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2017-07-24 19:55:35
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2022-08-24 00:30:46
New Event Cycle - 25th of August
Seriously who thought this was a good idea for the North American market. Don't get me wrong it still creepy even in China but more so that someone at Oasis honestly thinks this is a good idea to bring over to the US without modifying it to be more in line with American values.
2022-08-30 20:38:45
New Event Cycle - 5th of May
So are we even going to get comped for Mission mobilization just disappearing this week, or is Oasis just going to pretend that the only decent event last week didn't give anything to the player, because most people wait until the last day to open the boxes or spend the points. So many players went through all the trouble of doing missions and got absolutely nothing out of it. Perhaps a pack given to everyone with a choice of fragments and items that a player could have gotten had the event worked properly. I know 5 frags isn't a whole lot but mission mobilization is one event where a lot of people piece together ninjas gradually.
2022-05-10 05:58:07
New Event Cycle - 2nd of December
2021-12-08 12:09:01
Mac users- how to play Naruto Online after flash shutdown
Any ETA for the client for Mac users? I'm not a Mac user but one of my seniors is my group is and she is very important to us as a player and a person. I hope it is soon because I'm not sure Oasis is really committed to helping Mac users other than vague answers of it is coming. OK when? The senior in my group is one of the pillars of my group and a human factor of why the hell some people still get up everyday to play a game that has screwed us over repeatedly over the years. Losing players like that is how servers die Oasis. My server and group is one of the most active in my server cluster. We die and our cluster starts to die. Not that Oasis seems to care. Please fix this issue or ban me or don't ban me from the forums. Either way I have said what I have to say. At least give us some actual answers because it doesn't matter whether or not I can post on these forums to me. Other than the players I speak with and hang out with everyday this game died for me a long time ago.
Bugs & Support
2021-01-14 09:09:52
Event Cycle - December 20th
Really Oasis want me to waste scrolls on treasures that I already have all the ninjas out of. That is a waste of scrolls. On top of that no Edo Jin treasures or Skillbreaks that should have been in the game for months. I have not recharged in months now and I won't until you start to correct your game. I used to recharge a little every month. Now I don't feel like I want to. On top of that my server has needed merged for months and nothing is done about it. Is almost like you want the game to die at this rate.
2018-12-26 04:26:48
Version 5.0 - New System Introduction
Is there a reason that Oasis is holding back most of the scrolls? I had almost all the ninjas in the few scrolls they are releasing maxed months ago. I have been asking, and looking forward to the scroll system for months now. Then Oasis just takes a giant dump all over my hopes, and expectations for the system. Literally went only up to Pain's invasion. I maxed all my Pains short of Tendo months ago. Can't take it even a scroll higher where the Danzo, Mifune, Oonoki, Hanzo or Chojuro would be. Ninjas I see people actually use that would be nice to star. I have had it Oasis. Don't expect any more money from me. I was looking forward to the scroll system just as much as I was the moon shop.
diego andres h
2018-12-11 12:15:01
Event Cycle - 9th of August
Wow not even attempting to pretend like there are F2P events this week. No Missions mobilization nothing. Usually when the Activity Lucky Bag is in the events we at least get Mission Mobilization. This week they give us the Sakura's gift event that no one likes. Really Oasis are you even trying to make good events anymore? No new system, no new skill breaks, nothing. I have played this game a few years now and honestly your excuses for most of the missing features, and skill breaks are starting to wear thin. I know you guys like to pretend like US players don't know that other versions of the game exist, but do you guys really think we are that gullible? Though based on the amount of whales that still spend I guess some are. I stopped spending a few months back and I won't spend another dime until you guys get your act together.
2018-08-15 21:31:59
New event cycle - 17th of May
Is Oasis even trying anymore? Nothing for F2P. And a limited time TI? Why not a new TI that is here to stay? Not sure about everyone else but I have been able to solo even the highest TI for a long time now, and I am not P2W. I do them as a team now only to help others with them. And Activity bag wow I can get a bunch of low level threads refine runes and cloth that I can't use anymore, and haven't been able to use for well over a year and a half. New skillbreaks are always nice keep those coming because we still have a lot of them missing that other versions of the game have. So many features missing that are not in our game as well. Any new features planned for this month or was a new temporary TI the feature? Oasis needs to stop pretending that all versions of the game exist in a vacuum. People are not * and know when we are being *ed around. I play China so I know there are many things there that help the F2P. Why does Oasis not introduce those here? Is it because it will hurt their bottomline?
2018-05-23 20:19:16
[Player Guide]
Summon Mystery Guide
Completely useless in current state. Forces your main to fire a mystery you may not even want to fire to use it. And the timing is wonky. Maybe I don't need that heal on this round and want to save it. Or maybe I wanted to fire a different ninja than my main this round and don't have the chakra to use both. Who thought it was a good idea to tie this to your main using their mystery? Also useless for countering dodge teams like many people I know swore this would be capable of doing. Because 90% of the Shisui teams in arena are on auto anyway. And will fire much faster than you can. Nice try Oasis but this needed to bake in the oven a bit more
2021-01-30 11:47:12
Server Merge Request - Week March 27th
This is the only game I have ever played where the players actually have to ask for merges. Is it to much to have an automatic merger schedule Oasis? Maybe 4 to 6 months for the first merger a server has, then every 3 to 4 months afterwards? Then you wonder why even money players are quitting or not spending anymore. Because of stuff like this. I used to be a casual spender Oasis but I'm not spending anymore Oasis until stuff gets a lot better. I have my Sus Itachi and the ninjas I need to make him viable. Oasis doesn't need any more of my money.
2018-04-26 15:37:31