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2017-07-24 19:13:07
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2017-07-24 22:06:11
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2017-07-24 22:06:11
Lineups to counter Mei Terumi/Tenten teams.
I have ran this team a few times, and one of the most effective teams to counter has been some form of Lightning main, and kimimaro, generally with mabui, and killer bee (Seven sword thug)... I suspect the later two could be switched out, but I would suggest a healer too in the team, maybe even an acupuncture.One of the key things when fighting this team and you have an interrupter/acupuncture person in your team is waiting until you see mabui do some hand signs, then pop your acu/interrupt on tenten.
2017-07-24 22:06:24
Official Statement for Our Players about Recent Events
I do agree with you whole-heartedly, we need both free players, and paying players to make this game... or any game playable.Sorry it came across like I thought you were complaining, just seemed way too one sided, I should have read the post you quoted to get more context on it, my bad. ^^
2017-07-29 14:15:52
Official Statement for Our Players about Recent Events
The same can be said of paying players, (for the record free player here) without them the servers go down, employees do not remain employed. If this game or any game only had a pure free to play aspect towards it, it would become about who spent more time on the game, and those who have a job/other things to do outside of the game would get left behind. Both sides of this scenario has it's pros and cons, but I got to say I do prefer that they keep the servers up to date, and updates rolling out, even if it is slowish... which is understandable, it takes time, code is really excessive and time consuming, and it can be REAL easy to make an error that can screw up the whole code, which delays things even further. Now don't get me wrong I am not a fan of the pay to win model, especially with how long it takes to catch up... if you are lucky/have the right plan, but it is unfortunately a necessary evil so to speak, it is what it is, and it is here to stay, albeit things have become a little more obtainable as of late from what I have noticed, so I do thank OG/the mods etc for listening too our complaints, I can see more things coming in the future as they tweak things to give us all a better gaming experience for as long as possible.
2017-07-29 14:15:52
Water Team
hmm i suggest using this team: Water main, Sakura (sailor uniform), Gnw Ten Ten, Mabui. (instead of ignites (edit: and burst damage) like we see with the usual mei teams we see water mains using, this team would rely heavily on locking down others via it's chaos control.)Talents: 2, 3, 3, 2, 1 - With Summon: lightning tiger king This post was last edited by got*** at 2017-4-14 16:16
2017-07-24 21:56:23
[Ninja Exam]
Ninja Exam 120 Version 2.0 - Water Main
For those struggling to have kankuro's puppet survive, make sure you add ao to the original lineup LAST, that way kank's puppet is behind the water main, it survives much better back there, other than that follow it to a T, it's definitely doable with this lineup.
2017-07-24 22:11:03
[Breeze Dancer]
Moving from lightning to wind
Aye honestly without a chakra gain character in your team, and someone who bursts out a lot of damage, it is very difficult no matter what main you are, even knowing who to go after in these teams I have seen running around, I haven't been able to beat any of them. - The water main is more common, but the wind main is far more troublesome, for me anyways. (Water main, Gnw Tenten, Mei, Mabui.) - Focus on mabui first get rid of the chakra gainer ASAP, ignore tenten/mei... aka the damage dealers, get rid of what is allowing them to pull off these moves sooner th*ual. (You may also need to blind the water main, unless you have killed mabui/he or she isn't running the healing standard.) (Wind Main, Sage Naruto, KazeKage Gaara, jigokudo/gakido) Go after wind main first, - they may be running dance of impetus, and blind jigokudo/gakido, first turn combos that lead into blindness is key to pulling this off. - Granted I admit I didn't learn this one until recently fighting NE 115, so yea get rid of the ninjas that are allowing the damage to get crazy first, then go after the dders/the ones who build chakra.
General Discussion
2017-09-17 09:36:01
TI and Strong Approach bug compensation
I for one am thankful for it, it allowed me to get 40 extra threads, and as a result I am not rank 5 battle armor, which easily raised my power more than the 25 ninja tools would have. Now could it have been better/more 'fair' obviously yes, but they didn't have to do it, ergo it could have EASILY been way worse/not there at all. Even without the rank up, I still would have preferred the thread for the armor, which would be roughly a full month of clearing SA, and honestly you didn't have to spend it on threads, that 1500 coupons can go ANYWHERE, I know a friend who did something similar to me to raise their battle power, but they did it with the cave/'new-ish' rune system, they also had a decent power level boost from it, compared to the little they would have gotten from the 25 ninja tools. Obviously not everyone will spend the coupons on the same thing, but I for one prefer the coupons over the ninja tools, especially considering how much those coupons translated into medium threads, not to mention the added threads I got from saving up coupons in the first place. (That is what truly allowed me to rank up with my battle armor.)
Bugs & Support
2017-07-24 21:52:46
[Midnight Blade]
Nerf Lighting main cause Dripsha said so!!!
Just a little fyi, this thread was meant more as a Joke, I realize we don't all have the same level of sarcasm/silly detector as others do, so yea... all good that you missed it, hell you weren't the only one. x3Either way.#NerfDrip'sLM
General Discussion
2017-07-24 21:52:38
Consumption Wheel Bug Announcement
I have gotten compensation, a friend of mine has also got compensation, give it a bit of time, repeatedly asking for something like this only slows it down, I know it's been nearly a week, but it takes time to input/double check the data to ensure everyone that should get something as compensation should be getting it. I know people's faith in oasis/the mods etc is shaky at best at the moment, but give it a bit more time, posting about it endlessly may even make them shy away from helping you, I am sure you'll get compensation sooner or later.EDIT: I am talking about the Ti/sa bug... not the wheel consumption. This post was last edited by got*** at 2017-3-31 09:40
2017-07-24 21:53:52
why cant chase missions be daily?
I'd love to see this happen, or maybe make it so that it happens on Friday as well as the 2 current days we already get, but yea... #PipeDream sadly.
General Discussion
2017-07-24 21:51:46