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2023-08-17 10:39:09
7th Anniversary Forum Event - Anniversary Memories
In Game Name: Iris Submission Type: Collage Submission: NO - 7th Anniversary Forum Event - Imgur
Tachibana Saeko
2023-08-18 01:00:51
Strategy Anniversary Event
In Game Name: Iris UID: 200000090087544 My Server: S154 - Ninja Monkey My Server Region: UK Team 1: "Stolen one" Saw this team and, as title suggested, took it for myself (uk who u are, gracias). Pretty fast wins in Matsuries, nice damage done by Orochimaru on start, possibility of using mysteries of other 3 ninjas as needed. Several different buffs from each ninja. Main could have Bani Chakra as passive, just to make chances of using Madara's mystery in first round higher in case opponent doesn't have chakra to steal. Team 2: "Chaos them all I say!" (Note: this is not team for serious use!) With arena full of Shisuis, nothing can secure you win - beside another Shisui and team bullied around him. Even tho Madara Edo and 6P are better options, sometimes going with same team for a while can be boring - a lot. Chaos delivered by 3 units, 2 reducing resistance/defense, ini and nin scaling and some smaller buff from main, mirror from Kurenai for additional "protection". You do not have to worry about lacking chakra, wind main also optional with this team. At least ur opponents Madara and 6p will chill for round or 2 with Kurenai's mystery. And who knows, maybe RNG Gods look upon on you, miracle happens and Sauske's Fear actually works. Team 3: "SWEEP" With Orochimaru GNW in classic team and some decent power, not like you need team for TI, tho this can be used there too. My personal favorite for 3v3. Yes, I'm hiding Kimimaro with Kisame on purpose. Team is lacking some buff, but for what your other team members are for? Kisame can steal chakra if needed, main give additional if you aren't in rush, you will delay mysteries with first 2 units and give some nice damage, if your opponent rushes and activates mystery before Minato from Orochimaru moves, well gg.
2022-07-29 06:21:58
Anniversary Event - Bonds Through the Years
In Game Name: Iris UID: 200000090087544 My Server: S154 - Ninja Monkey My Server Region: UK Story: It's not easy to write over and over about same thing. Especially not when situation didn't change as years passed by and you really do not want to sound pathetic. However, situation not changing in this case is...actually great?! But this time, I am not gonna focus on current group members - something else deserves bigger attention this time. Let me start from beginning... One server, several groups. As by all laws of nature - some war has to happen. Imagine server without drama....just boring. Anyway, some people quit and server started dying. Typical, right? When server merge happened, everything started blossoming. To be clear, when I say everything - I mean toxicity. New people, new groups, new drama, new war. People who were plundering me ended up being my group mates. Who would predict that. Competition was wild, I'm not gonna lie. This time, server actually survived until next merge...If for a second you though previous bad blood ended - think again. We all know that's not how it goes. Somewhere and somehow in all that chaos and ego fights, people actually started opening up to each other and some bonds were created. Recommendation of other animes, mangas and movies, talks about real life and sharing difficulties, giving and getting advices, voicing until late night, meetings irl. Ego could make greatest enemies which could wish to cut each other throats (figuratively speaking)...or friends, some for a short period of life and some for really, really long. Or something which isn't either and weird in it's core, but exists? Fast forward to 9th July 2022. Situation is next: - 3 somewhat active groups - around 15sh active players - 0 bad blood - some rivalry but on positive note between group mates - some bonds for a longer time than predicted, against all chances Currently - we are deadish group. Holding on with 5-7 players on war, helping each other when we have time and schedule allows. Not allowing other 2 groups to plunder our weaker members (when they actually ask for support). Flexing ofc - is group without some fake flex between members even group? Nope if you ask me. We are surviving and nothing much should or could be said in that matter. Game being same for a while lead to many, MANY, players quitting. They just couldn't wait for changes anymore. Several of us left, doesn't seem like we are going anywhere ("my bad habits lead to...."). As for people who quit, they stayed bonded even to this date. Believe me when I say they left long time ago. Still, they went together to play several other games, kept talk over old discord server of group. No, they are no planning of coming back. Too much time passed. Maybe my path separated from theirs, but they do still walk over same one. Realizing you have several common friends with them from rl even tho you never met, that you passed by them years ago on some festival, experiencing deja vu moment where you saw that person before (or heard voice?). Some started dating, some broke up, soon some weddings are gonna happen too (which is aweeeeeeeeeeee). Some ex-players I do meet sort of regularly (phone calls, text, walks) even tho we never played in same server or cluster. Seems like it's time to bring back late summer music sessions over Discord too (all hail #2018). All of this is weird, but on way you can't not to like it. It's just crazy how human relations can go up and down (and all of it just started over pixels and some random game). Odd feeling being here after 5.5 years and still seeing how it develops and vanishes, get's stronger and weaker while time keeps marching on. I tried not to sound pathetic. Yes, I know I didn't manage. Deal with it, I already did. As for all OGs of this game I know.....meeting irl when? Hoping one summer this could be all of us and more lol. Beach party it is (what else in melting July could be?!)
