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2018-10-10 01:33:19
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2019-10-26 02:26:36
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2019-10-26 02:18:57
Breakthrough materials priority?
yeah thats my train of thought. some of them I would say incredible luck, because these are the same players that have got multiple characters from rng events. One in particular has "won" 7 and even if they did spend on events it wasnt a great deal, because if they were spending lots on each "random" event then they would have also gotten enough power items aswell so they wouldn't be so far behind the rest of the group....... which is utter bs, but I cant say too much here for the known reasons. and also for unmentionable reasons, I dont talk to the guys in oasis' pocket that's why I wanted to make this thread, wanted to gather more opinions than just the few in my server. to weigh up the opinions and see f it would be more practical to not pay attention to breaks and in events focus on other things
General Discussion
2019-10-25 20:49:27
Breakthrough materials priority?
ah, I have been told by a few people they got his good break, for relatively cheap too, sub 50 vials, but yeah as I said the vast majority of us seem to need to stock up yet more frags to be able to use a character we already spent months collecting frags to recruit and get 4 star. Just disheartening really, ive got a cool character, could be versatile, could give me some vague chance against the mindless horde of 6p teams, but I cant reasonably see a way for me to make him viable within the next year, and thats a conservative guess
General Discussion
2019-10-25 20:49:27
Cant use minato jonin card
was just about to make a thread asking to fix this. his card has been broken since january of this year, maybe earlier but I can remember that scrublord, or iamscrublord guy something like that, asking the mods about this all the way back then for definite, can you please address this oasis? a lot of us got him to high level and then when we tried to swap line ups we haven't been able to equip him since. thank you
Bugs & Support
2019-10-25 01:57:29
How to get 5k Sun scrolls f2p??
while this is true I guess timing plays a part in it, I can say right now, with no word of a lie, that the "weakest" person I have been "matched" against in a pvp event in the past month is blankbroeder with his 411k or so power. Even in an event where we are put on even level, 100, and only tool stats matter, I still cant hope to get 3 wins facing guys with init and rosters like his, even if I was the best player in the world, there is still only so much chiriku can do against ten tails obito, bee 8 tails with full sb etc etc
General Discussion
2019-10-22 11:45:15
How to get 5k Sun scrolls f2p??
yeah, was hoping there was something I was overlooking though. was hoping there was a way to speed up the process at least a little bit. but I guess this is my best bet. Thank you
General Discussion
2019-10-22 11:45:15
Sakura's gift
I would agree with this, my server has been dead for a long time, the only people I can even try to challenge are the few megawhales I can never hope to beat, all over 500k power, yeah, guess zero items from this event for me this time too.
General Discussion
2019-10-18 20:07:32
Events Cycle - October 17th
dont know whether to admire or be frustrated with oasis unbridled *ity. I mean it takes real dedication to handle a game as badly as humanly possible for 3 consistent years, and make it reach a point where even long term players have thrown in the towel and what should be a big deal ( these event topics) get on average a mere 4 pages of replies.... and still oasis choose, to throw extortionate event after extortionate event out there and pat themselves on the back as if they are doing a single thing right. I mean lets be frank oasis discussions must generally be like something from a terrible sketch show: "Should we actually read the event feedback forms "- Nah "should we offer some small token of apology when WE mess up, again"- Nah "should we listen to a single suggestion from our customer base"- Nah "Should we lower event prices, so more people can partake, instead of only the top small percentage who can afford to spend more on a game than most people do on their mortgage" -Nah "should we add some of the breaks that should have really been available a long long time ago," - Nah "should we update the strange stone shops so there is a single there worth getting" -Nah "should we address the login issues people still experience 3 years into our "development" -Nah "I know, I know, lets ignore every single thing the people who pay our wages say and relentlessly shove pay events down their throats until we drive away the last of them that are willing to spend here" "bravo, good job, its the obvious choice and certainly not the dumbest way to mishandle a business" " one character for over $2000, genius" "ofcourse, adding unobtainable characters to a character collecting game that is absolutely the best way to give incentive to all of our customers" "that's how business work right? that's how we ensure longevity of our product, keep the customer base around and keep money flowing our direction?" " yes, that is how business work, we certainly are not doing the most idiotic things time after time after time, no, we are a smart and capable company and not at all a joke"
R Zamani
2019-10-22 01:12:19
liven up the game
unfortunately in terms if making things more lively this game will never be fixed. 1: they will never implement a matching system with a shred of logic to it and matched based on power instead of the absolutely * level matching, a lot of the bigger spenders would not be happy, they are not all like this by any means, but from almost 3 years of *ing around most of them seem to pay to not play the game, they spend so much and level freeze,and * to pre-set bland teams, specifically to avoid competition. if you make them play against each other and actually have to try, it would not go down well. 2: the power matching would make a difference to how lengthy matches could be, but you would still face effectively clones,as meta will always rule, at any given time there are a minimum of 90% of the playerbase using identical lineups. I wholeheartedly agree with your suggestions, but it will forever be a monotonous game due to how boring we as a player base are.
General Discussion
2019-10-14 03:07:15
Horrific performance since maintenance.
Hi, done, done and done, unfortunately no joy. Still stuttering the worst ive experienced personally. Also, little off topic, but between trying numerous times and in various browsers and the mini client to see if its an app specific issue. is the "click the left icon if you encountered black screen troubleshooting issues." *on supposed to do anything? or is it purely there for decoration ?
Bugs & Support
2019-10-11 12:50:51
Sanin Youth Pack - Goldfish event compensation
I see. sounds exactly the same as the sasuke/sakura thing, but this time oasis wont even put on a facade and pretend to give a crap. Not surprising in the least, but good to know how it will play out I suppose, so thanks for clarifying the "screw you playerbase" outcome
General Discussion
2019-10-18 16:07:38
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