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2019-07-17 23:01:39
Events Cycle - June 20th
Depending on where the Itachi frags are I’m looking forward to this weeks events. I do echo the sentinment that is not having any details or updates on main breakthroughs is a little disheartening though. Just as Shawn pointed out it’d be nice if updates stopped rolling out with half the content being removed or super late just to make more money. The bad business practices you guys have used in the past aren’t forgotten from us Aristeaus era players, so please shape up. Also, for those who type “save week” every week we get it. Please stop. I usually advocate for F2P but people that spam stuff as such are the reason y’all get a bad rep.
2019-06-20 22:08:09
What is your most frustrating aspect of this game?
Honestly I think my biggest annoyance is the lack of actual effort that comes from our version's dev team. To clarify I mean the one's who are actually implementing changes, not just forum and community admins, of which there are quite a few who go above and beyond. Rather it is just disappointing that the only "version exclusive" updates we tend to get are just super early ninja releases. Everything else is just half translated cut and paste coding...I get that there are probably things out of their control but I would love to see some actual effort put into a few things that they presumably can monitor. Such as making at least one or two of the cross server events power based rather than the lazy lumped server opening brackets they have now. For example, the very first sage world that opened up for our server had level 90+ players with over 200k power in them. There was no power or level barrier to even attempt to allow competition. It was just a slaughter, plain and simple.Now instead of just using, say, a 200 server range to set up cross server events like these, why not just make them like DB and go across all servers but have power brackets set up? You could still fill battlefields but also give many more players an enjoyable experience. Another example would be with DB, easy freaking change, make it somewhat like Matsuri. You just got stomped by a team you had no hope to even scratch? It *s but at least next fight we can lower the level/power range and give you a fighting chance.Furthermore, if they're really concerned that the massive spenders are going to quit over a few events being tuned to not allow them to curb stomp weaker players at EVERY juncture then they're just wrong. Sure they probably like to have those moments here and there so you can give them those moments. Make one day of sage/matsuri the current and then give the other 1-2 days the updated model. If you change DB to have said feature sure, they COULD have longer matchmaking but more than likely you would have volumes more participants so in reality matches come and go even faster. Like there are legit so many ways to make minute changes that would not only keep current players happy and engaged but also make it so new players don't drop within 2 weeks after launch.P.SBefore people get all whiny that I am being too one sided, I am not F2P by far. I'm probably nearly $3,000 in before first 2 months have even passed. It's just that I'm not some *bag who thinks because I have less financial responsibility at the time I am above other human beings. A game should be enjoyable on a wide scale. Spenders will always have an advantage but it doesn't mean you limit 90% of the games features to us. I would love to be part of a more lively server where people actually get on, chat and enjoy the game together. The game is already time consuming enough if you try and make all the events and daily quotas but at least with other people to chat with it feels less so.
General Discussion
The Fourth
2019-06-25 19:00:55
bias against the Uchiha. 6 paths Naruto should be Nerf . Sasuke should be buffed
Lol this thread was entertaining but, as someone stated, look at overall game balance rather than your own selfish reasoning.1) As far as the Itachi-swordsman argument...I guess it wouldn't matter a ton with Susano'o Itachi as he is already super armor/immune so it's rather w.e for him. However, if Edo Itachi could get root buff he would be unstoppable. He's already the best support unit in the current meta-game, no question. He has a pretty high damage standard, a mirror followed by pure ninjutsu damage reduction (team-wide by the way), chase evasion AND his mystery not only removes a ninja from the game basically but does so for 2 rounds. Why in the hell, would he need to be immune to all debuffs, and get more damage, on top of that? 2) Uchihas have never been belittled lmao. The above 2 units, both the Itachi variants, have been and will be top tier for a long while. There's also anbu Itachi who, although not broken, has a few niche teams and roles he can fill. Then you have Five Kage Madara, a great buff stripping/control/support unit. Masked man, another extremely useful pos 2 control/support. Shisui, the best passive barrier ninja in the game, barring the insane bond link barriers. Then, finally, Konoha Madara, a permanent buff and powerhouse in quite a few Konoha and Uchiha team comps. There's also 10-Tail Madara who is still pretty strong, just not insane. All in all, the Uchiha have a lot going for them. 3) The one point I can agree with is how sad Rinne-Sasuke is. He's basically unusable which is sad because some aspects of his kit are fun and practical however none of said aspects match up very well. He could definitely use a buff or a change but that just depends on what the Chinese version does with him, as we don't get version exclusives. However, if you want him to get something like dodge that's out of the question. It's a standard in the game that susano'o is a super armor passive and they have held true to that thematically. The one or two areas I could see being changed in his mystery and his ridiculously sub-par explosive mode.
General Discussion
2019-06-20 22:50:39
Events Cycle - June 6th
Yeah I mean that’s the way it’s gonna be forced to be I guess. It was just that the last rotation had enough time to allow those players to get full rebate which is nice but I guess it could also be a one off here.
2019-06-12 20:58:46
Events Cycle - June 6th
Well maybe for you guys its totally possible but in my server we legit capped at 45k as of today. With your head shoved that deep in your * I guess you can safely assume every single one of us is in a server old enough to get those. 45000/200=225*3=675 and that's IF they were lucky enough to finish day one. Most of the F2P in my server got there in the latter half of the week and, if given one more week. Would at least have a chance at a full rebate in the month. But hey sorry that I just want the non-spenders in my server to have some kind of opportunity at the only rebate they can feasibly complete each cycle. *shrugs*P.S.No disrespect to the fairer respondents to my post but as for the one's who think they know it: I would say "full disrespect" but with those 2 brain cells firing so rapidly I fear one may burn out if you try and think about people other than yourself so I guess don't bother with this post.
2019-06-12 20:58:46
Events Cycle - June 6th
That’s mathematically impossible given how many the shop gives per week via daily refresh. Nice one bud.
2019-06-12 20:58:46
Events Cycle - June 6th
Even as a player that spends a few hundred each week I’m pretty appalled that you want to put a cave key rebate in this fast. The last one ended the 22nd...2 weeks ago. You’re really out to shaft a LOT of players if you do this as keys are one of the few rebates they actually have a chance of completing normally.
2019-06-12 20:58:46
Where are the daily packs for Konoha's great tree?
It is just the same three recurring daily packs that are there every single day, similar to "Try Your Luck."They aren't individual packs for Great Tree event nor do they drop from the packs. It is simply buy a pack- get a dew drop. So if you already spend during events the first pack is always worth, even when no great tree is there, and the second is a net positive during tree too. If you're a big spender then, chances are, you either don't mind picking up the third pack regardless. If you're just going for the bare minimum it is not worth it as the chance for the coupon return to make it net positive isn't enough to be reliable.Lastly if you are low spending or F2P then this obviously isn't an option and doesn't apply to you buuut at least the info is here.
General Discussion
2019-05-27 11:43:16
Event Cycle - May 16th
If the charm rebate is same as seals and last weeks count doesn’t reset I’m okay with it because I was close to maxing out on both but didn’t quite get there. If not then the charm one is meh but the rest is nice.
2019-05-22 13:49:23
Event Cycle - May 09th
Yeah recharged right away and only then realized flowers wasn't even in on my server either. Why is it not in the newer servers if its not X-server ranking? So * that they cut out, not only, end of month arena rewards but also events for us every week and yet we get slammed by level 80+ players in Sage World.
Tim Kyu
2019-05-14 13:15:01
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