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2019-04-07 17:43:32
Event Cycle - April 4th
This will be my last post.Last week we saw fuku event asking way too more coupons for us to claim that gold essence, from 20k coupons to 30k coupons, sure they put more power items, but what is the point if we want initiative? 20k it takes soo much time, 30k its just to cut f2p from getting it.Now i see a 40k ingots recharge...40k ingots, something like 800 dollars...where are we? I always complained about the 20k ingot recharge event, now its even higher, i never went for that, but the fact that its there, means that there are actually buyers...people actually buy it, its insane, its more expensive then most of our rents ffs.Not only that, ninja outburst was cool with those rewards and discount on group merchant, but now you can be attacked from....those who actually spends insane amount of money, like those who enter in Ino event ranking...SWB with people with 3000 dollars madara with near 40 winning streak, where is the competition? Where is the struggle?Im just a number, my surveys are worthless as my complaints, i don't see a recharge as a problem, i see a problem when there is this sick idea that asking for 400, 800 or even 3000 dollars for one event its actually "worth it" the price asked..Being that said, obviously this game is focused for rich people or mind troubled, i quit.For all the nice people i spoke to, i wish you well.Farewell mates
2019-04-10 11:38:42
Event Cycle - March 28th
350 flowers, 1 flower=50 ingots -->350x50=17 500 ingots =350 dollars...who spends 350 dollars in one event? As the time goes by the prices, who were expensive as hell, actually rises....talking about milking a cow.Of course a dopped kakuzo, madara ten tales etc etc makes you win a battle but its that worth all that money? For what reason? You should value more how hard it is to earn money, but you can ask what you want i just can't understand how logical people could spend that much for a 20min game per day.Peace.
2019-04-04 12:22:40
Event Cycle - March 28th
Good evening community.IT's been a long time since i wrote here but i must do it once again.First of all, theme arena its the best event i've seen, in 1 hour i got over 100 fragments from several fighters, amazing job, totally worth it,Good job on putting potion training in myobuky trial.Cave exploration and refining event are always usefull since there is groceries room.That's all though.Daily recharge event with 6000 ingots recharge per day, something like 120 dollars per day...PER DAY.Red envelope, if there is no recharge, there is no event.Daily special, not soo special since there is only 10% discount as free to play, worthless.Infinite Tsukuyomi...3000 dollars for 1 fighter...i can't stop laughing about those who actually bought it.Unlucky wheel with, again, the infamous 10 fragments comments on throwing away coupons for random, RNG events.Daily spending event, again, if there is no recharge, there is no ingots to spend and there is no event.Wheel of fortune, another random rng event for you to burn out your coupons.The best for last, fuku event asking 30k coupons for you to get gold essence....that's right, people can say there is more power items bla bla bla but the fact its that in the past months you could get a gold essence for 20k, now it's 50% more save up to 20k you need like 5 months doing plunder and all those free events, to reach 30k lolThis game will not change, it's becoming more and more focus for whales, people who can't compete against that will just stop playing, until more and more servers are dead, its legit people do what they want, however everyone should think about 2 things1- Do you want to beat a CPU or a person? because to beat a person you need that person to compete, if you spend spend spend and end up with insane difference of power, who will you beat then? Take care of your community since everyone want to have fun competing.2- IF you want to be top 3 in space time, or the best player in the game, what will you think its going to be your reward for that? Only one reward, a very lighter and shorter bank account, putting a 3000 dollars event for madara and seeing in swb people with him...i feel sad.Mates, no point on arguing with oasis, you have the power, not them.PEace.
