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Naruto Online Forum
Chaos Madara
Chaos Madara
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Topics 1 |Posts 13
2017-07-24 20:00:13
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2019-12-12 13:23:39
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2019-12-11 20:46:31
Events Cycle - December 12th
I do. If you are recharging, you think you can get 40k coupons in 1 month ?
2019-12-18 15:32:21
Events Cycle - December 12th
To have a shot for 100 frags of Madara founder and a shot for 180 frags of Edo Minato before. In case you have been tracking the events the past couple of weeks, You cant keep up with 2 fuku *40K and ST,SB with coupons. Whales do not spend ingots in ingot spending events only. They spend when it is worth it.
2019-12-18 15:32:21
Events Cycle - December 12th
Seems like Oasis plans for selling Shisui susanoo is not working... so they introduce this week naruto ronin along with kakashi summer(which are very similar ninjas) for 50K ingots where a while ago ronin naruto along with 5 frags of madara was with 90k ingots :D And they forcefully put 180 frags of edo minato in a forced event in the middle of the week and now they are giving 100 madara founder frags in lucky stars next week with another forced event (since there was already lucky star event this week) to push whales who sat this tsukuyumi out to spend their stacked ingots to recharge again before the end of the year. I am glad that this shisui susanoo move did not work coz 3 tsukuyumi back to back is very greedy. Whales are getting smarter and for that i salute you.
2019-12-18 15:32:21
An Open Letter to Oasis Part 2
I am a super whale also and i would like that this refinement issue wont go that quietly. what i want to say that as many whales commented... for us it is a hobby so we can afford what we spend in the game, but also we are not morons to be driven to spend in things we do not like. This company is playing on the desire of competition between whales, which is the only thing that drive us to recharge. So as a F2P you could make a discord group for each region. inviting all the whales in, which by the way easy to know who are the heavy spenders in each server by just looking at bp. I will be more than happy to stop spending if other whales in my region will do the same. Bottom line is no mega whales will stop paying unless they see its a unanimous decision.
General Discussion
2019-09-23 11:06:04
I am a super whale also and I would like to see this refinement issue wont go that quietly. what I want to say is as many whales commented... for us it is a hobby so we can afford what we spend in the game, but also we are not morons to be driven to spend in things we do not like and we voted against. The game is basically playing on the desire of competition between whales, which is the only thing that drive us to recharge. So as a F2P you could make a discord group for each region. inviting all the whales in, which by the way easy to know who are the heavy spenders in each server by just looking at bp. I will be more than happy to stop spending if other whales in my region will do the same. Bottom line is no mega whales will stop paying unless they see its a unanimous decision.
General Discussion
Broken Screen
2019-09-20 09:24:01
Events Cycle - September 12th
does anyone know how much ingots is it gonna be this time :D 5000 dollars may be?
2019-09-14 19:29:07
Here's a guide on how to defeat Naruto SP with same, or slight difference BP
Lets face it guys please... He is a premium ninja with 20k coupons that normally goes with at least another support with 20k coupons too. If you put it like this, then if you have a 2*20k coupons ninjas you could manage to beat him. Don't complain about him when you are a f2p that use normal ninjas or outdated premium ninjas that cant beat him. he is good and pretty much good actually for 20k but he is not a God. if you have well stacked minato and 5k madara you can beat him if you have konan and anbu yamato and fire main you c*so beat him. but you need to invest in ninjas to be able to beat a premium ninja. Personally I face him in any given day with opponents same as my bp and still manage to kill him. just focus to kill the other 3 ninjas and don't waste your mystery on him in the first 2 rounds (only chases attacks that he suffer is enough) then on round 3 when all his team is dead you can kill him very easy. but ofc you will need to invest wisely to be able to do that.
General Discussion
2019-02-16 11:08:56
Event Cycle - January 31st
Always nag nag nag... if you are not willing to put real money in the game so just get what is given to you which is pretty fair...this game is not for charity they have staff and servers to maintain and they need to make profit.... so you are a F2P and not giving a single dime in it and you keep nagging and asking for things. This is not how things are in any online game. BTW so some smart ass will say i am p2w, i am not. Didn't put a single dollar in the game and am trying to enjoy it to the fullest.
2019-02-05 06:38:05
Server Merge Request - Week 5th February
please give us merge
2018-03-13 02:57:06
Official Statement for Our Players about Recent Events
To be honest this is a very strange policy to give some servers extra features than others and a lot cheaper too.bottom line, Oasis should 1-Make it fair and square for all servers. 2-Reveal the chances in the events so you will spend knowing when you will get what you are spending for.3-Decrease the rate of prices for God's sake, we need to sell a kidney to get a ninja that we want.4- Give more events for the F2p not only to get 4 or 5 frags of 1 event.other than this I wish someone to write the real money rate for getting a ninja so people could imagine what are these guys doing.I will give an example. if you want uchiha Itachi susano'o u need at least 1200 scrolls. if you dont have scrolls and you are purchasing in a "discount event" you will get those by 12000 coupons which means arround 230 US $ which in some countries is more than a salary of an adult individual???I played other games online without saying names since 2008 till now where if you spend 230 $ in it the whole server you will be very strong and happy and have lots and lots of merits which in the same time will help you but will never give you a great advantage on the F2p and as a developer company these other games really win a lot because they have so many servers and so many active players and putting money is a normal thing for all players.Please adjust your game and I myself am willing to continue spending for this game but only if it is reasonable and giving chances for f2p more than that.
2017-07-29 14:15:52