2022-07-25 01:56:05
Naruto Online EN’s 6th Year Anniversary – Shinobi Jigsaw Puzzle Challenge
In Game Name: Iris UID: 200000090087544 My Server: S154 - Ninja Monkey My Server Region: UK
General Discussion
DuckFan Sky
2022-07-29 06:23:31
Naruto's Christmas Event!
In Game Name: Iris UID: 200000090087544 My Server: S154 - Ninja Monkey My Server Region: UK Kakashi [Christmas] Tags: Male, Konoha, Sword-User, Blood Limit Mystery [Instant] Christmas Tree Attack [Nin/Tai]: Deals unavoidable damage to 3 units, neglects Immunity and 5 Combo. Selected unit will have it's Shields and Buffs canceled and will suffer from Knockdown. Standard Earth Release: Rending Drill Tree [Nin/Tai] [Earth Release Technique] Attacks up to 3 opponent's units. Causes Repulse, neglects Immunity and surpasses Supper Armor from a random unit. Chase White Light Blade [Tai]: Chases and attacks a Repulsed unit, causes High Float and reduces enemies Defense and Critical for 5% (stackable). Can be trigger up to 3 times. Passive 1 Christmas gift [Tai/Nin]: On start of the battle, two ninjas will randomly gain one of the following effects: 30% Attack and Ninjutsu increase, obtain two additional Chases OR obtain two additional Standard attacks. Last until the end of battle. Passive 2 Hidden Santa of Konoha [Nin]: On the start of each round, becomes Immune to Debuffs. Additionally, summons a reindeer. While reindeer is present, each ninja which causes Mystery/Standard/Chase damage from team will heal themselves in 25% of caused damage. When reindeer is destroyed, one random unit from team will have all it's Debuffs canceled and will get Immunity, last until end of the round. Credits for artwork goes to: Ao12_YunJae
2022-01-02 17:15:35
Defend the Spirit of Christmas – Team Making
In Game Name: Iris UID: 200000090087544 My Server: S154 - Ninja Monkey My Server Region: UK This team deals nice amount of damage while having team resistance/defense on high level too and takes down opponent's one. Bunch of tree from Sakura will take care of resistance and defense of opponent, while serving in same time as protection, as same as mains clone and Shiba from main. Sakura's standard will always cause critical damage and surpassing Supper Amor isn't that hard either with this team. Beside her, Akatsuchi will take care of it too, meanwhile giving shields to his team members alongside supper armor. Beside that, he is recovering chakra and makes nice additional damage while interrupting his target. Temari is here as main damage dealer with ignition as help, while giving additional buffs to her team, cancels shields and buffs with mystery. On start of battle she will decrease def/res of her of her enemies and make them even more vulnerable. Her xmass trees will take care of any healing if it's needed. Main, with leech and 15% additional buff, is nice addition and victory is pretty much guaranteed.
