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2023-02-10 09:48:55
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2023-03-19 19:17:35
Bug or Oasis hitting new lows?
If this is not a bug then it's clearly a nerf to the event but let's not waste time on that. Thanks for the answer regarding the event I will wait but I will just say that this is pointless at this point anyway even if someone made a mistake and it was supposed to be 10 fragments by the time you "fix" it we will have next event week like Keyflash said earlier in harsher way. As for my previous thread I understand your explanation with 1 problem about it tho - "Some ninjas do indeed transition to coupons". I would like for you to give me few examples of such ninjas in the last 8 months that were converted from Ingots to coupons. Itachi - nope Sasuke - nope Mei - nope Gaara - nope New year Nagato - nope Asian Neji - pretty sure he also wasn't added for coupons yet in any event Gamaken summon - nope Spider summon - nope Including new clothing we have now 3 clothings that are not converted to coupons in 8 months. So I really want those examples from you because It's not that I want SPECIFIC ninja -> there is nothing converted to coupons and that's the problem - literally check that yourself if you don't believe me and finally see that there is something wrong here cuz we didn't have problems like that before. Not to mention that maybe with expection of Gaara none of those ninjas above are strong enaugh to be ingots locked for so long. Like straight up outside of Gaara who I want and I get it that he will be locked for ingots I don't want to buy any of those ninjas above so it's not about me but the problem as a whole.
Bugs & Support
Tachibana Saeko
2023-03-21 07:37:52
Bug or Oasis hitting new lows?
Then can you answer the question instead of deleting everybodys posts for no reason? Nobody is ranting here outside of you and going off topic. 1) This threads question - is this event bugged or not ? - still no answer 2) My Previous thread that was locked with out any answer and no i didnt suggest anything over there I was just asking why for 12 months there is no transition from ingots to coupons for ninjas like Asian Itachi, Sasuke, Summer Mei etc. - answer the question instead of dodging it - if you need I can make new thread so it's not off topic here but I think that is pointless no? If this really is above your understanding then keep deleting posts I guess
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Tachibana Saeko
2023-03-21 07:37:52
Bug or Oasis hitting new lows?
In before lucky sn4tch is "bugged" and removed from the pool like mission boxes event which suddenly became unfixable even tho it worked perfectly fine for 5 years I don't even know who runs this circus show anymore, is it still Daiske or some new total memester is in charge of things now cuz it looks like it for a long time. PS Thank you btw for removing that new arena duel mode from the game after putting it in once, event that is supposed to be on permanent rotation can't be in the NY game because again getting free 400 coupons or whatever it was for playerbase is game breaking. We have so many amazing events like this thread shows that getting extra 400 coupons or whatever it was would be able to give me with good rng 1 Curse Mark level 2 Jugo fragment, simply mad. (this is sarcasm)
Bugs & Support
Tachibana Saeko
2023-03-21 07:37:52
New Event Cycle - March 16th
What I think about this? I think that they ignored you for 2 years like everybody elses feedback for this game cuz like I said it's run by the worst team possible. They are just terrible on every level possible, from updates, bug fixes to even making money. People think that they "milk" whales and make a ton of money but compared to Chinese server who sells new ninjas for 2400 ingots! to masses Oasis here earns close to nothing. Big heads just can't understand that selling ninja to 50 people for 2400 ingots per server makes more money than 1 whale buying it for 30 000 and it creates healthier + bigger community invested into your game, meanwhile ours is close to dead
2023-03-21 13:09:00
New Event Cycle - March 16th
They removed it on purpose like every event that gives too much to f2p community - better do fishing for 1hour and 1000 mouse clicking for 1 fragment of Summer Kurenai. No Madara or Yugito BT Ninjas that should be updated are in double digit number already so this 1 per month update like Tobirama doesn't cut it There are few events that give good rewards in other servers that are not added for us who knows why [like for example in germany] Main Characters changes Trolling everybody with 1 year ingots only mediocre ninjas like Mei, Itachi, Sasuke etc NY Oasis team has to be the worst one of all of them and sadly we are playing this version of the game.
2023-03-21 13:09:00
What is the controversy surrounding Naruto?
