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2019-12-09 17:22:26
Events Cycle - October 31st
12. "Naruto's Froggy" added. Get an immediate rebate in Coupons after making a deposit! Claim other rewards every day for 6 days! A total of 7 days of fortune! Period: Nov 1st-Nov 7th How To: a) During Nov 1st-Nov 7th, use ingots to make a deposit can get coupons rebate immediately and after the first day player can claim Item Packs during 7 days! b) Players can make deposits into different Froggies! The higher ingots you deposit the higher rewards you can obtain. c) If players don’t claim the rewards in time, they will expire! 13. "Time-Limited Charm Rebate" added. Want to be more powerful? Upgrade your Charms and get Points! Use those Points to exchange for rewards to fasten your Power enhancement! Period: Oct 31st-Nov 6th Requirements: Players must reach Level 60 in order to participate. How To: a) Obtain 1 Point for each time you use Charms materials. b) Reach a given amount of Points to get the corresponding rewards during the event’s period. 14. "Battle Armor Panic Buy" added. Time to upgrade your Battle Armor! Materials at big discounts! Ingots you use upgrading your Battle Armor will be counted during the event so that you can claim Gift Packs! Period: Oct 31st-Nov 6th Requirements: Players must have reached Level 43 in order to participate. How to: a) During the event, players can buy Battle Armor materials at huge discounts. b) Receive extra Gift Packs by using Ingots in this event. Remark: Ingots used in other events will not be counted. If you buy the threads directly in shop, the ingots spent will also not be counted. 15. "Battle Armor Rebates" added. Go and upgrade your Battle Armor to get extra rebates and achievement packs! Period: Oct 31st-Nov 6th Requirements: Players must have reached Level 43 in order to participate. How to: a) Find this event in Hot Topics; get rewards by upgrading your armor to the required level during the event. b) Achievement Gifts can be claimed after you reach the required rank of your armor. Each player can only get this achievement gift once in his playtime 16."Jonin Medal Renewal" added. Get a huge rebate in Coupons by renewing your current Jonin Medal during this event! Don't miss this chance! Period: Oct 31st-Nov 6th Requirements: Players must reach Level 40 in order to participate. How To: a) During this event, players who renew their current Jonin Medal, will have a return of 50% of the Ingots spent (the rebate will be given in Coupons). Every character can claim this event’s rebate 3 times. A total of 2832 Coupons can be obtained by participating. b) Players who didn’t Activate their Jonin Medal during the event or are activating the Jonin Medal for the first time will not be able to receive Coupons. 17. "Lunatic Halloween" added. Halloween is coming! The Moon went nutsy! Go and get some Jack-o'-Lanterns to calm it down! Plenty of rewards await you! Period: Oct 31st-Nov 6th Requirements: Players must have reached Level 43 in order to participate. How To: a) The moonlight will change colors every 3 minutes; players need to light up the Jack-o’-Lantern which is of the same color as the moonlight. Lit the wrong colored Jack-o’-Lantern and you will receive a punishment from the moon. Players will be transformed into a Jack-o’-Lantern for 30 minutes. b) To lit the colored Jack-o’-Lantern you need to consume Lanterns*5. Players can get Lanterns by completing Plot/Elite Instances. If successfully, you will receive Candy*10 which can be redeemed for rewards. Players can lit a maximum of 5 colored Jack-o’-Lantern every day. If the 5 daily colored Jack-o’-Lanterns are all lit, you will obtain some bonus candies! c) By clicking “Refresh” the color of the moon will change. The first time you Refre*, it is free. After that, you’ll need to consume Candy*2 to refresh, that is if you don’t want to wait for the moon to change colors automatically. 18. "Naruto’s Birthday Party" added. Take Naruto out for Ramen to get points, redeem the obtained points for awesome rewards! Period: Oct 31st-Nov 6th Requirements: Players must reach Level 10 in order to participate. How To: a) Login every day and clear Plot/Elite instances to get Ichikaru’s Ramen. It can be directly bought from the Shop. b) Get 1 every time you take Naruto out for Ramen during the event. Use the points to redeem for rewards! c) Players can get up to 20 free daily Ichiraku’s Ramen. d) Anniversary Points will be reset once the event ends. 19. New packs are available in the "Purchase Limit" shop interface! Have a look at the new packs, don't miss this chance. 