2021-12-31 13:21:50
Christmas Event - Story Telling
In Game Name: Iris UID: 200000090087544 My Server: S154 - Ninja Monkey My Server Region: UK For Orthodox Christians who follow the Julian calendar, Christmas falls on January 7. However, January 6 is also important and there are a number of customs associated with this day. It also has its own specific name - Badnjidan (from term *badnjak* which represents specific part of tree - usually oak, but it can be some other depending of region - which is cut in early morning of that day by head-male of household alongside sons/grandsons). When he chooses the right tree, the host turns to the east, crosses himself three times, mentions God, Saint - protector of his home and tomorrow's holiday, takes an ax in his hands and starts with cutting. According to popular belief, *badnjak* must be cut with three strong *s. What the ax does not cut three times, it needs to be finished by breaking or twisting. *Badnjak* symbolically represents the tree that the shepherds brought and that the righteous Joseph pledged in the cold cave when Christ was born - tho today it's know that this has connection with Slavic paganism and beliefs too from time Slavs weren't Christians, but about it another time. When tree is cut, it's brought to home and put close to door until evening. Today, in big cities at least, closest bazaar works out pretty well too. During all of that girl, woman, grandaugters and grandmothers would start preparating food for that and next day. January 6th is last fasting day (out of 40) and food which usually u can find on table that day are baked beans, fish, a lot of vegetables and torshi. Specific type of meat is prepared on that day too, for Christmas. After dinner, it's time to for *pijukanje* - basically a custom in which kids are main participians. We would sit on the ground in circle of big hallway while adults would be behind us preparing for show and laugh. Smallest children would sit in lap of one adult which would basically do their work. Lights go off and main lady of household would grab big plastic bowl full of candies, welnuts, small chocolate bars etc and with hand throw it in middle of circle while calling for her "chickens". Kids are quacking like a chickens and grabing with hands as much sweets as they can in complete darkness. False accusations would always be made about someone cheating and having additional help of adults, especially if there is the one type of candy which all kids want, but whole event would always end up in laugh. In the end, this day is all about forgivness and making peace with everyone you ever had fight with. Grabbed sweets are for tomorrow, however, which means kids aren't allowed to eat any of it - on that way parents would teach children about patience. Not happy when i recall that part -_- Česnica - specific type of bread which can, but doesn't have to be sweet, would be kneated on this evening too and it's first thing which will be tasted on Christmas morning, after specific custom being done tho. How it's gonna be made depends from region. End of the evening ends with one more custom which is mix of paganism and christianity, beside making bread and oask tree itself - burning badnjak. In big cities (around 7-8pm usually), people who live around churches would go there and put their *badnjak* on same spot. It would be blessed by priest, sometimes wine and honey would be spread all over trees and set on fire. Kids, including me too, would poke it with smaller branches while saying specific words to wish for blessed year. Flame could lasts for hours, sometimes even up to 5am! In rural areas, neighbors sometimes would have competition who will have bigger flame xD Several customs were skipped - for the sake of every reader who dared to pay attention to this big text. I described only ones which are staying strong in my memory and keep being cherished.
