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2017-07-24 19:35:40
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2017-07-24 22:00:16
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2017-07-24 22:00:16
They're not, at least not my serv : S13 - Shino.The server is dying, and has been dying for months now, and we have yet to get merged even though it's been requested several times since January IIRC. Just played the 1st round of GNW (I'm in the 3rd most powerful group, out of 4 groups eligible for GNW), and we got blasted because the only people that keep playing are the ones who spent thousands, and some of them keep doing so even though it's obvious the serv is almost dead.We barely are able to do Sage. And GNW is practically an auto win for the top group, simply based on the number of people available for war.We used to have the 6 fields with at least 3 players, sometimes we got to 4 fields with 6 people. Tonight, we had 2 fields with one person, and the other were duos.So, no, the oldest servs aren't necessarily in a better place.
General Discussion
2017-07-24 22:03:04
Server Merge Updates – Jan 17th
1. Server IDS12: Shino2. GNW participation and group activity4 groups (3 really, one group always auto lose because they don't have enough people to fill the battlefields)Activity :1- 6842- 6523- 3534- 3163. Sage World Battlefields statusVaries between 10-16 players per section. Always the same people having 12+ streaks.People who don't have 35k+ power start to avoid it. Other people tend to be afk, or are eliminated very quickly because they're too weak.4. Average Powertop 3: 61k, 56k, 51ktop 10(avg): 47ktop 11-50(range): 31k-45k5. Matsuri participationAlright with cross-server matchmaking, even though it doesn't work properly in regards to higher/lower level matching.6. Ability to kill Kurama in the World Boss eventKilled in 10-15 minutes depending on who's participating. Always the same top 3.
2017-07-24 21:34:06
Are you happy with Chase Mission 2.0?
I've had some issues here and there, but never been unable to complete one. I did everything solo.I found that the harder ones are harder because you get combo'ed pretty hard at the start, you'll lose one ninja, become unable to combo them or less effectively, and it snow* from here.It's not that they hit that much harder, they just come out of the gates with 7-8-9 combos, and if the Ninja targeted isn't tanky at all, he's gone.If you're having a lot of trouble with missions like Kakashi for instance, there are multiple choices. I play 100% F2P, so there's no reason you can't do it. Most of the ninjas I use are available once you hit the mid levels. Of course, if you don't farm Cult. Runes, Awakening Materials, Equipment upgrades, you won't go far. (I see people who are 60+ and still run with Chunin+1 equipment and Lvl 1/2 Magatamas)So, once you've powered up all that stuff. You'll need to either :- Find a good combo team (6+ on every Mystery/Attack), in order to make sure you'll snipe ninjas one by one. Even if you have to lose a fight to find out which ninja is the primary target to slow the combos.- Find a way to apply "Accupuncture" and/or "Paralysis" on most of the ninjas.- Be tanky enough in order for your ninjas to not get blasted and withstand the first wave of attacks. Whether it's with shields, or by having clones in the front.Quick examples :Lightning Main : "Chidori Blade" Mystery. You'll cause Paralysis on the whole team, no more combos.Earth Main : Put him in front, make it so he can't be affected by stuff like "High float" etc... Fire Main : Put him in the back, and use the Sleeping attack and Ignition Mystery. Doing that, you'll neutralize one ninja every round, and you can get rid of two ninjas by round 2 if you combo well.Few ninjas I've used : Neji (not even GNW), Guy, Sasuke 3*, Hinata, Kakashi.
General Discussion
2017-07-24 21:24:14
Events - Dec 8th
LMAO, more P2W BS. And you even failed to maximise it. Contact me if you want some ideas.
2017-07-24 21:11:19