20. "Fresh Flower", "Mission Box", "Lucky Voucher", "Firework", "Ramen", "Sage Key", "Commemorative Coins”, "Lantern" obtained for this week's events need to be spent this week. Once the events ends, the “Fresh Flower", "Mission Box", "Lucky Voucher", "Firework", "Ramen", "Sage Key", "Commemorative Coins" , "Lantern" will be reset to 0. Please remember to use them in time! Remark: The deadline of the New Server Events and Weekly Events are set according to the players' local time (computer's time), not the server time. Daily Missions and Daily Recharge event (event in which you can get a 4-Stars Gaara if recharging for 5 days) are all refreshed at 5:00 (server time). Don't miss out! All information present in the game is the final and correct information unless stated otherwise. Thank you for all your support to us, Naruto Online Operation Team
Arconysu van Re
2019-11-06 09:54:23
Events Cycle - October 24th
15. "Myoboku Trial" added. Mount Myoboku sent a trial to test all ninja and your skills! Are you ready to take on this trial and win all rewards?! Period: Oct 24th-Oct 30th Requirements: Players must reach Level 30 in order to participate. How To: “Myoboku Trial” event is divided into three tabs. LOGIN GIFTS: Every player can claim its respective rewards for logging in the game during the given dates. 10/24: Coins *50000, Cultivation Rune *2000, Experimental Vial *1 10/25 Bell *2, Mount Myoboku’s Gift *3, 10% Discounted Voucher *1 10/26: Cave Key *2, Cultivation Rune *2000, Experimental Protection Vial *1 10/27: Coins *20000, BBQ *5, Advanced Experimental Vial *1 10/28: Mood Scroll *2, Two Chimes *1, Onoki-Earth Style-Stone Fist Jutsu+1 10/29: Purification Rune *5, Cultivation Rune *2000, Onoki-Earth Style-Weighted Boulder Jutsu+1 10/30: 20% Discounted Voucher, Advanced Experimental Protection Vial *1 MYOBOKU TRIAL: a) Click PLAY, a hammer should be visible in this interface. b) Move your hammer and pick a cylinder you wish to target! c) After the mini-game starts, the needle will start moving from left to right. d) When the needle is in the “Perfect” area, be fast to click and “Perfect”! One of the cylinders will be sent flying! The more cylinders you clear, the quicker needle will move and the “Perfect” area will start to shrink. e) You can claim a reward for each cylinder that you clear! f) It’s Game Over if Naruto’s head falls before you have cleared all cylinders. g) Every player has 3 daily attempts, players can consume 10, 15, 20 Ingots to have another 3 attempts to do this event. WHEEL OF OFFERINGS: a) Use Coupons or Ingots to spin the wheel. b) Click START and wait to see what reward you will get. Every time you spin the wheel, different Coupons/Ingots quantities will be asked in order to continue spinning it. Generally speaking, the more Coupons/Ingots you use, the higher your chances of getting a better reward. If you use 1.000 Coupons/Ingots to spin it, it is almost impossible that you will get a Level 2 Rainbow Magatama. For example: the 1st time you spin the wheel, you might be asked 100 Coupons/Ingots to spin it; the 2nd time you spin the wheel, you will be asked to use 300 Coupons/Ingots in order to continue spinning it. The rewards for using 100 Coupons/Ingots are usually inferior to the rewards of using 300 Coupons/Ingots to spin the wheel a 2nd time. The more times you spin the wheel, the better the rewards can be; at the same time, the more times you spin the wheel, the more the Coupons/Ingots you will have to use in order to continue spinning it. c) 1 spin will get you 1 reward. You cannot get the same reward a 2nd time in the same day. d) The spins and Coupons/Ingots required to spin the wheel will be reset every day; however, the rewards are the same for all days of this event. Players can spin the wheel up to 8 times a day. 16. New packs are available in the "Purchase Limit" shop interface! Have a look at the new packs, don't miss this chance. 