General Discussion
2022-01-01 23:52:27
Naruto's Birthday - Fanfic Event
In Game Name: Iris UID: 200000090087544 My Server: S154 - Ninja Monkey My Server Region: UK ‘’Preparing Naruto’s Birthday’’ Fanfiction event **********Hokage's office*********** Knock knock. "You summoned me, Lord Hokage?" Person sitting behind huge desk with bunch of papers, books and scrolls raised it's head to look at me and gently smiled. He started searching for something in that mess. "I did. There is important mission and I want you to take care of it. Not much time left so you have to be fast. Where did I left that thing...?! Finally. Take this and let me know do you have any questions." he said while offering me one piece of paper and scroll. But not just any scroll, some kind of ceremonial scroll. Important mission, huh? Well, this scroll itself is worth nice amount of silver coins, that's for sure, but it's not that important to hire jonin to take care for it, right? Not like top secret information is hidden in it for sure, this type of scroll is used for events. Time to look at paper. Village Hidden in Sand? Kazekage-sama? Wait, what's day today......bloody hell, I forgot. I completely forgot. I was supposed to search for gift whole day yesterday, didn't expect I'll be so tired from last mission and pass out.......Wait......... "This is invitaton, isn't it? Why this isn't send before?! I though Sai and Yamato took care of this last week!" "Well, they forgot on Gaara. Somehow." he said while rolling his eyes. "Listen, I know you are tired still from last mission, but clock is ticking. Party is in few days, trip itself until there is long. I can't leave this to genins, they are too clumsy and slow. Some Chunins and part of Jonins are send on different missions outside Village, while the rest of Chunins are watching over genins. Other part of Jonins are organizating everything and taking care of security. Don't tell me you would call ANBU for this?". Those eyes literally mocked me to counter his argument. Eh, grandpa is right. Calling ANBU because you forgot on one of Kages and personal friend of birthday boy....Old man knows he won, he is not taking of that smile. It was my time to roll eyes, take bow and leave. "I want bonus on the end of this month, got it?!" I shouted on my way out of room. Of course he is laughing, it's not him running left and right for several weeks in row. Backpack, scroll, some food and water, money, all weapons't think I forgot anything. Time to run. Again. Eh.......* I need to buy gift....... Hm, maybe I can find gift during trip. Crap, I still can't believe i forgot on his birthday. YOU DON'T HAVE TIME FOR THIS, RUN! ***********Land of Fire Forest************* Bloody hell again, how big is this forest?! I should already leave it behind. I crossed this river before 2 hours!!! The hell is going on?! Wait a second, why is so quite, where are animals? Air is circulating...and sound.....kunai from 4 O'clock! Pew, that was too close. Alright, time to admit, I'm under genjutsu. But where is enemy and when the hell I fell under one? Sudnelly shriek of eagle rang in my ears. Ouch. "Washi, I love you, but can you be little bit more gentle next time?!" Bird looked at me like it's my fault for forcing it to use Kai on me. "Alright, I owe you." "Took you a while to figure it out, huh?" 2 O'clock, more kunais. "FLY!" Neutralizing those wasn't hard, but air is circulating again. Something is coming. Not something, someone. Kunais crossed and in front of me was male. Have to push him back and take better look. He can't be older than 45. All cloth is civilian, no visible tattoos or marks at him. And he is not alone..... 2 behind him, another 2 on tree.......1 behind that rock....6 of them seems like. "Congratulations on putting me under genjutsu without me noticing anything. Now will you all be so kind and get lost? You already costed me some hours of my life, I'm really in rush." "Sure. Moment you give us all you have. Weapons, backpack, money. We heard you have something worth in backpack, plan of your Village maybe? Leave it all down and you are free to go." "Better replace your spies, you are having wrong informations." "I guess we just can kill you and check it." Washi made a noise from the sky. They are all big enough fools to search for him and stop obsserving me. I really don't have time to fight, let's end this fast. "Sound Style: Dance of pain". Four of them fell on ground instanly. Another two joined when Washi started his matching jutsu. In 10 seconds they will knock out. Time to go. They trapped me on the exit of Forset. Just to pass Canyon and Wind Desert and I'm there. *************Ray Of Sky*************** RUN, RUN, RUN, RUN, RUN............. I DON'T HAVE TIME FOR THIS FORMULATION AND REPRESENTING MYSELF. "GET OUT OF MY WAY!!!" My throat is literally hurting me, lungs are barely with any oxygen. I had to jump over several Hidden Sand ninjas, but to be honest, it's their fault. How can they be out of guard?! I can't pay attention to their shouts now, they hd mili second and wasted it. Washi is no where to be seen or heard. Too big crowd on street, roof it is. One, two three, four, many houses i have to cross before reaching that * office? Windows is open, i guess i'll just enter over it. "Did you ever heard for door? Or Hollway? Knocking?" Red head was looking me without approve. Temari and Kankuro were already smiling. "Washi came 2 minutes before me, Kazekage-sama. I really doubt you didn't have a clue I'm on my way. Take this, I have to go" "I though I'm not invited." His face got some colour. "Talk with Sai and Yamato about it, my Lord. Your invitation was lost during mail traffic." "Guren was here this morning, she mentioned you and that your order is ready but you still didn't pick it yet. She opened shop down the street, i guess you can find her there. Konan Stopped by last weeek and left one gift for him, can you take it with you? I have feeling I'll forgot on it". Small purple box with note attached was in his hands. "Thanks on reminding me. I'll deliver it. Gotta go, sorry for not respecting formalities." I didn't wait to hear his answer, just went out same way I entered. Gotta hurry and pick his gift I ordered months ago. Sybling of First Hokage's Necklase. I really hope he will like it.
