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2019-04-07 17:43:32
Boy lost in Flames and Power of the Sage: Event Cycle - 29th of November
3000 us dollars for...pixels?? you can add all fighters in the game in that pack, its still 3000 us dollars for some data from a game.Christmas its near, i would hope some gift to us for our loyalty, not the other way around.If money speaks lowder why don't you try to fish new people to recharge instead of losing the old p2w with this kind of offers?What's next? pay 10 ingots to login?Surveys are worthless, the more you complain the more you ask for money.
2018-12-06 15:42:41
Event Cycle - 1st November
Good morning.Daily missions: you need 1000 stamina to do 2 (supposed) free daily missions, everyday.Last event people complained about events and you put platinum event, this event we have...platinum event again.Dancing capsule= Lucky Wheel, its a pit where you through away coupons if you are willing to take the bait.Sakura event still at 20 coupons per foodstack when people have complained since the awfull accident with sailor sakura and sasuke playboy packs.Even lucky frog wich was an event that i always did, now there is no actual reasonable reward for me to recharge, there is no good combo like crazy slot machine+ froggy, or that lucky wheel that gives "free" draws with recharge ingots, there is only that daily spend event with the oils, where if you are at lv 12, you could recharge 5k ingots for froggy event and you could claim only enough oils to rise 1 lowsy level...5k, wich is some serious recharge.Charm event: a free event, awsome, but for some reason, the fullest reward was at 500 charms spend, and recently its at 1000, even free events are beeing slowly changed so you need an "extra" (call it recharge if you want) effort to reach that amount.Lucky sntch: like lucky wheel but worst, its more expensive, you can't redeem points and you dont have free draws.Colorfull ballons: it was always an awsome event but check the prices and prizes you put now, you can only redeem oil at reasonable price but its worthless when you need over a 100. Where is magatamas or charm items (when this week its charm evnt) at reasonable price?Only activity bag its cool.As for the new feature, we had a new one 2 weeks ago, i would prefer more ninja exams, more ultimate training, a new TI.For the past months this game his changing its course, ofc big whales are cool with it but this don't give me food or a floor on my feet therefore i dont need to keep paying and i stopped last month until i see a good change (wich i know it won't happen).
2018-11-06 01:19:28
New Event Cycle - October 18th
Good afternoon.The free events are awsome like always, like plate event, cave event and even wishing lanterns.The recharge event....a fighter its worth 600 US dollars? I think everyone lost the grasp from reality, even if i recharged 100 dollars (wich is some serious recharge for just a game) i would get nothing worth 100 dollars.I've use all the surveys complaining for the latest tendency on using fukumaro 20k ingots/coupons to get full rewards and this recharge event of 30k ingots to get full rewards, its crazy, there are rents cheapier than this.I've recharged every month a good amount of money but i see now that my surveys are useless, you just don't care about about this kind os complaints.From now on, i am a free player, i will keep enjoying those free events but i won't even recharge jonin medal.Good luck to those who can spend 600 dollars on this events...
2018-10-22 08:39:33
Official Statement - Bugs and Problems October 4th
+1 to everything.People like me can do something about it though, wich is to close our wallet.Besides the 5 star sailor sakura and suit sasuke, think the amount of frags 1 person could refine to get a 5 star Iruka for example, how is a limited amount of packs fair at the beggining when there was a bigger amount of pack to be redeemed?I never had a problem here, personally i think inside people like Daiske and others try to do their best, however i've noticed that lately, recharge and spend events are taking serious numbers, like spend 600 US dollars (30k ingots) to get 1 fighter, i've used your surveys to express my unhappiness, and truth to be told i won't recharge 10k ingots to get only 20% fragments of 1 fighter, and that tells me that you should take serious your ninja opinions, specially those who recharge.Now, lets give time and wait for day 10 to see what will they do, and i will repeat myself, anything besides the same amount of packs and prices like some people got it will be decisive for everyone (specially for me). When you make a mistake, you learn from it, you don't erase it.Lets give Oasis team time until day 10, so they can focus on doing the only right thing to do.Best reggards, SirL
2018-10-09 16:10:38
Official Statement - Bugs and Problems October 4th
If that works how you say it does, i would be indeed satisfied.I don't want nothing more, nothing less, than the same prices and packs, enough to reach 5 star with sasuke suit and sailor sakura, like some players got to redeem.I will trust that their final decision will be that one, and that we will have 1 day and not 1 morning to enjoy it.