17."Fresh Flower", "Shuriken", "Dice", "Discount Voucher", "Lucky Star", "Weak Bait", "Standard Bait", "Flawless Bait", "Herring", "Carp", "Catfish" , "Tropical Fish", "Cave Key(Time-Limited)" obtained for this week needed to be spent this week. Once the events end, the "Fresh Flower", "Shuriken", "Dice", "Discount Voucher", "Lucky Star", "Weak Bait", "Standard Bait", "Flawless Bait", "Herring", "Carp", "Catfish" , "Tropical Fish", "Cave Key(Time-Limited)" will be reset to 0. Please remember to use them in time. Remark: The deadline of the New Server Events and Weekly Events are set according to the players' local time (computer's time), not the server time. Daily Missions and Daily Recharge event (event in which you can get a 4-Stars Gaara if recharging for 5 days) are all refreshed at 5:00 (server time). Don't miss out! All information present in the game is the final and correct information unless stated otherwise. Thank you for all your support to us, Naruto Online Operation Team
2019-10-30 02:27:12
Events Cycle - October 17th
Remark: The deadline of the New Server Events and Weekly Events are set according to the players' local time (computer's time), not the server time. Daily Missions and Daily Recharge event (event in which you can get a 4-Stars Gaara if recharging for 5 days) are all refreshed at 5:00 (server time). Don't miss out! All information present in the game is the final and correct information unless stated otherwise. Thank you for all your support to us, Naruto Online Operation Team
R Zamani
2019-10-22 01:12:19
Events Cycle - October 10th
14. "Naruto’s Birthday Party" added. Take Naruto out for Ramen to get points, redeem the obtained points for awesome rewards! Period: Oct 10th-Oct 16th Requirements: Players must reach Level 10 in order to participate. How To: a) Login every day and clear Plot/Elite instances to get Ichikaru’s Ramen. It can be directly bought from the Shop. b) Get 1 every time you take Naruto out for Ramen during the event. Use the points to redeem for rewards! c) Players can get up to 20 free daily Ichiraku’s Ramen. d) Anniversary Points will be reset once the event ends. 15. "Goldfish Fishing" added! Take some time, relax and go fishing for new fish that might be exchanged for ninjas' fragments and other rewards! Period: Oct 10th-Oct 16th Requirements: Players must reach Level 11 in order to participate. How To: 1. Complete Plot/Elite Instances, draw in the Treasures (Seal treasure and above) to obtain paper nets. 2. Use paper nets to catch goldfish and earn credits, which can be used to redeem amazing rewards. 16. New packs are available in the "Purchase Limit" shop interface! Have a look at the new packs, don't miss this chance. 17. Last, but not least, “Commemorative Coins”, “Sun Flower”, “Mission Box”, “Firework”, “Scratch Card”, “Wish Credit”, “Ichiraku’s Ramen”, “Paper Net” obtained for this week need to be spent this week. Once the events end, the “Commemorative Coins”, “Sun Flower”, “Mission Box”, “Firework”, “Scratch Card”, “Wish Credit”, “Ichiraku’s Ramen”, “Paper Net” will be rest to 0. Please remember to use them in time! Remark: The deadline of the New Server Events and Weekly Events are set according to the players' local time (computer's time), not the server time. Daily Missions and Daily Recharge event (event in which you can get a 4-Stars Gaara if recharging for 5 days) are all refreshed at 5:00 (server time). Don't miss out! All information present in the game is the final and correct information unless stated otherwise. Thank you for all your support to us, Naruto Online Operation Team
2019-10-16 14:56:39
Events Cycle - September 26th
18. "Wishing Lanterns" added! Ninjas in the Naruto World will release the Wishing Lanterns in hope that their wishes can become true. Support each other to make your lanterns fly higher! Rewards await you! Period: 26th-Oct 2nd Requirements: Players must have reached Level 16 in order to participate. How to: a) During the event, click “Release A Wishing Lantern” *on from 9:00 to 24:00 to participate in the event. You can release a Lantern once daily. b) After the Lantern is released, you can click on your own Wishing Lantern to request your Group Members’ Support to make your lantern fly even higher. After you request help, a Cooldown Time of 5 minutes will be in effect. Click on other Ninja’ lanterns in the interface to Show your Support to them. As a reward, the Support shown to others will also make your Lantern fly 100m higher! The same lantern can only be supported twice daily. c) Click the small lantern on the right top of the interface to open the “Requests” interface, in which you can check the requests from Group Members. Use “Support All” *on to support ninjas in One-Click. d) The higher your Lantern flies, the better the rewards you can obtain! Players can only receive one reward daily. The rewards will be sent to your email after the event ends at 24:00. e) Daily Showing/Receiving Support limits: 20 times. 