GNW Treasure
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2017-07-24 20:11:17
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2021-06-01 12:07:55
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2018-03-09 03:30:41
Server Merge Request - Week 5th February
Server ID: S589 2. Server Region: LA 3. Server Age: 8-9 months 4. Time Taken to kill boss: 10 minutes 5. World Boss HP: around 30 million 6. No. of groups participating in GNW: 2 groups (1 completely dominates everytime and the other is losing active members fast) 7. Average power of Top 5: 94k Top 10: 82k Top 20: 62k Overall our server merge is dying as less people are getting on it would be nice if you merge us with a merged cluster consisting of s489, 499, 469, 479 . . . . . but we'll take 599, 569, 579, 519 ... as well . . . I guess we'll take whatever server merge 609 is in if the others mentioned aren't available Have a good day!
2018-03-13 02:57:06
Official bug report thread
Platform (Browser -Chrome, Firefox etc / Mini client) :ChromeServer number :s589Character name :⛅Tail⛅ UID (Facebook account - you can find your UID on the bottom of the Facebook page, Oasis account - go to your profile page and click on your avatar) : Description of the problem you are experiencing : So apparently, i've been completing all plot instances with all three stars checked but i don't receive coupons. May i know a way to fix this problem if possible?Screenshot of the error page : Operating system : Macbook OS X El CaptainScreen resolution : 1920 x 1080Your computer time zone and your country : United States Pacific time (PT)Are you using VPN ? : No
Bugs & Support
2021-08-21 03:06:16
[Player Guide]
Ask Us For Anything (Strategy Request)
So Im about to get roshi (190/210) soon and Im close to getting Gakido but never was able to draw Bee in the Kage treasures. So I was wondering which one will is a better fit for roshi as an earth main? Team 1: Gakido, roshi, kk gaara, earth main Team 2: Killer bee, roshi, kk gaara, earth main or
2018-01-27 05:33:32
Server Merge Request : Week 18th September
1. Server ID: S589 2. Server Region: LA 3. Server Age: Around 3-4 months 4. Time Taken to kill world boss: 21 minutes (according to peers) 5. World Boss HP on Tuesday: Not available 6. No. of group participating in Great Ninja War: 2 7. Average Power Rank: Avg Top 5: 45.6k power Avg Top 10: 38.2k power Average Top 20: 32.1k power Hi good evening Oasis Games, My IG name is Tailwind and I reside in server 589 and have long been a supporter for the game ever since the opening days of the server. Throughout my days playing the game I've had a lot of fun and developed bonds with people I have met. Unfortunately I feel as if my opportunities to enjoy the once vibrant server that was mostly present during the beginning is quickly disappearing. Currently our #4 strongest person in our server who have once been a loved member by the community have been increasingly inactive due to outside issues and our #8 and #9 who had at one point stood at the top of the rankings have also been inactive for a very long time. Along with that many members of my group Underdogs, who I have developed friendships with in the past have also been inactive and for that reason, my group who is considered the only one of remaining competition for GNWs has been struggling to maintain a 3-day participation point: of 200+ to participate in the GNWs. Due to the struggles of our group and the rest of the server, our rivals ImpureWorld comes out victorious 9/10 times. As a result, many people have left my group and joined the unstoppable empire along with the remaining active players in the server. At many of the GNWs, my group have often relied on smurfs and still struggle to fight ImpureWorld. As a competitive player I believe events as big as the GNWs should be fought fairly and competitively and sadly this isn't the case. Nine tails invasion c*so be quite a frustration at times as there are days where there are total of 6 people who participate in the event and at times it will take 20 minutes just to kill the beast. I would love to continue to enjoy and support this game to it's fullest potential but unfortunately my tolerance is dying quickly due to the dying competition in the server and the repetitiveness of encountering the same and few people daily. Thank you for reading, and I hope you consider my server's merge request :) Sincerely, Tailwind
2017-10-16 22:52:25