2018-10-09 16:10:38
Official Statement - Bugs and Problems October 4th
If people upgraded a 3 star sailor sakura to 5 star with a specific price per fragment, then i want the same stuff, including the same fragments that were allowed to redeem in the beggining. If you, my dear mate, are happy with reedeming even 1 fragment less, at the same price, in comparison with those who redemeed all they needed, then be my guest, i just want that everyone gets to play with the same basic resources, wich is the same event features for everyone.
2018-10-09 16:10:38
Official Statement - Bugs and Problems October 4th
I appreciate your fast answer.However i didn't receive wrong the information, since my mates got sailor sakura and suit sasuke frags for very cheap price, when i, in the other hand, cannot enjoy that initial price.You (OAsis staff) fixed a supposed bug where some mates, rightfully, exploited and now they have 2 fighters at 5 stars at a really low cost (when my sailor sakura costed me near 5k).It's not about ingots nor coupons, i only claim the same benefits that lucky players got by beeing here at a specific time.It's a messed up by programmers, yes, it's bad for business to give away "free" stuff, yes, but if 1 player exploited that, then you (the responsables for the situation) must take responsability and give that initial condition (prices, redeem fragments) to all players so everyone gets to play the same game.Since this is a thread to hear some oppinions, i gave mine, Daiske you don't need to answer me about this issue, there should not be a discussion neither, there must be the same events for everyone, regardless the time they are online.I was looking for a game where i can work, live my life and have a break in here, i spend money because i liked how this game was focused, it was well designed and everyone has the same features. If in the end of day 10, the people who didn't exploited that bug, will get anything that is not the same as those fragments at low cost, then i get the picture how your team will face future mistakes and this is not worth it, for me, to keep investing money.If i see that consolation prize, i will keep playing since there is no need to quit only for that, but i will be a free player.I appreciate your time reading my comment Daiske,Best of luck on your decision, SirL
2018-10-09 16:10:38
Official Statement - Bugs and Problems October 4th
Good afternoon.I came from work yesterday and i was shocked to hear my friends talking about an amazing event that literally gave them, almost for free, a lot of fragments for sasuke suit and sailor sakura, i asked wich was that event and they told me " its already gone, it lasted one morning"...Event week must be for everyone like it has always been, people have school or go to work, we don't need to be here 24/7, that beeing said, how do you think that people like me, who didnt enjoy this "gift" feel like? I wasn't gone for 1 month, i was away 8h and i see how this event gives advantages to some lucky mates.There is no possible compensation, or a possible second prize, the only thing you can do is to put that "gift" for one day for those who didnt enjoy it, if you don't think its fair for your business i understand but you, like everyone else must take responsabilities from their mistakes and not erase them.I'm a recharger player, that is my own business what i do with my money, but one thing is for sure, if i'm treated different because i'm at work and not playing 24h in here, then i shall stop my recharger.As a customer, i will appreciate a private message if you (moderator) feel the need to explain me anything you like in private.Yours truly, SirL.
2018-10-09 16:10:38
My feedback for zenith
Same fighters, same summons, similar opponents, nice rewards.I would only change the schedule time, 2 hours in a specific time, at working days, its not good for everyone who wants to join.Either way, good feature for every player, despite if its p2w or f2p, well done Oasis.
General Discussion
2018-10-04 08:34:01
Server Merge Request - Week of July 24th
1.Server ID: 920 sweeping of manda2.Server region: UK3.SErver age: around 3/4 months4. Time to kill world boss: 13/15 min5. World boss on friday: around 45M 6.Number of group participating: 2, sometimes 1, depending on activity rate from the other group7. Average power (note: average power its not real since there is a lot of innactive player like the top4 for example, among others) top5:60k top10:57K top20:41kPlease, keep in mind the posts #43 and # 50, where two servers similar to mine are asking for a merge as well, the3 of us could make a good server since we are very alike in timeplayed, zone UK, and similar in power.Best reggards, SirL.
2018-08-07 12:48:06
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