be the start of an unlikely friendship.
Naked Snake
2018-05-04 03:40:07
[Strategy Share]
I need help regarding level freeze.
I don't think i would level freeze if that did happen. Cuz myoboku progress stops for f2p if u level freeze. Plus u dont get as many coins. So no eight gates etc etc. But what u suggesting won't happen. The main selling point of SWB is its advanced refines, at the top 3 posns. Otherwise everyone will just check in, fight a battle and leave.
2018-03-03 14:59:56
[Strategy Share]
I need help regarding level freeze.
Ok. If you decide to make a guide plz mention where we get the exp so we can avoid it. Thank you.
2018-03-03 14:59:56