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2024-10-09 23:18:17
Question about tips and ninjas for F2P player
6.NEVER spend your coupons in the "SHOP" or buy ninjas in events that have no compensation (events that are stores where you only buy something without getting resources other than the ninja) such as Konoha Gift Shop, Fateful Choice, Konoha Outlets and Treasure of Sage. 7.There are also unlucky events where you can spend 20k, 50k, 100k and not get the main jackpot which is usually very good. It is the worst type of event and at some point you will dump all your coupons in a deluded thought that you will get it, then you will become depressed for having lost everything and won nothing. Some of these are Wheel of Fortune, Lucky * and maybe there is another one that I can't remember now. 8.The best events to spend coupons along with Fukurakamaru Deals are Lucky stars (it gives a lot of refine pack, training potions and you can even get ninjas or strength packs in exchange for points, remembering that the spending limit is 10k so wait to spend 10k once a day until you reach the 35k of the Fuku deals compensation), Great plates (if you are going to spend it, do it until you reach the 22k and you get the ninja from the compensation, you still get some frags from other ninjas and a lot of cave keys), konoha great tree (you can get some ninja and also many players wait for the 100k fukurakamarus to spend 100k in this event and get some ninjas of the last level) 9- and regarding ninjas I recommend that you get Obito [Rage Mode] full Bt. Bt is a skill improvement that you can get when you get a ninja at 4 stars, it is a system that you need to spend some resources to get the best skills so I recommend that you look for a video showing it. Obito is the best ninja for the first move that a f2p can easily have and he is coming in Fukurukamaru Deals, so I advise you to gather the 35k soon to get the 100frags that are given in the fuku deals and you will still need another 80 frags that you will have to buy in another event. This is the main ninja you should get, but some others that may be useful to you are: _Tobirama New Year (first move) _Jiraiya Toads Chants (support) _Hashirama new year bt (needs 4 stars) (support) _Kakuzu Creation (support, great for starting a server) _Mei mid-autumn festival (first move) (combines with ao) _Ao bt (support for Mei) _Utakata six tails jinchuriki full bt (serves as first move and support) _Zabuza edo tensei full bt (first move) _Itachi edo full bt (great control support) _Madara Edo full bt (first move) remembering that there are other good ninjas, but these are the best ninja that are accessible for F2P. Zabuza and Utakata can be obtained from seal and exchange chests. The others will have to be spent on coupons and unless you have already obtained Obito [Rage Mode] 4 stars I do not recommend spending on any of these for now. 10.Do all the daily and weekly events to get the most out of the Sun Scroll and Moon Scroll. With the Sun Scroll, buy Seal Scroll and Summon Scroll fragments. With the Moon Scroll, always buy Training Potions, Cave Cay, those are the main ones. In the case of the Moon Scroll, you can buy the refinements you need, be they common or medium, and Cloth or Thread (always be careful to buy the items you need at the time), as these items should not be used as coupons to improve their respective systems. Finally, I recommend that you follow some content creators on YouTube, but be aware that many of them do refills and spend a lot more resources, try to learn more about events that are available and recommended for F2P. I recommend that you learn more about reward events such as Cave Key, Fuku Deals, Refine and Charm. Also learn how BT (breakthrough) works and how to make good teams. I also recommend the Konoha proxy website, which is currently offline. It is very useful for simulating combos and understanding how some ninja buffs and debuffs work.
