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2020-10-08 07:57:17
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2020-10-08 07:38:13
Event Cycle 8th October
No one will read this except other players, and its no secret that the feedback forms and GL's do less than nothing, but got home from work, figured i'd kill a little time before needing to get back to more responsibilities and I just need to say this, and this is the only place we really have to give feedback, albeit it goes ignored and mostly censored. kushi christmas, a bad character, in fuku - What were you thinking? suigetsu *ready accessible coupons ninja and kurenai summer a freely accessible ninja as the so called rewards for spending 25,000 ingots? - What were you thinking? and hidan who is beyond *, trust me, I pulled him twice from shinobi wheel when recharging for monthly cards, and I shouldnt complain about a kind of free character, but I am gutted that in all my years here I never won anything, no shisui, obito, madara, kisame samehada no one and nothing even remotely useful, my "luck" culminates in 2 draws of the worst prize character we have ever had. having him in recharge rebate? - What were you thinking? Come on oasis, you really could not have put less effort into this week, not that tsukuymoi matters to the vast majority of us, but it should be a big deal for you, there should be fanfare around it, you should be pushing it by including good events to tempt people to spend their money, to reach the next prize level before they need to start over in another insane event, but instead you round it out not with a *, but with the most feeble whimper you possibly could have given us, what is this now, about 4 weeks on the trot? that have been the worst cycles in the games history? Nothing worth recharging for, very little for free players, Picklejuicy's useful threads have shown there have even been poor prices for redeemable stuff. You could have paid people to sit in a boardroom and think how to deliberately churn out disappointing faeces and they would not be able to concoct a sequence as bad as what you have produced. Naruto ramen is a decent event froggy one of only 2 things you should ever spend any amount in this game ( card passes being the other), its a decent event fuku, most of the time its a decent event, it is what most of us patiently wait and save for because it is the one time our coupons can yield any noticeable prizes at all froggy with fuku with recharge rebate should make for a great week with something on offer for both spenders and free players, but these prizes are so bad you would struggle to muddy the cycle worse than you did, any optional pack at all would have been better than having 1 * character and 2 good but obtainable with coupons character as set in stone "rewards" yours sincerely a long term player who knows how bad your company is but is still suprised that you always manage to sink lower and when we think we have seen it all, you manage to make even worse decisions than the ones that have drove away most of your players to such an extent that one of the most frequent uses of the forum are people from servers you killed asking to be merged. I have near enough a month on my card passes, but I think its time I too bow out of the game, most of my server has left and your company is not worth time, which is a shame because the game could so easily have been your cash cow if you werent the most inept and r3tarded company on the face of the planet. There was some fun here despite the companies best efforts to sabotage their own income, to the people who still get some enjoyment from this, best of luck to you and enjoy it while it lasts
2020-10-13 21:42:36
im curious, may I ask why you think he is much better? ashura has immunity characters in your team get nin/res buffs even after ashura has been beaten suppresses immunity for 2 rounds has a potentially better dodge mechanic chases stack up to 5 times madara also has immunity has chance to evade all damage, with no limit on the number of dodges reduces cd self buffs with chakra spent Indra's alternating two in a single round mystery seems interesting, and I would like to know how his dodge works, but without yet seeing him in action I get the first impression that he isnt that great, no character is worth 100k recharge but indra seems among the weakest in that range, assuming he will be the same price as ashura Is it a matter of personal taste or am I misreading something? indra im sure will be a good character, but if I had the money I think I would take madara or ashura over indra just based of their skill descriptions on konoha proxy
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2020-10-09 11:03:12
sounds pretty weird tbh, "Very high chance" to get 2 dodges per round, but reduces evasion by 90%, that means the "very high chance" applies solely for attacks that are launched before he gets an action right? if he moves first , which he will in most cases , it is possible he wont dodge anything that round, am I understanding that description right? Also do you happen to know if anxiety can kill units or if it is like death possession where it stops just short of it?
