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2017-07-24 19:05:32
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2020-11-01 05:39:40
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2018-12-03 08:23:36
Dunno if its the first, but A Madara has been recruited.
for a lv 70 thats a bit strong
General Discussion
2018-12-14 19:03:01
New Event Cycle - 12th of July
he's not once again
2018-07-17 11:54:11
Clothing release celebration
Path to Greatness Midnight Blade was raised in a rough community as a child. He had a lot of bad influences on him but he didn’t let it affect him and his focus on soccer. Even as a child he loved soccer, that was all he could think about even as he slept. There was one problem though. There was a league for talented soccer players but to be able to enter you would need ingots. Midnight Blade didn’t have the riches the other kids had. Midnight Blade was mad at the fact that he couldn’t join the league he longed dreamed of joining. One night Midnight Blade thought to himself and said “If I’m going to join that league I better start saving up.” So Midnight Blade saved up for 2 years straight and he finally had the money to join the league he dreamed of his whole life. Midnight Blade had to go to the tryouts the league was having. When Midnight Blade arrived to the tryouts he saw many contestants. Midnight Blade was 5th in line. Midnight Blade was nervous. He knew this was his only chance to show people what he can do. Finally, it was Midnight turn. He had to start of with speed drills. The clock counted down 3,2,1 GO. Midnight Blade zoomed through the drill. He broke the world record for speed. He performed everything just right and quick too. Each judge gave him a 10. A day past since the tryouts and he received a call from ones of the teams from the league. He got recruited by a team called Oasis. There first game was in a week and Midnight Blade was excited and nervous. Midnight Blade trained everyday of his life for this opportunity. He said to himself “Hard work does pay off.” His first practice was in 2 days. He was eager to meet his teammates. Two days passed and it was time to go to practice. Once he got there his teammates greeted him and applaud him for making the team. He was so happy. After practice was over he went to celebrate with his teammates. They had a great night. A week passed and it was game time. Midnight Blade was very excited and nervous. His teammates told him to get in the huddle so he did. They all chanted “WHO'S HOUSE?! OUR HOUSE!.” Midnight Blade felt welcomed and ready to start the game. Right before the game started the opposing team called night dragons started smack talking to the rookie. Midnight Blade teammates told him not to worry about them but to pay attention to the game. The game started. Midnight Blade was benched because it was just first game. Night dragons scored 3 goals in the 1st half and the 2nd half was getting started. Coach Tobei put Midnight Blade in the game. He was ready. The 2nd half started and Midnight Blade was passed the ball and he dashed through the defense. The defense couldn’t stop him. He made it to the night dragons goal. Midnight Blade kicked the ball and it went in! GOALLLLLL!! The commentator said. It was still 1 to 3. Night dragons were up by 2 goals. Night dragons had the ball they were heading towards the goal. They were ready to shoot the ball but then what seemed to be a lighting bolt came zooming through the field and blocked the ball from going in. It was Midnight Blade! Oasis was on the attack now. Midnight Blade through a perfect pass to his teammate and his teammate scored a goal. The crowd went wild! There was only 5 minutes left in the game. Oasis had the ball. Night dragons were playing excellent defense. Oasis had a difficult time scoring. Midnight Blade received the ball again and was inside the goal box. One of the Night Dragon players tackled him hard and it was a penalty. The crowd silenced. Everyone was nervous. Midnight Blade was getting ready to shoot the ball. BOOM…….. GOAL!!!! It was tied game. There was only a minute left in the game. Night Dragons had the ball they were heading towards the goal but one of the Oasis players stole the ball and passed it to Midnight Blade. There was 15 seconds left. Midnight Blade was dashing to the opposite goal. He went left and right going through the defenders. The clock was counting down. 5 seconds left. Midnight Blade right in front of the goal. 5,4,3,2,1 and Midnight Blade shoots it. Everyone was silent no noise at all. You could see the ball in mid air heading towards the goal. The commentator shouts “GOAL!!” and the ref blew the whistle. GAME OVER. Oasis has WON the commentator said. Midnight Blades teammates ran down to the field and carried him on their shoulders. The crowd chanted Lighting Bolt, Lighting Bolt , Lighting Bolt.Midnight Blade truly put on a excellent performance the commentator said. After that game the the General Manager called Midnight Blade into his office. Midnight Blade was nervous. Midnight Blade walked into his office. The general manager named Daiske handed Midnight Blade a paper. Once Midnight Blade saw that the paper wasn't just an ordinary paper but a paycheck he freaked out. The check had the numbers 3 million ingots written on it. Right at that moment he thought of his hometown and where he grew up at. He also thought of many kids that are just like him growing up in the slums. He started a charity event for children that are in need and contributed 1 million ingots! That same year Midnight Blade took Oasis to the World Cup and Won it. Midnight Blade was announced MVP.
Emperor Lone
2018-07-20 00:00:54
New Event Cycle - 5th of July
2018-07-08 03:18:39
Server Merge Request - Week June 4th
You guys merged us once before, but you merged us with 2 dead servers. Only a few people from the other 2 stayed and joined our group. We have some good spenders on this server, and I guarantee you I am not the only one that will take my wallet elsewhere if this one closes. Also of note, the 2nd largest group on the server which says it has 85 members is filled with alts by just 1 guy. They cannot participate in GNW and I rarely see more than 1 of them online at a time. Please save us! 1.Server ID: S964 Jade Of Sky (Current Server time : 2018-06-13 20:36:56) 2. Server Region: LA 3. Server Age: Estimated 4 and a half months (Server Opening Time 6AM LA Time 02/02/2018) 4. Time taken to kill World Boss: 15 to 20 minutes+, depending on who is online (last time only 5 people...) 5. World Boss HP on Tuesday : 20,748,786 6. No. of group participating in Great Ninja War: 1 7. Average Power Rank of Top 5, Top 10, Top 20 : AVG Top 5 : 66K, AVG top 10 : 58K, AVG Top 20 : 47k
2018-07-03 15:03:31
Server Merge Request - Week June 4th
yes we need this server merge
2018-07-03 15:03:31
Considering a Earth Main Team, would like some help.
2017-07-24 20:54:17
Help With My Team!
2017-07-24 20:51:14