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Not Bill
Not Bill
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2017-07-24 19:49:34
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2021-10-28 15:52:39
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2021-10-28 15:46:35
Event 28th
I literally wrote in my post that the timing is bad, and they can do it in non-traffic hours. Le-bron above may need to ask himself with his question: "Is it that hard to understand?"
Bugs & Support
2021-10-28 20:30:14
Event 28th
Why do maintenance and bring the new events when players are offline and / or asleep (midnight until dawn) when you can do it in the morning / mid-day when everyone wants to play, and do their dailies before work / school / whatever. Its the new Oasis strategy to sρice things up, since we have no new functions or events for years. These people get paid to oversleep and forget to do maintenance or put new events, but will berate players any chance they get for asking questions. So responsible and professional.
Bugs & Support
2021-10-28 20:30:14
Leave the fun units alone
I will try to be as polite as i can and support the OP, to leave Zetsu, and other units (especially f2p-low spender friendly) alone. How can they release Orochimaru [GNW] with silly broken op clones, actual useful mystery and passives and at the same time nerf Zetsu, a worse clone user than him, who needs to use mystery for said clones with a big risk of copying a bad ninja multiple times or useless units like summons and enemy clones, and his mystery becomes useless until the clones die. There is no reason or logic to that, other than some big-spenders, big-shots complained about him. Every day we see unkillable Obito's 10 Tails who start 1 shotting everything in a couple of rounds even when cc'd, or unkillable Naruto's six paths that target clones,summons and pos4 ninjas (Amazing 500iq outplays) and 1 tap everything for 100k splash damage 2 neighborhoods away. But Zetsu was the problem. Ok, hAha.
Bugs & Support
2021-11-04 00:56:26
New Event Cycle - 28th of October
They nerf f2p friendly Zetsu and his clones, why? Because he was decent, but some people (p2w that get beaten by him) cry rivers Nice you got what you wanted, i bet there aren't any ninja with oppressive clones now. LUL. They just released Orochimaru gnw with 4 unkillable clones that use mysteries,have op barriers,interruption and chakra absorb, and clone tobirama that does more damage than your pos1 ninja. But unlike Zetsu, you just need to sell a kidney to get him. Congratz to the criers and good job Tencent-Oasis as always
2021-10-29 03:11:20
Event feedback
No, no my friend. I am done. I had my answer ready to his insulting replies, but the original post got locked by his actions. A moderator and Oasis representative, starting a flame war, so a thread can be closed down. They think we are fools,that particular one didn't even had a problem to call us such, openly. Check his replies. They treat paying customers like that, so you can imagine how they view the lesser (in their eyes) players (free to play). Remove all f2p for 1 day from the game and see what happens.The Hunger Games, Naruto online version.
General Discussion
Not Bill
2021-10-14 21:31:21
Event feedback
Something i did not have the opportunity to post, because my original thread got locked before i was able to do so: How does the moderator Qv take 3 paragraphs to defend YujinTakara's entries i will never understand. And his points are so eloquent, as if he speaks on behalf of him, talked in private about it, or simply he's a wizard that knows what thought process YujinTakara's had when making his entries. But lets break his points down: Highlighted in green, are his passive aggressive attempts to bellitle me, but i won't bother with it. In red highlights are some points he makes, lacking sense or being contradicting. 1) Sure the rules doesn't state that YujinTakara could not have used the OP's midnight blade idea, but doing so, it made his entry low effort and "made-to-have-something-to-pass" 2) Sure there is no rule that states that you can only use characters / forms or other content from the Naruto universe, but that's because it is a given. It also doesn't state you can't use Dragonball characters but you wouldn't expect players to do so. It's an entirely different franchise / universe. 3) As for the notion that the "All-New" idea will be defeated because if it does not contain Boruto characters / forms or content, is laughable. The events are already limited to the respective character (Naruto in this case). You wouldn't expect someone to post a Neji idea or a Naruto look-alike just for the sake of variety. The event was for the character Naruto, from the Naruto Universe. YujinTakara's entry was Naruto Byron mode, from the Boruto universe. Therefore, in my opinion, his entries was low effort, low quality, made-to-have-something-to-pass and did not deserve winning, and especially, winning multiple times in a row. This sure looks like favoritism and nepotism, given his status as discord moderator, exclusively Naruto online youtuber, and friends with the moderation team.
General Discussion
Not Bill
2021-10-14 21:31:21
New Event Cycle - 14th of October
This fellow player is like: Why do you want cool and strong ninja's with your hard earned coupons? In a gacha game that is designed and revolve around said ninjas. You know what? You are right, the only reason i picked this game out of thousands like it, is to click on the magatama combine buττon and click another million times in 8gates,assist potions e.t.c buττons. Who even needs the beloved naruto characters? Just remove them and put placeholder stιckman images in their place. We can αll have great fun playing clicking simulator. Seriously friend, it's tiring to tell them the same things over and over and nothing changes. Rather, events become more absurd by the day, a new scandal / mistake every few days and the forum is at an αll time low in regards to censoring,deleting and corruption. At this point i think this game is a social experiment to see what is the threshold for player frustration, so that their future games are unethical and scυmmy just enough, but not too much, that players won't quit but continue giving them money.
2021-10-19 19:59:03
This is a disgrace
I didn't even know he was a Youtuber. Thanks for pointing this out. Now it makes even more sense. Why wouldn't they give him free stuff so he can pump more and more content and advertise this game on his channel? This person has reserve seal tsunade class ninjas, but has set up a paypal to "support" him, so others can pay for his ninjas, despite the alleged favorable treatment. I'm sure he's into it just to "entertain" his viewers and not for profit and perks. /s
Bugs & Support
Tachibana Saeko
2021-10-14 13:03:25
This is a disgrace
Well that mod's "Qv" post didn't get deleted, while insulting his customer's intelligence and attacking the players character. It was even asked by another mod "Tachibana" not to devolve this thread into such actions but ironically it was him (Qv) who started it. Maybe his goal is, this thread to be derailed into insults so it can get closed and deleted with this as an excuse. And he called me a hypocrite above, the nerve. He can't even follow his co-workers rules. But he can do that cause he's immune right? he's *mighty mod. You and i, and every other player risk deletion and censoring with every single word instead. Much less insult an entire playerbase like he did.
Bugs & Support
Tachibana Saeko
2021-10-14 13:03:25
This is a disgrace
Also WOW man, you attack your customers now? "And for the other people who responded on this thread, I guess you have to improve your reading comprehension so we will not go in circles discussing this topic." Your CUSTOMERS can very much read, it's just that you are full of sh1t and they detect it.
Bugs & Support
Tachibana Saeko
2021-10-14 13:03:25