2019-04-04 12:22:40
Event Cycle - February 28th
Good evening dear mates, Maybe it's just me but i don't see why people are happy with this week events because this is what i see: *Fuku event: out of the blue, now i need to spend 30k coupons to get full rewards, to get that golden essence...out of the blue bammm 10k more coupons are needed to be spent; *battle armor event:outdated since the day that grocery store came into the game, why people would spend ingots on something that they can get for free with moon/sun points? Only huge whale who don't know where to spend their recharge perhaps... *balloon event: once again without charm pack, once again with ridiculous huge prices, fourth ay at 30 to 36k coupons? lol, i got cancer 6path naruto for 18k coupons...i guess 3 cave keys per day its what i will redeem this week. *cave event: for some reason, its wayyy earlier, what is this cycle breaking? a new way for whales to use ingots/coupons on keys when they usually can save enough with moon points? very low move... *spring matsuri: another golden fish event/ flip card event *konoha tree: no power items can be redeemed with daily free tries, you need like 3 days free tries to get 10pages from a tactical slot, stuff that in this version its only meant for those who don't know where to throw away their coupons, *madara event: of course, here it comes another cheap 3000 dollar event, like its something normal, something worth it, something usefull for your normal day, to spend 3000 freaking dollars on pixels from some free online game? Bahh, i don't see why people are happy to be honest, Gakido skillbreaks, yes it's cool, but where is the shop for trial stuff like experimental vial or experimental protection vial? because together they cost 58 coupons, breakskill need a lot of those and its a random feature, again, its cool if you want to throw away your coupons, its only good if you can use moon/sun points to get those items. I was expecting a lot of stuff for whales but something WORTH IT for people who don't want to spend those insane prices, i mean i've been saving for months 15k coupons and i don't see anything worth it to spend them. Cave key event hardly done, next week please.
2019-03-06 18:39:14
Event Cycle - February 14th
This week event started today, i did refine event and i am already done...that pretty much sumerize this week events.We have baloon event with charm pack at 75 points for crying out actually raised its price, you can't even redeem 1 free pack per day, what's going on with you?That unworthy flip card event..i can't even redeem the worst prize there with all this week free tries, i mean that i won't do anything with 1 kakashi fragment, but i can't even redeem that with my entire week free tries. Unlucky wheel event, no comments to add, good luck to those who aim for 10 fragment reward that will never be obtained.Flower event, either you spend minimum 200 dollars (50 ingots*200 points) or you can't even start to compete for those rewards...200 dollars lolRecharge event, so people who go for ino gets more rewards, enjoy those 25k ingots,500 dollars rewards.But hey..i have coming across event, at least i can redeem 4 myobuky scrolls lol, that makes it all good then,.Next week please.
The Fourth
2019-02-20 13:13:30
Event Cycle - January 24th
I wonder how survey works...apparently they saw some negative feedback about this week events so they added Ino event, AGAIN, where you need to recharge, minimum (if you are the only huge whale in the server) 300 dollars..LMAOI get the picture of that survey though " Oasis i have tons of money to spend, just add another huge recharge/spend ingots event, my wallet cannot be closed with soo many bills" xD
2019-01-30 06:41:44
Event Cycle - January 17th
Thank you for your answer.So, bottom line, i have one event that says im able to use something that i, actually can't use....Amazing...for 10 and 20% discount i just save my coupons, i rather use sun points on advanced runes rather than paying what you are asking for.OAsis, just give me 100% functional events, not nerfed ones for crying out loud
2019-02-19 16:13:24
Event Cycle - January 17th
good evening,i don't want to give my poor opinion about this week event, but i have one question about this info " b) By using Discount Vouchers, you can get an extra discount on the Current Price. Discount Vouchers can be obtained from Shinobi Feast- Arena Training and Ninja School Winter Camp."Daily special event says that i can obtain (or buy with coupons) a 50% discount voucher...i searched it in shinobi feast and ninja school and i didn't find it, where is it?Thank you
2019-02-19 16:13:24
Event Cycle - January 10th
For me its a good week according to late events.Limited points with charm pack for 10 points only, wich is awsome.Myobuky with free mood scrolls and some coupons, great as always.New arena with tons of fragments, wich is insanely great.cave explorations always good since you have groceries room to redeem moon points for cave keys.treasure of sage with lame offers (put mood scrolls with rebate discount) but with 5 free pulls that gives rewards like some coupons or mood scrolls.wishing lanter that gives 1 charm pack every day, great as well.I don't care about the 600 dollars recharge events, or spending coupons on tree to get fragments....without spending 1 coupon i can gather a lot of usefull stuff in this week event, well done oasis.
2019-01-16 20:28:10
Server Merge Request - Week of January 1st
in 3 months you have top1 with 200k wich is more than top2+top3 put wonder that server its dying, if you merge with another server it will happen the same unless you control that huge whale.
2019-02-01 16:27:12