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2020-10-09 11:03:12
counter for GNW Madara BT
brenson, whatever your problem is guy, if you are not going to help people, can you please have the basic manners not to bring your personal baggage into other peoples threads?. Whatever your latest feud is, this place is not about you. To the op Control characters Hashi new year, kurenai summer, ibiki, fire main, edo itachi Self explanatory, he will still be hard to hit directly thanks to the dodge but controlling him gives you a window of opportunity to weaken him and hopefully hit the rest of his team hard enough to have the tide heavily in your favour. Characters that add to cd Suigetsu taka, gakido sb, mifune, shikimaru chunin, kimi halloween Similar to above, assuming it is a stacked madara that is the problem if you stop his mystery you can greatly lessen the danger Characters that dodge. Edo minato, 6p, less common but shisui and shisui kimono are options too Madara's chakra drain doesnt matter when dodgers are involved, if you trigger a pos 1 mystery, even if they are slower than madara he cant stop them because their dodge will allow them escape since his mystery does not lead directly to his possibly undodgeable chase that could lead to your character being controlled, he can still ruin your combo by controlling another of your units, but since this game is all about p1 stacking you will still be able to hit back hard Characters with chakra recovery/leech Main characters. madara founder, konan kimono, asuma, shikamaru chunin Can't say for you, but he is most commonly teamed with kakuzu in my server meaning no edo minato or edo release madara barriers in sight, it will take some careful timing to avoid the multiple controls of the enemy but you can potentially recover chakra and strike back if you can endure the madara gnw's first hits. They are just some vague suggestions ultimately you will need to experiment because what works for you depends on your roster, your stats and the lineups that you have most difficulty facing, they may be different than the ones I am seeing pop up in my cluster now and then. Good luck
2020-10-07 05:42:18
Numbers of Crazy slot machine rewards
as the others said, the prizes are not limited, but you deserve to know the odds if you plan to spend, they are so low here that they could not even be measured, think of the odds for the lottery, depending on your country/lottery those odds are estimated at 1 in 139,838,160, for events here you would need to add about a dozen more zeroes to the end of that number. as someone who has had thousands of spins in shinobi wheels and slot machines over the years I can tell you the only prize I have ever gotten have been 3rd slot "lucky" packs from slot machine, and only ever have got myoboku stuff/skill trial stuff from shinobi wheel, 4 years, more money than I care to think about and no "luck" for myself, or for anyone else in my server too It is your money and if you choose to spend it I wish you best of luck, but I hope you are recharging for another reason, if you are recharging just to try your luck in "random number" events, there's a 99.999999% chance you will be dissapointed
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2020-10-07 00:28:14
How does honor points system work?
I see, i think. So since the points dont reset the first people to the top will always keep those titles, and despite those 3 having been dead/reduced to *t for a long time there are not enough points rewarded from the space time section for the still standing players to have overtaken them? Is that right? No sorry, I wasn't talking about the seasonal rankings, was just using that add some context to describe how competitive my server is for things like titles and ranks, what makes it strange to see a now weak alt running around with the 1st place title
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2020-10-03 15:38:20
This guy is threatened me
This^ People get very salty in this game, I have been called a plant/cheat/*er/"golden moron" ( this was a personal favorite of mine) simply for getting a win in arena. People will always get mad, and people will always talk, if you have done nothing wrong try not to let it get to you
Bugs & Support
Great Jiraiya
2020-10-03 04:22:51
Event Cycle 1st October
I'd agree with this, 2 fuku ninjas, useless jugo or too few frags for madara to do any good. I dont have a history of the event in front me of, but this one is certainly not a prize worth competing for with recharges, or even worth *ing your saved stam potions on tbh. The question has now changed from who will win the event, to who will even bother entering it
2020-10-04 14:50:56
What keeps you playing?
Sounds nice, been a long time since I have been in an english language server with that many people on. These days find myself spending more time in german version, small time difference and occasionally needing a translator app are small prices top pay for an overall better gaming experience
General Discussion
2020-10-18 12:00:17
Event Cycle 1st October
Are we allowed to speculate or is that against the rules too? If not, do you think we will get kisame breaks soon? I know you pay attention to the other versions so you seem like a fair person to ask this to, all i know is that his frags have been less common here and germany has had his breaks for 2 months roughly now
2020-10-04 14:50:56