19. New packs are available in the "Purchase Limit" shop interface! Have a look at the new packs, don't miss this chance. 20. Last, but not least, "Fresh Flowers", "Shuriken", "Summer Badge", "Dew Drop, Fortune Coins", "Great Key", "Discount Voucher", "Cave Key(Time-Limited)" obtained for this week's events need to be spent this week, once the events end, "Fresh Flowers", "Shuriken", "Summer Badge", "Dew Drop, Fortune Coins", "Great Key", "Discount Voucher", "Cave Key(Time-Limited)" will be reset to 0. Please remember to use them in time! Remark: The deadline of the New Server Events and Weekly Events are set according to the players' local time (computer's time), not the server time. Daily Missions and Daily Recharge event (event in which you can get a 4-Stars Gaara if recharging for 5 days) are all refreshed at 5:00 (server time). Don't miss out! All information present in the game is the final and correct information unless stated otherwise. Thank you for all your support to us, Naruto Online Operation Team
2019-10-01 21:44:27
Events Cycle - September 19th
Remark: The deadline of the New Server Events and Weekly Events are set according to the players' local time (computer's time), not the server time. Daily Missions and Daily Recharge event (event in which you can get a 4-Stars Gaara if recharging for 5 days) are all refreshed at 5:00 (server time). Don't miss out! All information present in the game is the final and correct information unless stated otherwise.
2019-09-19 13:03:11
Events Cycle - August 29th
11. "Daily Special" added. Lots of goods at big discounts, now! Use Discount Vouchers to buy items at an even lower price! Add value to your purchases! Period: Aug 29th-Sep 4th Requirements: Players must reach Level 10 in order to participate. How To: a) During the event, players can buy items at big discounts. This week, every new day will present new items with different discounts! Don’t miss out! b) By using Discount Vouchers, you can get an extra discount on the Current Price. Discount Vouchers can be obtained from Wheel of Fortune. Remark: Rewards has been updated 12. "Summon Rebates" added. Claim Summoning Scrolls Gift Packs by using Summoning Scrolls! Summons are waiting for you! Period: Aug 29th-Sep 4th Requirements: Players must reach Level 50 in order to participate. 13. "Battle Armor Panic Buy" added. Time to upgrade your Battle Armor! Materials at big discounts! Ingots you use upgrading your Battle Armor will be counted during the event so that you can claim Gift Packs! Period: Aug 29th-Sep 4th Requirements: Players must have reached Level 43 in order to participate. How to: a) During the event, players can buy Battle Armor materials at huge discounts. b) Receive extra Gift Packs by using Ingots in this event. Remark: Ingots used in other events will not be counted. If you buy the threads directly in shop, the ingots spent will also not be counted. 14. "Battle Armor Rebates" added. Go and upgrade your Battle Armor to get extra rebates and achievement packs! Period: Aug 29th-Sep 4th Requirements: Players must have reached Level 43 in order to participate. How to: a) Find this event in Hot Topics; get rewards by upgrading your armor to the required level during the event. b) Achievement Gifts can be claimed after you reach the required rank of your armor. Each player can only get this achievement gift once in his playtime. 