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⚙ Lexa
⚙ Lexa
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2019-04-18 23:06:53
Version 6.0 - Preview
Yeah, Luminai, cretude is right. Ronin Naruto's Standard is pure Tai. Just a mistake on KP. If in doubt, feel free to look up the Ronin Naruto vid, say, by WhiteFang and pause on the untranslated section. Mystery is Tai 体 and Nin 忍 while his standard is only Tai 体. Chase is both.
2019-04-24 19:18:56
Version 6.0 - Preview
Ronin Naruto hits 2-4 enemies with his standard, he attacks by default with his standard twice, if he kills someone he attacks again with his standard, and every time he uses his standard he gets a self buff of 5% to Attack. His chase (he chases twice) also increases his attack by 5% and Combo by 12%. His mystery hits 7, and causes Tag and knockdown to selected. There's also the Attack and Ninjutsu buff to anyone with full life in the same (I think vertical) row as him. The tl;dr is, right now, he's broken AF. People think they're tired of 6P mystery, bored even? Wait till you get "Ikuze!"d to death.
2019-04-24 19:18:56
Version 6.0 - Preview
Yeah, except China has balanced Sage. XD So loads more people actually do it, I would think.Granted, some here would throw a total fit, but in my limited experience in China's Sage, everyone's level 100, I'm thinking maybe only ini carries over--again, not sure, Sage over there is at a weird for me locally time--and it's down to the ninja you have and the skill with which you use them. My totally F2P team over there spanked a Pos 1 Edo Hiruzen team. What would normally be a one shot, my team took, and then won. That said, I still only had a 3 win streak that time, and it's a good team. My team was limited to around 2.5k power as a result, and the bulk I fought were around 2.6k. My power isn't the highest there by any means, but not that low, I assure you.I'm fairly sure there's still the difficulty of finding a more fair fight in Bonds or Mat, as was brought up. Not sure at the moment about stuff like Training Grounds, need to hit it more over there. Arena still has crazy matching. But the 3vs3 bug is fixed. lolAlso, it is kind of a thing not seeing us getting Tsunade's SB book shop as definitely coming. Or the Anbu guy's kosher official partial auto complete tasks menu (take that advertising bots, Anbu guy is official and free consumable cards via doing stuff to use him). Or the East Konoha shop with, among other things, good ninja frags like 2 to 5 at a time (just got my Anbu Kakashi there that way, and Cheongsam Tenten not long before that), and 20 frags per deals for those with Jonin medal (and not garbage ninja either, think Edo Tobirama, think G. Kakuzu and such). Like, it's not game balance breaking there, I don't know that the absurdly good books can be pulled, but rather bought in her shop for coups or seals, depending. And some of the more rare books are still in events. Command flags aren't in shops, but events or event shops for an average of 2,000 coupons. Just like all Myoboku items and Training Potions are in Grocery shop, but not training pills or command flags.People who can't save still will have issues there, so whales can relax about that if it all came over, but it's not a game breaking chasm. Whales can still whale away and have their contests in Space-Time hitting 1 million in power, etc etc etc, casual players can have fun and be enticed to spend here and there. Also, free 5 star GNW Konan on login for a certain grouping of days was a thing. Got 80 frags per, 3 day trial Jonin medals each time, command flag frags, and your basic coins. Not game breaking, GNW Nagato and Yahiko weren't like that, either coups or ingots I believe (one or both may have on debut been ingot only, but nothing outlandish per frag), as with Ibiki, ingots at first in event, then later on 150 coups per frag in events contrasted with free by event 3 star Mizuki. Not like everything gets handed to you on a silver platter, whales still duke it out with crazy power and rare ninja, but more people can do more events, not get too discouraged, and still get some decent stuff.
2019-04-24 19:18:56
Why is Ino 300$ in U.S. but free and obtainable at 2 stars in China?
People are bound to make comparisons. What's over there eventually--mostly, not sure on some things like the Anbu NPC auto menu--find their way here. It's really not *that* strange. We still wind up with moments of game still popping up in Chinese, and occasionally German. lol Sure, Tencent vs Oasis versions, and some regional variants on features or delayed or tweaked rollouts of features. But again, the comparisons? It's gonna happen, like it or not.But in the interests of fairness, some ninja, like Summer Ino, had their kits adjusted a good while after rollout there. People like me and a bunch of others still got her free to 3 stars or higher there, but then again, I also got a free 5 star Young/Third GNW Konan from logins through... I believe 4 separate claims, think it was during a X-Y date range each time.
General Discussion
2019-03-29 18:01:04
Event Cycle - March 28th
Sis ("nee-san"? XD). lol But yeah, never know, some aren't aware. I get they do things differently here, again "different teams." And some say the comparisons shouldn't be made, but most of the same features, ninja etc, if behind comparing there vs here, so it's gonna happen. Like I told some idiot advertiser off in game for something that's an actual feature over there, that's I think free or near about (still getting used to it). There's definitely still ingot only ninjas in events there, at least those events. But I expect they'll find their way eventually into free events.
