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2017-07-24 19:46:59
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2017-07-24 21:51:57
[Ninja Exam]
Ninja Exam 100 with fire main
2017-10-20 20:42:46
New Law in china about game policys and gambling.
The Law is active with 1st may, not yet.But an Agreement cant change laws anyways, the laws from the country where you are right now apply for you if you agree to something or not that doesnt change anything. If oasis headquarters are in china, this laws will apply for them with 1st may too.If they arent, this law will not have any impact onto this game. This post was last edited by Riddle1206 at 2017-3-31 06:50
General Discussion
Yeshe V
2021-11-17 00:54:46
New Law in china about game policys and gambling.
I would say its because of that and its nice to see that tencent actually changes something and go with the law instead of settling else where.What im interested in is what will happen here, cause in their tos they heavily rely at the chinese laws.I hope they dont wanna get some last big money out and thats the cause for all what happens atm and they really just try to make a good game for everybody now.Thanks for posting the ScreenEdit : sure the cn have a nicer seal treasure than we. Why i was even surprised when i saw that lol This post was last edited by Riddle1206 at 2017-3-31 05:37
General Discussion
Yeshe V
2021-11-17 00:54:46
Events - 30th March
It makes me angry to see that they just took an update from germany (german titles) and what did they change?They made the event more bad. I cant believe that. Its so unbelievable that they really invested time just to make an Event worser. For such things they invest time and then they say they are busy. Are you serious? This must be a joke or a fake screen lol this really just Looks like its on purpose to fool the playerbase This post was last edited by Riddle1206 at 2017-3-31 04:40 This post was last edited by Riddle1206 at 2017-3-31 04:42
2017-07-24 21:53:31
should i use 10cp to up bond to 40?
General Discussion
Test Ninja
2017-07-24 21:51:54
Consumption Wheel Bug Announcement
Thank you that was really a needed step for me and for many others i guess too.I personally didnt feel comfortable playing the game anymore after what happened at the weekend, and then i spended my ingots at the consumption wheel and got no coupons at all.But the compensation and the new events shows there is effort to treat me as player fair, im looking forward to tomorrow and i will continue playing the game overall too.What i can say from a player perspective is that i agree with some of the previous posts, there is still some frustration when looking at the amount of the compensation. Why?I have spent 800 ingots at monday which i wanted to save for try your luck or other opportunitys where i get more than 100% in coupons out of it. This 800 ingots still turn now into only 200 coupons which is when we be honest like nothing compared to the 800 ingots.From the wheel directly i only got around 30% of worth.What is even worser is that i have recharged at the next day another time when seeing the rewards going out again and people get like 3k coupons rewards. I have spent 3k ingots more and not even got a single coupon again.In terms of intelligent spending, what i have to cause im not capable of spending hundreds a month, this 2 days where not that good and it feels like i didnt have control over result at all cause i didnt have any information about the chance, or any chance at all.I still feel like i nearly just lost it all compared to my previous plan, to double it up into coupons and spend it at lucky board its around nothing i have gotten for that money now.I just have spent this ingots cause the rewards seemed really high.And as it seems i only get the 200 coupons now and not the coupons for tuesday too where i got no coupon at all too. I dont know if there was a realistic rate that i get some and i just got unlucky but from what i heard you get every 1k a % reward, unfortunately i got nothing for 3k.That i see effort to be treated fair is big thing and i really appreciate that as player, thanks.Just the specific size from the compensation and the time window needs an adjustement from my perspective.Thanks for reading This post was last edited by Riddle1206 at 2017-3-30 01:24
2017-07-24 21:53:52
Consumption Wheel rigged?
I have recharged today another 60 bucks after seeing you get again % rewards. I thought it works now again as before like at average 1times 5 or 10% per 1k ingots. But i was wrong. I have spent 3k and not even got the 50 coupons one time. This post was last edited by Riddle1206 at 2017-3-28 21:05
General Discussion
2017-07-24 21:50:32
This can't be a coincedence
I dont think if i understand it right cause english is not my native language but i dont think any agreement matters when laws are hurted, or that somebody can just agree to the laws of another country. Otherwise i could just agree to the law of the cayman islands and pay lower taxes. But within the game if its not against the laws the owner of the game can do anyways what he wants. Between I just discuss probabilities and my opinion here. I have my own life where i have to do actions and not the time or ressources for a war with a big company. Im not interested in taking any actions into such directions. Im just interested in understanding the whole situation and how everything works. This post was last edited by Riddle1206 at 2017-3-28 06:29
General Discussion
2017-07-24 21:50:21
This can't be a coincedence
In which country you are when doing a crime is important. So in this case for everyone who is involved would count the law of the country he was when doing it . If somebody goes to the police the police will contact the company at first, and overlook everything. When they have gotten an overlook and they are in a different country than the suspiscious people they will contact the police of the country where the suspiscios people are in. At least thats what i know how it works. I hope it was all a bug btw This post was last edited by Riddle1206 at 2017-3-28 05:24 This post was last edited by Riddle1206 at 2017-3-28 05:24
General Discussion
2017-07-24 21:50:21
This can't be a coincedence
If the assumptions which are made are true i dont think there is any way to not land in front of a judge if you are resonsible in any way. Just too much people got fooled if this all happened really like this. From what aristeus said to the wheel today its just against laws. The only thing which can lower the punishment from the country at this point is to take responsibility about the actions and be honest about it if it really has been done like this. I dont think the police is not capable of finding out the truth and im very sure that they are already involved when so much people feel betrayed about there money. I personally didnt do anything but i dont think that at this stage, where so many people feel betrayed and its so much money involved nobody has done anything.
General Discussion
2017-07-24 21:50:21
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