15. "Summer Holidays" added. Summer is here and so is your 3rd Year anniversary! Obtain and use Water Guns to have a fun! Get some neat free rewards while having fun! Period: Aug 29th-Sep 4th Details: This event separates to 3 parts. Login Gifts During the event, log in to the game to claim rewards, rewards for a specific day cannot be claimed any other day and will not be ac*ulated. Claim your rewards on tim! Log in to the game to claim your Water Guns! Use your Water Gun to give send a water shot flying to another player and get rewards! Summer Wars During the event, clear trainings in Rich Field, battle in the Arena and fight for your Ranking in Ranked Battle to get Balloons. Obtain a given number of Balloons to exchange them for the following rewards! (Daily Max. of 10 Balloons.) Summer Packs Players can buy valuable packs every day for a cheap price. Packs will refresh daily, each day has different packs waiting for you! 16. New packs are available in the "Purchase Limit" shop interface! Have a look at the new packs, don't miss this chance. 17. Last, but not least, "Limited Point", "Hammer", "Mission Box", "Anniversary Firework", "Lucky Voucher", "Discount Voucher", "Water Gun", "Summoning Scroll(Time-Limited)" obtained for this week's event need to be spent this week. Once the events end, "Limited Point", "Hammer", "Mission Box", "Anniversary Firework", "Lucky Voucher", "Discount Voucher", "Water Gun", "Summoning Scroll(Time-Limited)" you didn't use will be reset to 0. Remember to use them in time! Remark: The deadline of the New Server Events and Weekly Events are set according to the players' local time (computer's time), not the server time. Daily Missions and Daily Recharge event (event in which you can get a 4-Stars Gaara if recharging for 5 days) are all refreshed at 5:00 (server time). Don't miss out! All information present in the game is the final and correct information unless stated otherwise. Thank you for all your support to us, Naruto Online Operation Team
2019-09-03 12:34:10
Events Cycle - July 25th
Events News: Fukurokumaru's Deals will be up to 25K milestone and will have 100x Kakuzu [Earth Grudge Fear] from the acĉumulative milestones collectively.
2019-07-28 08:02:03
Events Cycle - July 18th
12. "Time-Limited Charm Rebate" added. Want to be more powerful? Upgrade your Charms and get Points! Use those Points to exchange for rewards to fasten your Power enhancement! Period: Jul 18th-Jul 24th Requirements: Players must reach Level 60 in order to participate. How To: a) Obtain 1 Point for each time you use Charms materials. b) Reach a given amount of Points to get the corresponding rewards during the event’s period. 13. "Summer Holidays" added. Summer is here and so is your 3rd Year anniversary! Obtain and use Water Guns to have a fun! Get some neat free rewards while having fun! Period: Jul 18th-Jul 24th Details: This event separates to 3 parts. Login Gifts During the event, log in to the game to claim rewards, rewards for a specific day cannot be claimed any other day and will not be ac*ulated. Claim your rewards on time! Log in to the game to claim your Water Guns! Use your Water Gun to give send a water shot flying to another player and get rewards! Summer Wars During the event, clear trainings in Rich Field, battle in the Arena and fight for your Ranking in Ranked Battle to get Balloons. Obtain a given number of Balloons to exchange them for the following rewards! (Daily Max. of 10 Balloons.) Summer Packs Players can buy valuable packs every day for a cheap price. Packs will refresh daily; each day has different packs waiting for you! 14. New packs are available in the "Purchase Limit" shop interface! Have a look at the new packs, don't miss this chance. 15.Last, but not least, "Water Gun", "Shuriken", "Lucky Voucher", "commemorative coin", "Leap Sky Fireworks", "Soaring Fireworks" ,"Firecrackers", "Rocket Fireworks", "Anniversary Fireworks" obtained for this week's events need to be spent this week, once the events end, "Water Gun", "Shuriken", "Lucky Voucher", "commemorative coin", "Leap Sky Fireworks", "Soaring Fireworks" ,"Firecrackers", "Rocket Fireworks", "Anniversary Fireworks" you didn't use will be reset to 0. Remember to use them in time. Remark: The deadline of the New Server Events and Weekly Events are set according to the players' local time (computer's time), not the server time. Daily Missions and Daily Recharge event (event in which you can get a 4-Stars Gaara if recharging for 5 days) are all refreshed at 5:00 (server time). Don't miss out! All information present in the game is the final and correct information unless stated otherwise. Thank you for all your support to us, Naruto Online Operation Team
2019-07-23 16:19:08
Events Cycle - June 27th