2019-04-04 12:22:40
Event Cycle - March 28th
Sigh. Yeah, about Summer Ino. And I know, I know there's going to the "other team" thing. Anyway, getting that out of the way preemptively...So, over in China, Summer Ino debuted totally free. Best I can recall, no star difference either, unless I got enough free frags to star her up in another event (might have been the shuriken target event soon after). Saying that as I just looked over there, and I do indeed have her at 3 stars and have spent zero actual money on China. The lowdown is, there was an event there, can't recall exactly what it was *precisely* but it was in Hot Topics, you clicked on the event, it took you to a page, you narrowed down your server range, then exact server, and character to get started. And if I remember right it was one of those Do Stuff In Game, Get Points, then come back to that Event--which took you to another page--and use those points to get the multiple frags and recruit her. And don't think it was quite as time intensive as the current one over there of that variety, Mizuki, who you kinda do a similar task based reward. Although, thinking back on it now while replying, think that was a get points event, pick a... flower? I think? And the different flowers with varied points on click, that helped you maybe get other points to put toward her. Anyway, it was pretty straightforward that even not reading Chinese I figured it out. Not saying everything is sunshine and rainbows there, but being honest about what was a totally free ninja.
2019-04-04 12:22:40
Sakura's gift event have a error
Same bug here on S648 Demon Fox. Just sent message to CS. Had hoped it would clear up in a day or so, but just checked again. And nope. Still the same bloody mission from Sakura that's bugged, not even letting me get a different one. ~_~ And since they upped the price of her food sacks, as if that alone weren't bad enough, anyone like me with the bug is getting screwed even more. ~_~Edit: Just to add, after seeing the above reply, I've done this on my server and that didn't happen for me. I just got the same error message, nothing else.
Bugs & Support
2018-10-08 04:54:09
Event cycle - 26th of July
Sannin War Orochimaru for monthly? Really? Ooooo-k. Way to go, folks. Again. Last longer term useful monthly I got was GNW Hinata. Look, the fluff characters are nice *for a laugh,* but over in China? Yeah, I got *two* great, correction, fantastic, free ninja between July and August during events; Summer Ino, and Shizuka. Anyone not aware of their skill kits, look them up. Shizuka may be from a filler episode, but yum her skill kit. And Summer Ino is probably the best variant of her there is right now. Players who also play on China got a very nice gift in just those two ninja, while we get a well worn, sweepable ninja, and last month's GNW Kankuro (could be better, could be worse, but I don't use him outside some Exams, really), and Shizune before that. Could say more, but, eh? Anyone who's been playing long enough, on both (or more) versions will understand, deeply, what I'd be saying and could guess with likely high accuracy what the issues I'd raise would be.
⚙ Lexa
2018-08-01 18:51:19
New Event Cycle - 14th of June
Seriously. Anyone who does play, and can deal with the issues of China (obvious language barrier, time limit unless you dig deep and fix, and *ty servers), really ought to give it a look. They just got a new summer Ino variant (not swimsuit), that's on top of the various others we're likely A) ages from getting and B) probably screwed on how to obtain them. Then there's, I think, Rikudou Sennin Mode Naruto, and similarly, with Madara. Plus Susano'o Kakashi, among others. The roster there is larger, and some of which, at least, like the new Ino, or I think Ramen Naruto, and Christmas Sakura were event ninja you could easily obtain. Somebody dedicated on there could grind and get harder to get characters from pulls here, like Sage Naruto (can do there 750 gold shuriken coins, limit of 5 per day). There I'm close to having all the Pain except Tendo. And *he* can be obtained easier too. I just don't like seeing people screwed over what is ultimately just a game, and one that should be fairly accessible, and fun for everyone. I know whale players can be taken down by F2P, but it's unduly difficult here, when a lot is down to dumb luck/drop rates, and much longer grinds.
Dacien Del Sol
2018-06-20 21:28:11
New Event Cycle - 14th of June
This, so very much this. Frankly, it's downright insane to expect anyone to pay this kind of amount for 1 character on 1 game. China is doing it right, like I said. And I'd guarantee people get a lot more enjoyment out of it, and that's ultimately the point for players, isn't it? For those kinds of real money prices, people could go out and buy a console, or upgrade their PC, and possibly still have money for full games. I feel bad for players, overall, not just those of us who are F2P (or mostly F2P), but P2W too, because everybody is getting gouged at such costs. You earn more long term by keeping costs low, and expanding and keeping userbase.
Dacien Del Sol
2018-06-20 21:28:11