2021-10-13 12:34:13
[Strategy Share]
Naruto Online EN's 5th Year Anniversary - Event Specials
In Game Name: Iris UID: 200000090087544 My Server: S154 - Ninja Monkey My Server Region: UK Strategy: 1. Freezing level and making as much power as I could in moment on that specific level. Leveling up only when I am without any other option. 2. Focusing on ini before anything else. Was followed by crit, injury, control. Attack and Ninjutsu came as next in row. Everything else came after that. 3. Reminding myself not to rush for brand new features before collecting all data I could and make plan or 2....or 10. 4. Not watching at cupons. Bloody hell, it will collect over time, just don't watch it. Ended up as bad habit since I'm lazy to spend now xD 5. Doing 20+ times calculations before spending any single cupon (tho wasn't that all wasn;t needed that much) 6. Searching for advises when I'm not sure what to go for or pick. There are plenty of players smarter than me, searching for help was never shame /shrug 7. *yzing done, searching for mistakes, comparing to expected. 8. Write conclusion somewhere (and forget it exists until critical moment) 9. Repeat
2021-07-27 10:34:04
Naruto Online EN's 5th Year Anniversary - Event Specials
My Server Region: UK My Server: S154 - Ninja Monkey In Game Name: Iris UID: 200000090087544 My story: I guess it starts in end of October, 2016? Was so long ago i'm not even sure of it. Got attracted to this crazy world, full of ninja and strategies for making teams. That's all u had back then, really. Numbers were important, but not like they were dropping from Tree as in these days. Not so many fancy stuff to show off, not many things to distract you either. Everyone were starting same, same equipment for everyone - how much someone will progress was determined by doing things everyone (solo or with help of friends) could do - plot, elite, team instance. With wise spend of resources, you could match and most likely win anyone. Combo was op, you wanted to have it as high as possible. If you could release all possible buffs (ignitation, poison, paralize) - even better. On start, was weak and really afraid. For the name of all Gods, I couldn't even run convoys without help?! Someone much stronger than me had to follow me, assist me and protect me during it! Watching my opponents attacking my team mate and all I could do was only to hide. Fear followed me for long time, days became weeks and weeks became months. Until I had it enough. I'll get stronger, I'll make better teams, I'LL BEAT THEM ON MY OWN! And I did! From getting into great group and meeting new people and mentor which inspired me to continue fighting and guided me, over making teams alone which by any rule shouldn't work against my opponents (but it did?), finding new ways to counter abilities of their teams after they beat me - again. I started to get stronger after every fight and opponent I meet, didn't matter was it win or lose. Every opponent was new test of previous lessons, they were new lesson too in same time. There was no time to miss training and just rest, I had to find a way to match anyone who challenges me! Over months, I got better and better. Seeing effort paying off, gave new fuel to fire and it's flame. In the end, got strong enough to support my newer group mates in their convoys, as older group mates did with me so long ago. Of course, show isn't over yet. New opponents are on battlefields, old ones are getting stronger too. I'll continue to progress, match everything they throw at me. Bring your best, do not hold back - because I'll not either!
General Discussion
2021-07-27 11:03:19