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2019-06-12 14:04:31
Plunder Abuse
Plunder screen keeps alive until the last Convoy in the server is dispatched since the first versions of the game and not a bug as in one of my previous CS feedback which makes sense. In my old servers we used to do it in order to conceal our convoys as you did and some random strong guys just realized that you can access Plunder Screen until the last convoy is dispatched. Even some of them just started to check plunder screen between 14.00-14.30 just because of that knowing if they can access there after 14.00, there would definitely be a convoy in next 30 mins, most likely in 10 mins.
Bugs & Support
2019-07-11 13:07:00
cost for edo Minato?
It's between 240-270 coupons per frag according to my calculations. I would't recommend getting him from Sakura unless you only need a few pieces to complete since you don't get any additional value except him atm like Fuku Deals or Board.
General Discussion
2019-06-08 06:18:54
Adobe flash 2020 shutdown
If I recall right, we asked to the Support Centre of Turkish servers in 2018 and they said that it wouldn't affect the game at all. Probably they have already prepared a migration to html5 or Unity or some other counterpart in these 2.5 years or will do in the following months, especially when we consider the Naruto Online Mobile being released. Having an official declaration would be nice tho, Flash is just so full of bad optimizations and security/consistency issues that many of us observed/reported in the past that I'd say the game can only be better than it is.
General Discussion
2019-06-06 21:58:43
[Scarlet Blaze]
Scarlet Blaze Lineup HELP!
Unfortunately forum has some primitive issues that I reported, asking for a fix beforehand. You may try no 1- Do not copy paste images into the post and upload from the ßutton in "write a post" screen. 2- Upload the images one by one, not together. 3- Try to use a differwnt browser. These are my common workarounds for forum image submitting. If neither of them works, you may consider submitting imgur or puush links of them so we could try to help you on your lineup at least even if not as convenient.
General Discussion
2019-06-10 07:12:37
General Discussion
2019-06-05 14:03:55
Best team with these ninja?
That is a quite decent team but I'd say Kabuto is slightly better fit here since you wouldn't find chakra for Sakura until 3rd round at least and not being able to remove debuffs in the first two rounds may possibly cause quite an issue. Other than that, it is probably one of the best f2p options out there. If you'd like to stay in Fire Main, I'm not sure if this lineup would be as consistent as Lightning counterpart: But Naruto [Ramen]'s skill which gives crit rate, additional attack and debuff removal may come in handy here. Also Red Lotus Secret passive is highly likely to let your Hinata reset cooldown each round, also since Fire Main having the only 20 chakra t2 initiator skill, it is usable with GNW Hinata's refreshed skill as well in t2. So it might be an interesting team to try out.
2019-06-04 16:42:56
Ranked battle (My characters do the worst things possible)
You may try to use non-interfering skillsets and also adjust lineup's placement tick times in order to adjust (mildly, not even if completely) your auto-battle behaviour. We used to do it in Turkish servers' Roshi-Hidan-Killer Bee-LM meta to make Killer Bee give double hit to Hidan and make Roshi use mystery instead of Lightning Main in round 2 etc. As I see it is a rather popular issue so I'll try to prepare a guide post for it in these days to detail it.
Bugs & Support
2019-06-04 16:23:43
Question: xgnw lands points ?
I'm not a veteran of X-GNW, but until someone provides certain number, if I would recall standard GNWs wins would give an additional 30 points, so if you win with a score like 20-19 it counts as 50-19. X-GNW may have the same pointing as well. But just writing to give a crude idea if someone would not show up with numbers soon.
2019-06-03 19:22:22
Can we pair Naruto Six path with Madara Five Kage?
That is what I still use since I'm freezing below 60 level in my current server (used to play in an older UK server and TR servers) and started as Earth Main (Earth Main - SOSP - 5k Madara - Asuma (for 20 chakra for double attack or t1 Naruto or 5k if I need to play defensively). As you thought, it may be a good consideration to keep him for chakra-locking your opponent if you have the initiative and to keep safe if you do not. But if you have some other solid choices like father-son team etc., I would not recommend playing 5k + SOSP in Crimson Fist; maybe only if you do not care much about speed and enjoy to play hard control teams but then I'd say Azure Fang would be the more solid choice for the same idea. But on my part, the team lacks both the speed against full-buff Naruto teams and the control against Edo Itachi etc. lineups. But not below decent either as I observed from my matches against other SOSP players in SWBs and Arenas. I wouldn't deny the sweetness of control factor; especially for the last current cluster where many people maybe got their first event ninjas in the latest Fukurokumaru by spending for SOSP Naruto + 5 flags to get a 5k Madara and other goodies from the Fuku.
2019-06-01 17:23:56
need help with So6p line up
Firstly, congrats on the sosp. About the advice you're asking, it depends on what you're looking for. If you are at a good position to get fast win streaks in your current SWB arena in power level let's say, you may consider some WB Asuma + Ohnoki/KK Gaara for him in order to get t1 sosp or t1 double hit followed by a finisher t2.If you are looking for more of a control/consistency team: Kurenai, Chiriku, Gakido Pain, Gaara [Shippuden] and Orochimaru [Akatsuki] might be your support character pool that you'd want to consider.
2019-06-02 05:10:43