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Zed the Assassi
Zed the Assassi
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Topics 0 |Posts 6
2020-05-03 06:29:32
Last Login:
2020-08-11 21:33:53
Last Post:
2020-08-04 23:48:52
Server Merge Requests - Week of August 3rd
1. Server ID: S1278 (S1278 - S1290 - S1270 - S1266 - S1274 - S1298 - S1294) 2. Server Region: NY 3. Server Age: 13 months and 9 days and last merge was around 5 months ago 4. Time taken to kill World Boss: Around 7 minutes 5. World Boss HP on Tuesday: Around 62 Million 6. Number of groups participating in Great Ninja War: 3 7. Average Power Rank of Top 5: 305,747 8. Average Power Rank of Top 10: 267609 9. Average Power Rank of Top 20: 213,346
2020-08-26 22:45:36
I'm done with this guy.
Oh, I already spent an hour laying out all of the evidence with like 40 different screenshots. All I did in this thread was to tell the people who posted before I posted to go read that thread before they come to a conclusion without knowing the full story. You can go check that out in Page 63 of the Misbehaviour Thread where I laid out all of the evidence.
Bugs & Support
2020-05-04 08:46:41
Misbehaviour thread
"Dude, I don't know you" -> Okay :)
Bugs & Support
2022-05-31 10:36:34
I'm done with this guy.
Please check page 63 of that same thread and look for the name "Zed the Assassin"
Bugs & Support
2020-05-04 08:46:41
I'm done with this guy.
Hey Perfect_Cell, This is Zed here and in case you want the full context behind this situation, here's the post I just submitted to Oasis and I'll post it here for you to see: It's under the name "Zed the Assassin" so please check it out and let me know your thoughts on this situation. Thank you, have a great day!
Bugs & Support
2020-05-04 08:46:41
Misbehaviour thread
Zed here, I just want to bring to your (the moderators) attention about my side of the stories and then you can decide to punish or (preferably) not punish me because "Ryuzetsu Uchiha" (IGN "S1278-Vergil") decided to try and get me into trouble without painting the full pictures. All of the appropriate evidence is screenshotted and attached to this thread. So here goes... Disclaimer: I will be posting a total of over 30 screenshots below and I believe this is appropriate given that Ryuzetsu/Vergil decided to take what I said out of context. I also understand that as long as this post is, it won't answer everything so if you have any more questions, PLEASE feel free to reach out to me. I also implore you to read everything from top to bottom. Also, I just want to let you guys know that the person "IndraBlaze23" is Ryuzetsu/Vergil... The first thing you need to know is that me and Vergil (Or Ryuzetsu) used to be on good terms. From around October of last year until 2/8/2020, I was the leader of the group known as "Blizzard". Being the responsible guy that I was, I stepped down because my life got too busy and I thought it didn't feel fair or right that my group had to progress with me not being fully present so I stepped down and since Vergil just kept begging, I decided to be the nice guy and gave him leadership (a decision that I would clearly go on to regret). Proof of this can be seen below. After giving over leadership on 2/8/2020, I even went out of my way to help him out with transitioning into his new role as I gave him advice about who to pick for seniors, AS SEEN BELOW!!!!! If you look at the screenshots from above this message, You notice a little something about the "tirades from the other day" and you're probably wondering what's that all about. Well, here's a little background information. You see, our group has a discord server where we c*l talk to each other outside of the game itself and Vergil, in all of his infinite wisdom, decided to go off on me behind my back, as seen below. I just want to remind you that Vergil and one of his so-called "friends", "Kia Kai" (IGN: S1278 - Kiakai) said all of this behind my back and never once confronted me about any of this. But for better or for worse, they said all of that in this the group Discord. Since I was the former leader of the group AND the owner of the discord, the receipt above is from my server's discord so I supposed that answers the question of how I got my hands on all of these screenshots. Anyway, I decided to confront him about it in Discord and this is the conversation. So that was the end of that, I thought that was the end of it but about 2 weeks later on 3/20/2020, a new issue emerges: 2 of our strongest players left!!! Honestly, when I first saw it, I was shocked and was trying to understand why they left without telling me. And then it all became clear: they left because they don't respect Vergil as a leader and wouldn't come back to the group UNLESS he steps down. Now I was faced with a difficult decision and that boiled down to this: "Am I going to admit that I'm wrong in picking Vergil as a leader because my decision cost us 2 of our strongest guys OR do I let him be and hurt our chance of winning in future X-GNW because I don't want to admit that I was wrong?". Well, as you might have guessed, I chose the former and tried to ask Vergil to step down because that was the right thing to do. It didn't go too well but rather then telling you about it, I can just show you :). Before I go on, I just want to clarify that I meant to say 6 weeks, NOT 6 months in the above chat. Anyway, here's the rest. As you can see from ALL of the screenshots above, I asked Vergil to stepped down because having Yuzu and Ach in the group was very important to us because not having them in X-GNW is like trying to drive with 2 of your tires missing and I rather not have to try to do that. The aftermath of this conversation is that MULTIPLE people asked Vergil to stepped down for the same reason and naturally, he had to step down and decided to leave our group altogether. He and Kiakai also aired their grievances on the group's discord channel, as seen below. Well, I also want to let you know that KiaKai never responded to my question but all right, it is what it is... Oh, you thought that was the end of it it? Well, if you believe so then you're dead wrong because after he left our group, he joined the rival group known as "DeltaRune". At that time, "Nova" was the leader of Delta Rune and saw this little tirade from Vergil/Ryuzetsu AND kiakai when they joined DeltaRune. After 3/21/2020, DeltaRune and Blizzard have been rivals in the merged server and we have been going at it ever since. We would plunder each other and being the stronger group, we would beat them pretty much every time. Did I say what I said to Vergil? Sure. Why? Because we're rivals and the plundering system exists so why not abuse it for free coupons. Also, I want to explain the "If you want to be an obnoxious *, I can be one right back :)" part in the screenshot that Ryuzetsu posted, I just want to say that I mean by saying that is that I'll plunder him EVERY TIME I see him moving forward because 1) we're literally permitted to do so and I have 0 issues with it as of this point in time since it's coupons and that's literally the most important resource in the game AND 2) Well, I really don't like this dude so I have 0 moral dilemmas about doing so... I sincerely hope that everyone is staying safe throughout these tough times and Oasis moderators, I trust that you respond to this situation appropriately with all of the evidence I laid out here. Have a great day!
Bugs & Support
2022-05-31 10:36:34