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2017-10-15 03:24:43
Misbehaviour thread
Screenshot/s as evidence : (Your screenshot/s must contain entire conversation between all parties involved, time and date. Without it, we won't consider your screenshot/s as real proofs and we won't be able to punish player/s for misbehavior.) Can you read the highlighted part? also expect me to make a misbehavior post in a few days just gathering on proof at the moment
Bugs & Support
2022-05-31 10:36:34
Misbehaviour thread
Screenshot/s as evidence : (Your screenshot/s must contain entire conversation between all parties involved, time and date. Without it, we won't consider your screenshot/s as real proofs and we won't be able to punish player/s for misbehavior.) Yes I might take legal action and sue him for slander and defamation if they keep this up I also don't like people taking behind my back and using hate speech. You are also not only accusing me but Narutoboy and many others. I'm still waiting on the complete post and the more "proof" you have against me and them.
Bugs & Support
2022-05-31 10:36:34
Misbehaviour thread
That's pretty hypocritical of you to say that, you pretty much harass me on the server when you say "Your going to get banned" every time I log into the game (Obviously you are trying to get a reaction out of me so you can add screenshots without having any context behind them) Example of them trying to take my members away: Causing drama in world chat: Also pretty mature of you saying this in the World chat letting everyone know and trying to stir up an argument with me. Plus I'm not the Hagoromo from the other post, that is a LIE, many players have the same name on different servers and you shouldn't make false accusations without having any proof of him being me and try to ruin my reputation on this server. Like @Kuro said you guys aren't showing the whole story but only one side of it
Bugs & Support
2022-05-31 10:36:34
Misbehaviour thread
These pictures were manipulated to make me seem like bad person some of these were also taken out of context and only showing only one side of the argument. Mithelio's friend named Motomishi was using hate speech (The N word to be exact) and it was being directed to me and my friend Sean who is also an African American who took offensive to that. I'll admit that it was a very childish thing to do but I don't like discrimination against my race and my family. I will admit I got heated at that very moment and it made me say things that I regret saying. I apologize sincerely about it and ill make sure to take this as a warning and to never do it again and ignore people by blocking them in game. Regarding to the private messages: I'm not trying to make myself seem innocent in this situation but I've had about 4 members messaging me and saying that they are getting messages from this Motomishi guy in the server who's telling them to leave my group and join the group called Uchiha. Mithelios (Silvas) was a former member of my group and he left and started taking sides with Motomishi. I was not the only one affected, many other group leaders have said that their members are also getting messages and that's why Me, Narutoboy and many others are complaining about Motomishi and how unfair it is to steal members from other groups and be power hungry so you guys could come on top. I was private messaging Mithelios (Silvas) telling him why he decided to leave the group and as a joke I called him a traitor nothing serious right? Then he says that I was harrasing him and I was confused because I was not threatening him or saying anything serious in the matter towards him. Ironic enough he pretty much does the same thing to me, instead of ignoring me and blocking me in the game its like he wants to make me slip up and find a way to get me in trouble and he has been constantly saying in worldchat that I will get banned tomorrow and its not fun because he looks at my every move, and anything I say could be used against me even out of context. He sent me a link to this post saying that your definitely going to get banned just to get me even more mad. Then I hear from a friend of mine in the Uchiha clan that Motomishi, his friend was saying unpleasant things about me in their group chat calling me and my friend sean the N word and saying that I was a pathetic loser that I am a failure at everything in life, It ticked me off and we started having this huge argument in world chat. I think this whole thing was just an attempt to me mad so I could slip up and so they can get more "proof" so I could get banned. Mods: I understand if I might get punished for it but please understand that I was very mad at the moment and it made me say things that I regret. I have also experienced racial discrimination in real life and this kind of set me off. Not saying that this is a reason to give me a second chance but I hope you can spare me because I have used a good amount money on this server to buy ingots and I hope you can find it in you to forgive me and give me a second chance so I c*e this lesson and work on being a better and friendlier person on this amazing server and continue to play the game I love! Mithelois (Silvas): We used to be friends and I don't know what happened between us or if Motomishi was behind this but I hope you can come out clean and tell the truth so we can move on from this and focus on playing the game. - Hagoromo Server ID : 692 Ninjutsu Urge
Bugs & Support
2022-05-31 10:36:34