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2017-07-24 19:17:19
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2021-03-09 17:28:38
Misbehaviour thread
they won't do anything for you. I've written an essay, sort of speak, and they deleted it without fact checking it and taking the message into consideration. Please do not report anything, since it would be a waste of your time.
Bugs & Support
2022-05-31 10:36:34
Misbehaviour thread
Name of Offender: GohanSonofGokuServer ID: S96 (and S100)Description: In discussions with and/ or on advise of a moderator, i've decided to repost the message concerning a misbehavior threat. In the enclosure / the image you'll see the correspondence or communication with a rival player who's been misbehaving. This particular player called S96GohanSonofGoku has been misbehaving for at least a year now and this argument has led me to file a report against him. You can see that he's starting by offending a group mate and telling him that he will have * with his mother. This message is demeaning and disgusting. This had forced me to defend my team mate, as you can see in the image. This image also proofs/ shows evidence that he uses alt accounts for taking advantage in the game as well as sending people messages in the negative sense. He's controlling these accounts and a couple of players (including other groups) wants him banned for misbehavior as well as cheating. Main offender:S96GohanSonofGokuHas access and uses alts:S96MrZS96ZerronimoS100TrunkNephewofGokuS96 or S100GotenSonofGokuS96 or S100Engel PS 1: i've obtained the image from a fellow player: when you see the word "You" , it refers to the other player.PS 2: at the end, the offender pretends to have access to the account of Kureigu in order to frame him. Last mentioned name is my group leader and i know him privately. This is a lie to cover up the earlier mentioned messages, since he was caught admitting he uses alts..
Bugs & Support
2022-05-31 10:36:34
Misbehaviour thread
Hi, There's a gamer called S96GohanSonofGoku, who is misbehaving several months, maybe a year by now. I always ignored him, because he likes to taunt after winning at GNW, so I really don't mind. Now occured a problem where he was telling a group mate that he have * with his mother in a demeaning way. I can't accept this. Im a long time gamer and I don't want this server to end due to 1 gamer. I sincerely and urgently call upon you to ban this player, because he was warned in the past, but OASIS did nothing to find a solution to his recidive behavior. He has at least 5 alts accounts and he uses them to his advantages, S100TrunksNephewofGoku, S96Zerronimo, S96MrZ, and a couple more. I enclosed an image to show you proof that he is operating these accounts. The main problem still is that he is making gaming very unpleasant and a warning will not help. A couple of group mates and I (big spender/investers) are even considering stopping playing or investing in this game if he stays on. We want some action from OASIS and a mediation talk won't help. Btw, the image was sent to me by a group mate to show you that Gohan started to attack one of our group mates. He wanted to be smart by saying my group leader Kureigu is his alt, when Kureigu and I are friends on discord and he is stronger than Gohan. You can see who he logged in on his IP-server to confirm what i said is true.Yours faithfully, Majestic
Bugs & Support
2022-05-31 10:36:34
Receiving sun scrolls
Yes, I was max on suns scrolls. If that´s a problem, should i wait with claiming it, maybe wait for reset on monday?
Bugs & Support
2020-09-14 12:37:06