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2017-07-24 19:51:37
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2021-04-09 22:19:44
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2019-08-08 03:00:31
Misbehaviour thread
Name of offender : Haruto Shimura Server ID : S363 Short description of the situation : I sent invite request to world chat asking help for ti ,some seconds pased and my team became full - containd 3 players who are me and 2 others - he - Haruto shimura - asked me to invite him for ti and sa , i refused because the team is full and then he immediatly called me an assholl ... tho he was late and he do not have the right to take someone's place ,someone from my group told me that he is doin this to all others and all i have to do is to black-list him , as i already did Screenshot/s as evidence : (Your screenshot/s must contain entire conversation between all parties involved, time and date. Without it, we won't consider your screenshot/s as real proofs and we won't be able to punish player/s for misbehaviour.) :
Bugs & Support
2022-05-31 10:36:34
Misbehaviour thread
Name of offender : IN THE PICTURE Server ID : i dont know , but im from UK regionShort description of the situation : i was fighting in arena some one uses sasuke [Renne Sharingan] and because i was faster with pos1 he started insulting me and my Mother .. i did not take a screen-shot during the fight coz i was not intersted in what he typed till the battle ended ,he was using fire main with supernova outfit his name is in japanese language soo it's the chat Screenshot/s as evidence :
Bugs & Support
2022-05-31 10:36:34
Server Merge Request - Week of January 1st
Server ID: S369 2. Server Region: UK 3. Server Age: Estimated a year and 10 months (based on date opening to current date) 4. Time taken to kill World Boss: 10 minutes++ 5. World Boss HP on Tuesday 60.1M 6. No. group participating in Great Ninja War: 1-0 7. Average Power Rank Top 5:: 189K - 210K (PowerPoints) , Top 10,:: 123K- 173K Top 20 94.4K - 115.4K we r waiting for a merge for more than a year cmon ..
2019-02-01 16:27:12
why 10 madara frags are in the lucky stars wheel ?
I remember when i spent for shisui what i have that was my big fault then no shisui but madara is useless he is not event ninja i dont remember when he arrived in a event once why not to put 30 frags of a ninja is in the same event is redeemable ?? like edo itachi 20 frags in the wheel and u can redeem his frags in same lucky stars at same week
General Discussion
2019-01-11 21:26:15
Misbehaviour thread
Name of offender :Shèn Server ID : i don't know since im not in merged server yet Short description of the situation :i was playing arena 3v3 with one of my friend we both did not find a third for the team so we started with no third hopefully we can win with random third ,we fought around 4 challenges and we lost them and at the 5th one ,we had a random guy which was( shèn ) he was doing arena with a meme team he used fukumura with sochi japanese rise and kid konohamaru and haku taisho period an he was using thy like he want to lose his feild as fast as possible ,u said why does he uses this team and he speaked out of mh topic and at end of the challenege he said i'm a ga* i'm sure and about to swear i dont know who is that this is my friend' image i could not take one by myself coz i needed to refresh my game and he insulted me with no reason i ll never forgieve for him about that insults ,,my friend told me he saw him in swb with another alt that was having naruto 6p blitz and earth main and 130k power points ..after that i remembered i almost beat the naruto kurama blitz with sharkbomb in swb and arena ....howver he was doing arena all that time and dYs just to insult me ?? lol wtf the image ( my friend's: i'm PAIN ..server 369 time was about 21 at night its naruto online not a Po** website cmon i do hate this freak samples and as i said i ll never forgive for this insult everyone hates this samples who worship p*** loll -_-
Bugs & Support
2022-05-31 10:36:34
Server Merge Request - Week of December 3rd
1.Server ID: S369 2. Server Region: UK 3. Server Age: 1 yeara and 9 months (based on date opening to current date) 4. Time taken to kill World Boss: 15 minutes++ 5. World Boss HP on Tuesday : 35M 6. No. of group participating in Great Ninja War: 1-0 7. Average Power Rank of Top 5, ::178k -205k Top 10, :122k-163k Top 20 : 92k-115k -At most we have 23 players are active at least logs-in a day each week ( some of them are alts ) -We need a merge also because we have no chance to win in x-gnw expect with some luck - we were waiting for a long time for the merge
2019-01-04 17:43:28
Edo Hidan China leak?
it most be photoshop + his passives are unbelievable ! how did u get them ( informations and images ) i just cant believe it
General Discussion
2018-11-12 23:36:03
Server Merge Request - Week of October 29th
1.Server ID: S369 UK (Fifth Raikage) 2. Server Region: UK 3. Server Age: Estimated a year and 8 month (based on date opening to current date) 4. Time taken to kill World Boss: 9 minutes++ 5. World Boss HP on Tuesday : 50M 6. No. of group participating in Great Ninja War: 1-0 7. Average Power Rank of Top 5,172K - 182k Top 6-10,.115k-152k top 11-15100k-110k Top 16-20 :85k-93k (almost) players under 20 rank are inactive and dont play at all we are waiting for the merge and thanks
2018-12-04 14:44:56
Misbehaviour thread
Name of offender :E*D ( as i see & can write through my keyboard)Server ID : I don't know since im not in a merged server Time : 31\10\2018- about begining 13 PM server timeShort description of the situation : was doing my dailies and faced this guy and he started typing when the battle started Screenshot/s as evidence :
Bugs & Support
2022-05-31 10:36:34
Server Merge Request - Week of October 15th
1.Server ID:S369 (Fifth Raikage) 2. Server Region: UK 3. Server Age: Estimated a year and 8 months (based on date opening to current date) 4. Time taken to kill World Boss: 7 minutes++ 5. World Boss HP on Tuesday : 50M 6. No. of group participating in Great Ninja War: 1-0 7. Average Power Rank of Top 1-5::165k-180k power points Top 6-10,::115k-150k Top 11-15 :100k-110k Top 16-20: 84k-95k we need merge we are " dying " and we need a merge we suggest to be merged with a server have not merged yet or a couple of merged groups if you can some of my friends left the game and it gets bored realy and not fun as i was playing because i (and some other people) don't find a way to form a team with another one because he is AFK or does not want to join with me for some reason i don't get it ( as i think) and some players quit the game and gave others thier alt because they won't play it again for some reasons or some others creat an account just for the weekly TIs and SAs . earliar we did not need the merge because the server was quite good for us Recently we realised that we so much need a chance of merging, but a few number of players send the request.. My regards
2018-10-30 12:42:52
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