GNW Treasure
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Test Ninja
Test Ninja
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2017-07-24 19:21:02
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2018-09-08 04:47:53
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2017-08-30 23:06:45
1 year
I actually belive that in there it was fir the 3 year anniversary, so it might be our 2 year anniversary idea what wil will get for the 1st one, maybe the 4 missing tendo frags
General Discussion
2017-07-24 22:05:40
Curse tag?
from what i know about the China version Kimi's passive should give now around 5%, and he later will have a book that raises that to 6%.
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Test Ninja
2017-07-24 22:05:16
Problems I see with Matsuri
I'm sorry, I misread the second answer you gave me. For some reason i read only "I stand correct" instead of "I stand corrected", and those 2 letters completelly change the meaning of the sentence.Thus I corrected my statment in the post, leave here a sincere public apology for the misunderstanding of my part and thank you for reporting it.As is now stated in the post, I will give it a month to see if something is done and if nothing is done i will PM you to remember so you can ask them again.Regarding the matching system, it doesn't need to be a new one, just make sure the current one is forced to have both players fulfill the "you are in the queue for over 60/30 seconds" requirement before matching the players, instead of as long one fulfills it the matching will be made.
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Test Ninja
2017-07-24 22:05:08
Max number of commissions in ninja task room?
its just a way to get some more coins each day, you dont do a thing.
General Discussion
2017-07-24 22:01:45
Remove that 2 dango and have the minimum be 100 and i wouldn't even be mad with that wheel.Considering how the system will work it would be a good wheel in fact. :D
General Discussion
2017-07-24 22:01:45
[Player Guide]
Should I change focus on treasures?
considering the last 3 rares you got are dupes, there is a high chance on the next 60 you get 1 new ninja, so i would risk it and then stop and save for jinchuriki.
2017-07-24 22:01:46
May 1st legislation question
The CN version is already working on it, but the Taiwan version haven't done anything yet, but since they are around 3 months behind CN version, Tencent might just let the patches roll on and the problem will be dealt there as well.Now with us they might let it roll on as well which will take at least 1 year for the rules to be applyed or they might do it sooner, I'm betting on the first one since it requires less resources when compared to implementing such a late feature in such a lower version of the game.And they may play with the fact that they are moving to the West and expanding their market to get some time for this to happen. Almost sure Oasis will have no say on this matter though.
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2017-07-24 22:02:05
Oasis doesn't keep their word?(surprising)
The fun part about all of this, is that nothing will be done either way.First, the Mood Scrolls, well if they wait long enough they won't have to do anything, since they will be removed from the game and the mood system will use Dango, Cuppons and Ingots as currency. So guess what will happen. And fixing it is as simple as going to the line of text related to the Dangos in the Wheel and change the extension of Dangos to the Mood Scroll one, it's not a game breaking thing and it doesn't take that long if you are familiar with the Game's code.Second, the post Narbsy linked, it's just a repeat of what they add already promissed, it's not set in stone either, it's just a plan, it may be done, it may not. Also those are features that have to be added to the game either way, again just a matter of time so it adds no value to the conversation. Don't pretend you are doing it for us.Third, the Treasure for medal users, that is a big deal, they are paying for a feature that they dont have access to. If the feature isn't ready it shouldn't be there to begin with. That is even a reason for the paying players to ask for a charge back since you are charging them for something you can't provide. To avoid problem the company should remove it and reduce the medal price to reflect that there is something missing, at least until the feature is ready. The way it is right now, the company is actually commiting a *e.Fourth, the keys in the Tree were announced with 2.0 and aren't still there as well, again its as simple as going to the line of text and add the 3rd option to the line with the keys extension. But hey selling them for over 900 cuppons/ingots each 88 in the pack is more profitable.Fiveth, don't compare a game to an actual business that requires you to spend money to make money and that actually needs to have a stock of products to sell to the client, the company wouldn't spend anything to be able to provide the Mood Scrolls on the Wheel besides a small part of the salary of the person that spent a portion of time to fix the situation. It's not like they would have to spend money for each time someone would get the Mood Scroll on the * Wheel (which they would in the example presented), just the same way they don't run out of stock if we all now decided to buy over 10k Mood Scrolls each. They are diferent businesses and should be treated as such. Lets not forget there is no Offer and Demand here, the Offer is infinite so the concept doesn't apply. This post was last edited by Glyrin at 2017-4-30 14:46 This post was last edited by Glyrin at 2017-4-30 14:47 This post was last edited by Glyrin at 2017-4-30 15:19
General Discussion
2019-10-09 01:26:06
The truth about space time
it does say right here in the guide that you need to get points to rank in the top128, its not very explicit that points are what matter, but its there, and its understandable. you can check the points ranking right here
General Discussion
2017-07-24 22:02:04
GNW Hinata vs standard Hinata
Actually there is more to it besides what you said, which is correct.To start, 2 star tanks aren't the greatest of options since everyone will target them in auto combat and they will die faster, which in case the tank is a linker in your combo will reduce your combos a lot, and in this particular case loose the acupuncture.Her passive that gives 60% life has 1 problem, it will trigger no matter the status effects on her, but if she "dies" mid combo, the combo will keep going on her and takes the second part of her health as well. This happens because she doesn't actually die and come back, she just gets a 60% heal when her life reaches 0 for the first time.So its actually possible, if opponent combo is strong enough that it will take the 160% life with one go. And even if it doesn't debuffs like poison, ignition and so on, will still remain on her for the normal duration since she didn't actually died.This 2 things combined make using her at 2 stars a high risk, even as a 3 star, now get her to 4-5 stars and by god use her since the 3 standards when using the mystery (that will do repulse instead of knockdown like the regular version), plus the defensive buff and the extra dps will make her amazing.
2017-07-24 22:02:49
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