14. "Myoboku Trial" added. Mount Myoboku sent a trial to test all ninja and your skills! Are you ready to take on this trial and win all rewards?! Period: Jun 27th-Jul 3rd Requirements: Players must reach Level 30 in order to participate. How To: “Myoboku Trial” event is divided into three tabs. LOGIN GIFTS: Every player can claim its respective rewards for logging in the game during the given dates. 6/27: Coins*50000, Cultivation Rune*2000,Experimental Vial*2 6/28: Bell*2, Mount Myoboku’s Gift*3, Treasured Tools Common Essence*1 6/29: Cave Key*2, Cultivation Rune*2000, Experimental Protection Vial*1 6/30: Coins*50000, BBQ*5, Advanced Experimental Vial*1 7/1: Mood Scroll*2, Two Chimes*1, Jiraiya-Sage Art-Rasengan+1 Skill Book 7/2: Purification Rune*5, Cultivation Rune*2000, Jiraiya-Ultra-Giant Rasengan+1 Skill Book 7/3: Coins*50000, Cave Keys*2, Advanced Experimental Protection Vial*1 MYOBOKU TRIAL: a) Click to PLAY, a hammer should be visible in this interface. b) Move your hammer and pick a cylinder you wish to target! c) After the mini-game starts, the needle will start moving from left to right. d) When the needle is in the “Perfect” area, be fast to click and “Perfect”! One of the cylinders will be sent flying! The more cylinders you clear, the quicker needle will move and the “Perfect” area will start to shrink. e) You can claim a reward for each cylinder that you clear! f) It’s Game Over if Naruto’s head falls before you have cleared all cylinders. g) Every player has 3 daily attempts, players can consume 10, 15, 20 Ingots to have another 3 attempts to do this event. WHEEL OF OFFERINGS: a) Use Coupons or Ingots to spin the wheel. b) Click START and wait to see what reward you will get. Every time you spin the wheel, different Coupons/Ingots quantities will be asked in order to continue spinning it. Generally speaking, the more Coupons/Ingots you use, the higher your chances of getting a better reward. If you use 1.000 Coupons/Ingots to spin it, it is almost impossible that you will get a Level 2 Rainbow Magatama. For example: the 1st time you spin the wheel, you might be asked 100 Coupons/Ingots to spin it; the 2nd time you spin the wheel, you will be asked to use 300 Coupons/Ingots in order to continue spinning it. The rewards for using 100 Coupons/Ingots are usually inferior to the rewards of using 300 Coupons/Ingots to spin the wheel a 2nd time. The more times you spin the wheel, the better the rewards can be; at the same time, the more times you spin the wheel, the more the Coupons/Ingots you will have to use in order to continue spinning it. c) 1 spin will get you 1 reward. You cannot get the same reward a 2nd time in the same day. d) The spins and Coupons/Ingots required to spin the wheel will be reset every day; however, the rewards are the same for all days of this event. Players can spin the wheel up to 8 times a day. 15. New packs are available in the "Purchase Limit" shop interface! Have a look at the new packs, don't miss this chance. 16.New Sign-in Ninja for July Updated: Jiraiya [Sannin War] 17. July-3rd Year Anniversary: It's Naruto Online's 3rd Year Anniversary! Thank you for all your support! Naruto Online hopes that we c*l stay together for a long time! Thank you for this amazing year together with us! Dattebayo~ 18. Last, but not least, "Shuriken", "Sakura's Foodsack (including "Rice Onigiri", "Salmon Onigiri" and "Panda Onigiri")", "Dice", "Lucky Voucher", "Weak Bait", "Standard Bait", "Flawless Bait", "Herring", "Carp", "Catfish" and "Tropical Fish" obtained for this week's events need to be spent this week, once the events end, the "Shuriken", "Sakura's Foodsack (including "Rice Onigiri", "Salmon Onigiri" and "Panda Onigiri")", "Dice", "Lucky Voucher", "Weak Bait", "Standard Bait", "Flawless Bait", "Herring", "Carp", "Catfish" and "Tropical Fish" you didn't use will be reset to 0. Remember to use them in time! Remark: The deadline of the New Server Events and Weekly Events are set according to the players' local time (computer's time), not the server time. Daily Missions and Daily Recharge event (event in which you can get a 4-Stars Gaara if recharging for 5 days) are all refreshed at 5:00 (server time). Don't miss out! All information present in the game is the final and correct information unless stated otherwise. Thank you for all your support to us, Naruto Online Operation Team
2019-07-02 23:04:58
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