What are you even talking about, you didn't understand anything even after 500 episodes of the show. Naruto was not a demon but just a child that did nothing wrong so why is it normal for other people to treat him like garbage ? Danzo was never in charge of the village and in Minato Hokage era he had absolutly nothing to say - he couldn't touch previous jinchuriki Kushina so how did Danzo plan to make Naruto Konoha weapon when he was completly irrelevant and Naruto becoming a jinchuriki was an emergency not some Konoha genius plan. As for Hiruzen there are valid points that he failed as Hokage on multiple fronts: 1) Could explain everything to Naruto and Sasuke which potentially would solve a lot of future problems. They were not clueless kids but a part of shinobi world even as Genins 2) Didn't remove Danzo once and for all even tho he knew that Danzo is literally a cancer in this village for decades 3) Didn't kill Orochimaru when he could cuz of his weakness towards his student which led to his death and huge Konoha destruction + Sasuke betrayal etc *erfly effect. 4) Didn't solve Uchiha problem and he left that job mostly to Danzo - we know how that ended... 5) He didn't give Naruto anything, safe to assume that Minato / Kushina had a house that Naruto just got after their death. He was actually the one that completly ignored Naruto and his potential to be the Village future savior like Minato wanted. Absolutly no strategic vision completly useless leader. He should care for Naruto like Raikage did for Bee. Outside of Minato nobody in Konoha could do anything vs Kurama. If not for him literally entire village would be destroyed. To solve the crisis he sealed "demon" inside his innocent child - Naruto. Uzumaki sealing jutsu was the strongest in the entire world so Minato didn't leave a bomb. He saved the Village, Naruto becoming a sacrifce for a demon also saved a village what should happen instead of entire village treating him like alien should be: 1) Explanation from Hiruzen what really happened 2) All those useless clowns from Konoha saying thank you everyday for being alive thanks to Minato to Naruto 2) Training under someone like Jirayia from a little kid how to control 9tails power 3) Under training he would open the key to control Kurama as a kid and would meet Minato and Kushina that would explain everything to him 10 years earlier 4) By all of above he would be strong enaugh as a kid to literally protect the Village from all mess that happened like Orochimaru and prepare for Masked Man world ending future plan.
General Discussion
2023-03-12 11:00:09
Shisui Uchiha Susano'o BT - Extra Standards
Like KonoKazuma said Slow Reflex debuff from his chase BUT there is 1 strange thing about his chase and that is sometimes Shisui needs to hit 2 chases to start his standard chain and sometimes only one which doesn't make any sense. [that 60% chance applies to everybody else but I think that it's 100% for Shisui, NEVER had a fight vs Shisui who did 2 chases and didn't start his attack chain and I fought by now hundreds of them] Normally you hit enemy first and then apply debuff so how in the world is Shisui getting extra standard attacks from just 1 chase is enigma since his global release. Probably bugged but left on purpose to milk some $$$
General Discussion
2023-03-05 02:25:49
Ranked Battle arena
I agree, Ranked Arena and Decisive Bonds are at the point where 85% of the time minimum you are in queue and then get quick win or enemy retreat because of bad matchmaking -> power difference. I don't know if technology is there for naruto online but I would rather fight AI +/- 25% of my power with random meta ninjas than waiting for 20 mins to see retreat from some 100k power new player or my retreat vs 5m power whale
Bugs & Support
Tachibana Saeko
2023-03-02 13:10:15
guide to naruto kuruma and madara seals.
Banners in Naruto Online have hard pity system and you ARE guaranteed to draw certain characters after X number of draws so what are you talking about.
General Discussion
2023-02-28 00:21:39
guide to naruto kuruma and madara seals.
To get Kurama Naruto faster honestly only good advice is to find group that will give you seal scroll packs every week even if it means joining weak one. You c*so force it faster by doing other events and buying scrolls from Sun Shop but that's not optimal. Using scrolls with rebate + weekly GNW supply is the only way. People that are in big merged groups for no reason and get 1 pack every month can play 4 years and have less scroll than a guy playing in small group that gets seal pack every week. Not to mention that those under 1M power players actually play the game themself so their pack priority should be higher, a lot of high power groups have that 1 guy who logs for other 10 people and they get packs for some reason instead of a person who logs himself. Depends on a group some like mine are anti pilots policy and we give packs to lower power people so they can have some fun with it and other (prob most) groups just pull all of it to those 10 strongest power accounts that owners dont log at all.
General Discussion
2023-02-28 00:21:39
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