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2017-07-24 19:05:09
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2020-05-01 16:11:02
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2020-04-29 21:19:21
Sunflower Covenant Forum Event
You can sue them if you didnt get what you paid for btw! Or they need to restore the cash that you used, those are the options, nothing else, especialy after the new EU update! If you dont fix this soon, you could be forced to close the game down on Eu. A simple advice, just check if you will get the hashi frags, if not just ask for compensate, they cant say no and you will get the whole money that you spend ^^
2018-06-08 23:57:47
New event cycle - 19th of April
It's about time that you hear this... you are losing population as it is, the gap via P2W and F2p, is getting bigger and bigger, and you neglect the f2p events, as a f2p player that spends from time to time... explain to me why do i need to log in this week? Same thing for me if you added nothing and i will do the daily survival... hoping for sasuke frag to make my week a better one... You clearly dont listen to the community at all! It's confirmed now, how can you take away f2p events... You apply patches from china as they come, but at the same time you tweak them a bit to milk off money from us? Or prolong the whole patch, just add some of the features... if you wish to close down the game say this now, tired of constant BS that goes along for months now, there is nothing to do as it is, arena is bugged beyond belief, you got no p2w/f2p matchmaking, close to 0 logic used during events and so on... it's like the path for the game was prewriten and patches apply every week just to make us raise our head and take a look, in short to keep us bussy, but you just made a mess this week, you never neglect f2p!
2018-04-25 20:43:48
When will the balance start?
Nah i know that the game is heavy on p2w, i just wish a balance for paying non paying community for some of the events who are bloody illogical. Due to the paying/nonpaying community gap, i never said that i wish to dominate the server as a non payer, that is impossible but i wish to get a chance to at least do something in the events, otherwise it's pointless for me to do them, so as a player would you enjoy events that are purely for the paying community, and it's pointless for you to participate and that represents up to 50% of the current events, it does the opposite it makes the player enjoy the game even less, and i do like the game dont get me wrong, but come on the balance that i'm talking about from a programer perspective the balance is easy to make. I'm asking why does it take so long for them to even provide a bit of effort and actualy improve the game for both sides, that i dont get. Even the greed part wont get pass that since the money flow will expand. Lazy perhaps, lack of a crew, dont have a crew and they just add updates... i could list up the reasons but i might be wrong. There are always 2 sides of the story so meh.
General Discussion
2017-12-16 10:32:19
Why not just remove Arena?
Who told you that btw? May i ask what do you do in RL, and how big is the knowledge regarding computer games? Pardon me but i can assume that you know close to 0. So no that statement is a lie.
General Discussion
2017-07-24 22:02:01
Fake GM Alert and Awareness !
Clearly you can restore his acc, you got the info btw... you prefer to ignore the problem. Sorry you got his IP where and when his acc was created, or if he used any sort of paying method. Or do i need to teach you how to do the basic things also? Just wondering? The info is there and wont go away, even if his acc was stolen or not. There is also email Ip conformation and so on. Sorry what you are saying is false. Try again, but dont lie pls!Same method is used via credit card, dont tell me that if someone steals your credit card, you go to the bank and they say that they cant do anything... BS... there is always a way. It needs a bit of effort but that's it. I've never heard that an account cant be restored, not even once. Your saying that your the first to do so? Wow :). I can name a full list of why people shouldt spend cash then :). That's the respond your giving to the community? Hahah This post was last edited by 102***@facebook at 2016-11-17 12:15 This post was last edited by 102***@facebook at 2016-11-17 12:16
2017-07-24 21:09:15
Matsuri Challenge....Scam
I'm sorry but that statement is way off. Almost every computer game posts new updates way ahead to prepare the community for it, if something new is added gamers will do a math/logic spread for daily farming and so on. Why you ask... well a happy community is a profitable company. I'm actualy at this point to totaly ignore your comments, so far they've been from a *player* aspec (being played by the mechanic, lack of logic, math). Pardon me but did you ever participated in creating a browser based game, or a any other game to be precise? You dont need months to apply the needed update, if it hurts the community, as explained above some people cant do some events due to lack of players, or simply illogical mehanic behind it. And that isnt ther fault. i'd say a week that you needed to prepare the update 2 weeks cool, more than 3 weeks is a total joke from a company sorry. Your saying that a team cant update a browser game to make things logical, and to make the community happy in a month? Sorry that's called greed, and nothing else. Suspend the current progress and make payers throw ther money to get the biggest advantage while others barely keep on hanging. Also check the list of events starting from day 1 till now, check how much % based progress did a free player get till todays event. It started to drop , heavy if i might add specialy on the last 3 events. And stop saying that you listen to the community, if you actualy listen you would fix it... Rather say that you *listen* but you prefer to ignore it since you cant move a finger and cant do anything to make them release an update and so on, sorry but at this point of view your a pawn and nothing else, how do you dare to defend them? Start saying the truth will you? Some of us got plenty of exp when it comes down to comptuer games, and how they function, market and so on.
General Discussion
2017-07-24 20:56:46
Matsuri Challenge....Scam
The last time that i recalled kids have no value in a debate, so your opinion doesnt count, 1st, illogical, stated that i'm a gamer, 2nd i do hope that you are joking, or? What year do you live in, 3rd check ther income nuff said. Sorry but these answers are quite straightforward. A kid wouldnt realize that. So i'd assume that you are trolling.
General Discussion
2017-07-24 20:56:46
Matsuri Challenge....Scam
Thank you Dragonfire14 clearly you can see the issue... :)Actualy you can sue them, if they dont provide some crucial info regarding the game, and then they refuse to refound... we cant read minds, yet some rules have to be met, specialy if we consider the paying method fused into the game. Do you think that the company that put's a game on Eu marked has no rules to follow or even so laws? Your mistaken buddy, if you lack info regarding that pls educated yourself, computer isnt only for gaming, you can learn much faster and quicker, keep in mind that 20 years ago or so... majority of the population had no clue how to educated themselves, or they lack the cash to do so. And your saying that you as a person cant do this, and cant do that without any info regarding the subject you will come out as an I.... pardon my language but that's the truth.
General Discussion
2017-07-24 20:56:46
Events Oct 20th
We have received feedback from our ninjas.... can someone adress this? Ninjas are who the 30% of the paying community or what? You listen to us... sure and i'm a god walking on water..
2017-07-24 20:57:21
Events Oct 13th
Ther moto was always to get cash from you not to make you happy btw. The lack of logic and understanding of Eu market says a lot, altho i needs less than a week to get the facts straight and the mechanic sorted. I've been looking at the company for a while now, ther respond and actions, I'm sorry but if a mod said that they are listening, may i ask are they deff or they are just in another room, so they cant hear accurate? :). I'd like to know if they are looking at the respond of other players or not, clearly so far they havent, giving 1 event that will somewhat ez the tension and then bring 3 events that wont it's the strategy that shouldt be used btw. I'd like to know the name of the guy who sets these rules for Eu market, and smack him silly, and ofc send him back to school. Keeping my 500 coupons again it seems. :S. Another week of pointless daily clicking meh. This post was last edited by 102***@facebook at 2016-10-13 19:06
2017-07-24 20:54:41
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