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2019-04-04 17:16:59
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2019-10-14 22:48:57
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2019-10-13 02:43:05
Kabuto sage knock off immunity
i would probably judge that since the immunity is more of a switch that just flips on due to gaining explosive mode rather then the actual immune to debuffs buff it probably just isnt working right due to the coding overlooking it.
General Discussion
2019-10-15 21:20:29
[Player Guide]
Summon points
when you get repeat summons or frags of obtained summons from the summon scroll pulls you will get points based on rarity(a repeat purple summon is 500 points) if i remember right you c*so sell the summon system runes(corrosion/magnet etc.) to obtain them as well
2019-09-30 10:59:38
help stuck on maids genjutsu
some noticable things early on that could help you out. neji is actually a very good ninja if you can 2star him(lvl 40 elite missions should be able to give you free frags on first clears for some of them but your not there yet). he also needs to be in a more forward position either position 1 or position 2 on the team since his mystery is mainly used as an interupt t1 and if you have him position 3 he will not be able to interrupt a ninja in position 1 or position 2. his dodge that he has at 2star is boosted turn 1 meaning if you keep him in the back lines he wont stop much. as a temp replacment front row hinata 2star could kinda help divert damage as well with her mystery allowing her to "dodge" many of the early attacks thrown toward her and has acupuncture on her chase. guy is also a great ninja for early fights since you get a bit of life steal, an attack boost and an interrupt all in 1 ninja that also leaves 20 chakra for another ninja turn 2. the bonus atk from him can let you to fight at slightly above your power for a bit. as for water main shark bomb+the chaos on crit passive in row 2(neurotoxin i think) makes for an excellent early mystery since you can chaos multiple characters and have them fight each other rather then you. chaos also interrupts mysteries as well if they are preparing to cast it. as for the last ninja sakura would give healing,sasuke would bring more damage(and if 3starred brings a barrier that powers up lightning characters like guy and hinata), or naruto brings some clones to soak a few hits. if your unable to beat it even after a few changes all thats left to do is just try to level up and power up some more to do it again later. daily stuff resets at 5am server time allowing for you to do them all again.
2019-09-26 11:55:44
Moon Scrolls
i dont think he understands how it is when you obtain the power of the moon/sun you get it for 1 week from that point on. on monday the limit is reset so you can then aim to obtain the power again by collecting enough moons/suns. its made this way i guess so you dont lose it closely after getting it when the weekly limit resets. having the power of moon/sun wont stop you from obtaining it the next week as it will just update the time limit to 7 days after you obtain it again.(this should count for obtaining the power of sun/moon nodes in season/main char training)
Bugs & Support
2019-09-06 15:55:10
Madara Konoha price?
you need it 4star so its 227*180 = 40860 then you also need to include the vials and protections to that as well(since they will probably be advanced vials) the price will be heavily inflated. the tree is also random on coin give outs so his price can be higher or lower based on luck as you're only guaranteed 1 coin per click this is obviously if your attempting to skill break it if not your more correct which is what most are assuming since its the next ninja going to have that
General Discussion
Akuma Bloodline
2019-09-08 14:27:08
Contracting Scroll?
yup as stated that node is 100% cosmetic and is not needed to advance the cultivation of summons. all that node does for the summons that have contracting scroll cost is allow it to be a follow along pet(in this case youll have a small black crow following you around) it offers no benifits in any way other then just to have a "pet"
General Discussion
2019-08-10 07:45:25
The Price In Coupons Of The Ninjas
from what ive seen prices vary and theres about 4-5 tiers of pricing. the cheapest ones can cost under 2k but they are also only 2star version ninjas(iruka was one of these for me and only cost about 1kish from treasures of the sage when i got it) after that was the cheapest 3star ninjas where it was usually between 4-7kish coupons. the next tier up pushes pricing to 10-12kish(ino summer is in this price range but depending on the event you might get cheaper as last weeks anniversary rocket event she cost from 6771 - 11695 Coupons/Ingots depending on luck) after this theres the 14-20k prices(sosp is usually in this range and when we had the last fateful choice event sasuke[rinnesharingan] was also in this range) and then theres the 20k+ prices. if you join the discord under the event information channel usually they list events with coupon costs to get the ninjas(unless the ninjas on a wheel since thats completely up to luck to get) they also list costs to 4/5star them as well if you have the previous version already there if that matters to you. do note usually if people are intenting to straight out buy a 15k+ ninja its usually best to aim for a fuku deal as well for bonus rewards but its up to you if you dont mind waiting longer and c*so save coupons by getting as many free frags as you can during weeks you dont plan on spending on it.
General Discussion
2019-07-27 03:10:03
[Midnight Blade]
nature cultivation
its at the top left of your talent screen to the left of the select summon *on theres a drop down that you select your nature bonus from(took me a bit to find as well)
General Discussion
2019-07-23 18:01:06