General Discussion
2024-09-24 05:46:00
Question about tips and ninjas for F2P player
Here are some tips on how to spend your coupons, which events to spend on, ninjas to get and other tips. Remember that these are tips from one F2P to another F2P, so some of these may not apply if you ever top up. You will also have to take different measures at some point to continue progressing your account. 1. Regarding how to level up your account, keep in mind that your first move should always be the ninja with the best skills, the most strength and attributes. 2.Always focus on your initiative, which is by far the most important attribute. This will make you attack before your opponent, giving you a big advantage. 3. Portanto, de acordo com 1 e 2, você deve sempre manter os atributos do seu primeiro movimento acima dos outros (chamamos isso de stack). Você verá do que estou falando quando observar as formações e atributos de outros jogadores. (Outra dica em particular é que você mantenha os sistemas do seu primeiro movimento mais avançados e os dos outros que você pode igualar). 3.Therefore, according to 1 and 2, you should always keep the attributes of your first move above the others (we call it stack). You will see what I am talking about when you observe the formations and attributes of other players. (Another particular tip is that you keep the systems of your first move more advanced and that of the others you can match them). 4. The best systems are the general ones that give more attributes, unlike the individual ones that are good for stacking the first move. General systems in order of priority: _Ninja assist: this is the system with the best cost-benefit ratio and gives many attributes (initiative, critical, injury, combo and control), so always get flags to unlock a new card and many training potions to upgrade. With each new card you get, it is recommended that you park until level 6 and save your potions for when you get new cards (this is very important for F2P). _Secret Scroll: the second system that provides more attributes (initiative, critical, injury, combo and control) but provides a lot of strength, its cost-benefit ratio is below that of ninja assist because it is more expensive. And following the same premise, whenever you get a plate, park at level 9 and save resources for a new plate. _mt. myoboku: this is a system that gives a lot of attributes but is expensive, so unless you are in the end game with all the others finished you should not spend coupons here, just keep improving according to the free resources that the game offers. Always equating the 4 types of crops in this event. _Battle armor: an event that gives a lot of strength but few attributes. Its price is very high, so NEVER spend coupons in this event. Only with free resources. Individual systems in order of importance: _Rune stone: important to get a lot of attributes for your first move, leave it a few levels (4 or 5) ahead of the other moves. Always save 1200 keys and spend them when there is the Cave exploration rebate compensation event, in this event you will get Treasured Tools Ultiate Essence that will be used for another important system. _Charms: system that increases the percentages of the runes. Keep your first move more advanced than the others and park it until level 9, the others you can leave at level 6. Save 150 Charms Material Packs to spend during the charm compensation, giving magatamas and other great resources. _Refine: another system that improves individual attributes, so I recommend that your first move be a few levels above. Put them all at level 6 and your first move should be at 7>8>9>10. It is important that you focus on it to have a better attribute stack. Also always spend the refinements during the refine compensation, which will also give you many resources. _Treasured Tools: same premise of putting the first move's tool many levels above the others (about 10 level, while the others are at level 10 the first should be at level 20). Another important tip is to always forge a golden hope, it is the best tool, so I recommend that you get 4 golden hope ss and do not spend coupons to get them, just use the free ones. _Magatamas: I felt the need to comment on why many beginners make mistakes with this system. They think that buying magatamas with coupons is advantageous because it gives them strength. I guarantee that this is the biggest mistake a player can make (I've made one too). Just improve this system with magatamas acquired by sweeping the ninja exam and with the ones the game gives you for free. Keep the magatamas of your first 2nd level move above the other movs, and always match the others. _I only mentioned the most important general and individual systems. You can learn the others over time or from other players. It is worth noting that you should never spend coupons on magatamas, battle armor, myobuku, summons, Five nature chakra (this one only with free resources) and purify equipment. 5.The fact that you don't spend coupons in these systems mentioned above is because you will need to ac*ulate coupons to make good spending. Always collect your coupons in at least 35k to spend during the Fukurukamaru Deals, it is the best event in the game to spend coupons for both F2P and whales.
General Discussion
2024-09-24 05:46:00
a question about shisui asian
The problem is that this information is incomplete, it does not explain what the plan does.
General Discussion
2024-09-25 00:09:19
I can't enter the game
I tried to download a new version of Launche and I was able to log in. I don't know if the problem still persists because I didn't close it for fear of not being able to log in anymore. Tomorrow I'll try again and I hope I don't have any problems and that it has been resolved in this last version that I installed.
Bugs & Support
2024-09-20 04:09:19
New Event Cycle - September 19th
Shouldn't these events come with the Fuku Deals? And where's the Naruto Mecha update? A week without anything related to BT or Ninja, how lazy.
2024-09-20 01:44:27
Itachi Susano
For every 60 scrolls spent you get 1 or 2 Itachi frags. So just do the math.
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2024-09-14 23:16:27
spending on lucky *
What? 300 pulls and no frags? This event is really a big scam. Oddly enough, some people told me they got Han[Tailed Beast Chakra] with 60k, it's hard to believe the inconsistency from cycle to cycle and from each individual player. But thanks for the info.
General Discussion
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2024-09-14 05:17:38
autumn season
So it's the new mu. I was hoping it would be Danzo Hokage this season.
General Discussion
2024-09-12 01:55:18
New Event Cycle - September 12th
Where is the update of mecha naruto and danzo hokage? I'm tired of waiting. Be faster!
2024-09-12 02:57:22
KonohaProxy simulator
Konoha Proxy has been closed, but the creator already said that they are working on a new version. He said that it was not possible to update it regularly because they were working on a new one and the other one was already messed up. We don't know when a new version will be available. And I honestly don't know why they didn't leave this version available even without updating it.
General Discussion
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2024-09-10 04:28:19
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