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2017-07-24 19:16:47
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2023-06-17 11:44:07
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2023-06-16 14:56:33
New Event Cycle - June 15th
Been playing NO since, I want to say, roughly 2018-2019 on-and-off. Have managed to peak around 3rd place of my unmerged server rankings as a F2P several months into the server, but that was years ago. Coming on and off back to the game, I have come to realize how real this statement is. Originally, Oasis would drop events like fuku rebate and lucky board often, ideal for F2P with no better alternatives to get power at the time. Since then, I don't even think I saw fuku for 2-3 months at a time before. Lucky board is practically nonexistent at this point, and it seems like 60% of weekly events are recharge-oriented at this point. I've peaked over 300k power as a F2P, for reference, and was fairly content with the state the game was in at the time. However, that was then. Since then, I have noticed the severe drop in F2P players who will stay committed to a server. Why? The answer is simple, because they have all come to realize that their hard work of building up power steadily over the months can be undermined by someone spending a cheap car's value on one event. F2P players have grown exceptionally tired of the great divide and struggle between F2P and whales, and it only becomes more apparent with time. Their choice to simply toss "more ninjas" at the problem just creates more problems, as F2P players have it hard enough trying to save up for 1-2 ninjas they want, and that can take months at a time. Instead, they get hit by an insane power creep by units with things like strong poison, irremovable stuns, and barriers which completely counteract any possibility for most F2P players to have a chance of winning fights. NO's brightest days are long gone, but Oasis just wants to continue milking the game for what its worth because whales will continue to exist in every game that allows spending. Is it the right choice? Perhaps as a business, but definitely not if they want a "fair and balanced game," far from what NO has become. Didn't expect to go on such a tangent, but I loved NO in the past. I would enjoy coming back from High School to play it while working on my homework, talking with my guildmates, and just having a blast. I would lose a few fights here and there, but it was nothing too upsetting. Now, I'm met with constant reminders that I can never fight whales fairly because of the gap created by recharge units. It's a shame, really, as there are no other games quite like NO. If there are, and anyone has any recommendations, I'm all ears. Not that demon slayer mobile game though, that's somehow just as bad as NO's state. Thanks for listening to my rant.
2023-06-19 07:53:03