GNW Treasure
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2019-06-15 07:50:30
Pro guys,how fixed target that Kill Bee use mystery on
Yes, that's why I said I have not tried it with Bee/Kurenai or other ninja with same manual-target supportive mysteries.Just thought it could work the same as I did to the Mabui/Tenten team. Sad it doesn't work.Now, some people say Bee's Yo! actually targets ninja with the lowest HP pool, so try to arrange your life magatamas/runes so that your target ninja gets the lowest of the 4 ninjas. Careful not to overdo it, as your target ninja's survival may be compromised.
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2018-01-20 08:42:38
Limited Treasure
Probably.Although, the treasure I was referring to had Mei Terumi [The Fifth Mizukage], Yagura [Edo Tensei], Gengetsu Hozuki [The Second Mizukage] on its banner.Also, I'm wondering how many rares does that treasure has. If it's only 3 rares, then we'd have a great chance of getting Mei there, hopefully.
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2018-01-21 19:22:11
Pro guys,how fixed target that Kill Bee use mystery on
Idk if it works on Bee, but as I used on my previous lineup Mabui/Tenten/Darui, I controlled who will be the target of Mabui/Azure standard heal when all of them have full HP, so I cn always cast her mystery despite prompt acupuntures/immobiles.What I did was to "place" Tenten first into the lineup, before all other ninjas including the main. Now, you might wanna say "the main ninja cannot be removed from the lineup".Yes, you cannot, unless it's Matsuri/Survival. Now, to make Tenten the target of standard heals, drag her up, and put her down back to her tile. Proceed to the next ninjain the priority order, drag and drop on same tile. The last ones you will be dragging up and placing down would be the healers, or in your case, Bee.I personally haven't tried this on Bee/Kurenai, and other ninjas that target allies. You can try.As for the Mabui/Tenten/Mei or Darui team, that strategy works 100%. Certainly comes in handy in space time autos.In short: The target of standard heals is the ninja that is "first" to be dragged up and placed down on its tile. Make sure you go all the way through the fourth ninja to make the priority order work. The fourth ninja to be dragged and dropped down is considered the "last" ninja, and thus, will not be the subject of standard healing unless its hp is the lowest (with suffered dmg).Fun fact: The "ninja with the lowest life" description in most healing abilities is based on the targets % HP in proportion to its own total HP pool. Thus, if all your ninjas have full HP, the one with the lowest HP value don't necessarily get to be target of the healing standard. The system seems to calculate HP proportions relative to its full value, based on percentages.
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2018-01-20 08:42:38
Probably bonus from Ninja Bond? The one in your home (unlocked at level 18).
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Guilherme Lauxe
2018-01-18 23:35:04
Sage Of Six Paths
Congrats! Edit: Why'd you delete it? :s If there's something in the screenshot that you didn't like to share, you can edit it out and re-post. :)Good job on attaining Sage of Six Paths!
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2018-01-17 07:54:57
Still waiting on Tendo rip
If Lucky Stars Wheel comes next week, just pray his frag is there.
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2018-01-17 02:54:10
Kushimaru, is he bit op?
You do know that lineup of yours is very vulnerable to Fuguki/Kurenai CC? When the water main combo's your earth round 1 after Jigo does his standard, you will be in chaos state until the end of round 2. At the start of round 2, Jigo will also be locked down, no way of cleansing your debuffs now. Deidara ignites one of your ninjas each round, thanks to mirror. If Deidara is in front of Fuguki, that would mean he cn also use mystery round 2, another layer of poison and ignite while having earth main and Jigo locked down. By round 3, what are the odds?Now, as for sailor instead of Jigo, that's even worse. As your sailor does her standard, gets ignited, hit by Fuguki mystery (4 stacks of poison, chaos, ignite). Your mystery can only remove 1 layer of debuff, probably removing poison. The chaos gets carried over to round 2, no way to use healing mystery, no more earth main mystery. Your enemy Azure combos Deidara, chaos'ed, no more ignite from you, enemy Azure does mystery + burst heal with Kurenai, you're basically facing n almost fully healed enemy now (take note, enemy Azure would be using healing tips as Kurenai already has hard CC). She saves Fuguki's mystery for 3rd round, waits Sailor does her mystery and standard atk, gets ignited, combo'ed by Fuguki. You lack the damage to burst an Azure that way, and you're simply melting by reflected ignite, poison stacks.
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2018-01-16 22:47:55
looking for help for a good team lightning main
It's ok. The ones I mentioned can still do fine in most of your battles.It would have been much better, though, if you had Iruka or Asuma WB to replace Guy.With the lineups I gave, you'll rely on GNW Hinata's damage, so try to up her atk as much as possible.You will be using Root of Warrior, and it would have been much better if Asuma WB was there so 3 of your sword-bearer ninjas get immune.
2018-03-02 19:30:46
I need opinion for roshi lineup
Experimentation makes impossible for that Mei/Mabui/Tenten team. Yes, you lose Poison Tai (which is a blessing in disguise).Round 1, you wait for enemy azure to finish standard healing, unleash Fuguki's mystery on Mabui to carry the chaos over into the next round.Round 2, NO ONE else from the enemy can do anything except for the enemy azure to use mystery, which is impossible, as you start combo with Roshi and chaos enemy azure. This is where no-poison tai-is-a-blessing as it is almost impossible for you to kill enemy azure clone with only Roshi's mystery. If you ever kill that clone, it gives enough chakra for Mei's mystery, impairing your team healing (unless your main is faster), thus Tenten can wreck you next round. Otherwise, having both Mabui and enemy azure locked down, Tenten/Mei keep getting ignited, and Mabui would probably be dead by round 3.Also, I highly suggest using Kurenai instead of Sailor. You will need your massive heal/shield to save either Roshi or Fuguki from being blitz'ed, plus you can freely use Healing Tips and give the CC role to Kurenai. That healing buff passive utterly ignores Tenten's round 1 dmg, and in arena, Kurenai heals for almost 4k HP and clears all debuff on whoever gets combo'ed (Wait for your main to cleanse an ignite and do Kurenai's). Sailor loses much usefulness on this team as you no longer rely on poison tai, and she can't save any of you in round 1 blitz. Your heals go weaker as you will be forced to take neurotoxin, thus, putting you at risk if you face LM blitz teams.
2018-01-17 01:54:42
looking for help for a good team lightning main
x-LM-xDarui-Guy-GNW Hinatax-x-x Talents: 3-3-4-3-3 (Better for 9 combos when using Darui's mystery)Summon: Serpent/White SnakeTalents: 3-3-3-3-3 (Better for 9 combos when Hinata starts combo in round 1)Summon: Flood Dragon/Shark
2018-03-02 19:30:46
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