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2017-07-24 19:06:55
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2021-09-29 15:14:53
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2021-09-29 15:14:52
New Event Cycle - 30th of September
No way. Summer. Hinata. About * time. After 3 *ing years. Are you sure everyone are okay on the upper levels? Perhaps it was supposed to be Mizuki?
2021-10-04 07:25:10
New Event Cycle - 2nd of September
Oh, I know that. Also that argument is moot since more new players can benefit from a ninja who was last given out 3 years ago and hasn't been seen in events in like 2,5 years than from a ninja who was given out 2 weeks or a month ago.
2021-09-07 11:18:59
New Event Cycle - 2nd of September
I can't with this game. They recycle ninjas like Mizuki, summer Ino, edo Roshi for the 37517484th time. And this one mod has an audacity to tell me they won't repeat summer Hinata (who was given only ONCE before) because management doesn't wan't to repeat ninjas. This is a farce.
2021-09-07 11:18:59
lol mac mini client please
Mac market is too negligible to justify making a separete mac client. What American so conveniently like to forget is that America is not a whole world. And world in general does not care about mac. If you want to play go and invest in a proper computer with a proper os that supports apps you want to play not what's trendy at the moment. The company is not obliged to support every os in existence.
Bugs & Support
2021-07-21 17:22:48
New Event Cycle - 27th of May
Summer Hinata when?
2021-06-02 10:18:41
Cannot access game
There is one certain solution: Buy Windows.
Bugs & Support
Tachibana Saeko
2022-06-23 00:58:47
Fireworks or Myoboku trial suggestion
I don't think anything new can be said about the topic. "Either bring older ninjas in events more (increase the poll of rewards given in events to include power items, old ninjas, new ninjas) or finally put old "freebies" that were given away in collection..." That's what I said in my very first post in this topic on 27-12-2020. Perhaps I didn't speciffically said Summer Hinata but the intent was there. As such your statement that: "This is the first time you all have mentioned putting these ninjas in as event redeemables rather than just getting them for free." is false and a misinformation. As for Mizuki as Anbu ninja said he was also in 3v3: I know where I got my fragments from. As for Fukurokumaru he WAS given for free in 2016's Christmas advent calendar. Now. I agree that it was ages ago and I wouldn't mind him appearing again for newer players to get. But going by your logic he shouldn't appear as an 80 fragments freebie because he was already given away once, right? And mentioning GNW Shikamaru in regards to collection updates... They updated ONE ninja since the last redeemable scroll came out which was September 2019. Because last collection scroll didn't have ninjas obtainable for points. It was one update of one ninja for 1,5 year. If that is the rate they plan to adhere to - I don't think I have to say anything else... Oh, and they swapped (was it Make out Kakashi?) with Sage Jiraiya. That's it. Edit. Also it's not like I'm salty because Mizuki appeared for a third time. It's that he appeared for a third time in a span of a year. Too much, too soon.
Bugs & Support
2021-01-10 11:04:39
New Mini-client ! Get yours now!
"Chrome is one of the most popular OS in the world" Ahahahahah. No. Not even close. Chrome OS: 1.72% market share as of December 2020. Linux: 1.93% Going by popularity they should've released an Android client years ago...
2021-01-14 16:15:55
Fireworks or Myoboku trial suggestion
It's not arguing. It's discussing. And it's only because you seem to not understand the points we are making. 1. Still that information was presented in-game. It was shown in game as being correct and final information. "All information present in the game is the final and correct information." That's exactly what it is. So if anything I would interpret this line as in-game bulletin takes priority over forum bulletin in case there are inconsistencies between the two. Not that the information presented in the in-game bulletin is subjected to change without prior notice. Surely if it was meant to be interpreted like that it would be phrased accordingly. Switching it without prior notice is a poor practice and does not reflect well on the company. It's also not something that is really done either. I only recall one time when a sign-in ninja was switched and it was Sannin Jiraiya for Hanabi which is a different matter since Jiraiya is a ninja you can easily obtain fragments for from instances unlike Hinata who doesn't appear anywhere. Lastly if anything it is a proof that they were willing to put her in sign-in so it's not exactly a lost case. 2. No. You are missing that Mizuki is not comparable with Hinata or Itachi (I don't care about Itachi but he was brought by op so...). I have him 4 starred which means he must've been in events at least two times before (80 + 80 + 20something fragments from random events). It would be his third time more or less. While Hinata was given only once 1,5 years ago and is not obtainable anywhere else. So it's at least 240 free fragments (counting this month) plus however many "loose fragments" vs 80 fragments. It's also 18 months since appearance vs 3 months or whenever Mizuki was last present. There are more new people in the span of 18 months who would benefit from Hinata but did not have a chance to get her than there are who benefit from Mizuki. Calculations are clear. 3. There is no misquoting. You tried to prove your point of not putting them in events (as an 80 fragments freebie) because there are newer ninjas who would be more suitable and the company has proven your point mute. So it's clear that your reasons and stance don't reflect company stance. In which case I don't see why X persons request of Mizuki invalidates chances of Y persons request of Hinata. If someone is selfish enough to request Mizuki for a third time I don't see why I shouldn't be selfish as well and try to push for what would benefit me. And summer Hinata is not in the realms of unreasonable requests like free Ronnin Naruto of 10-tails Madara. Noone "begs for a free ninja". I would be more than happy if she appeared in collection alongside other forgotten ninjas or in events to redeem but the company has proven it's not willing to either update the collection or put older, less common ninjas in events. (And on the rare chance they put them in events they are for a ridiculous price like 180 coupons per fragment of Chojuro or 240 for Masked Man). In my opinion there should be one spot in events reserved for older ninjas that change weekly to have a variety in what they recycle but it is what it is. As things stand it's more reasonable to try and put her in sign-in or Myoboku (because she was already in fireworks so it's out of a question) than it is to hope she'll be in events. 4. It's great that you'll push the suggestion and I appreciate that regardless of the outcome. I guess it is more an argument against a company than it is against mods.
Bugs & Support
2021-01-10 11:04:39
New Events Cycle - 31st of December
Fair enough. I doubt they'll quit since it's the same people with same posts week after week. But fair enough.
2021-01-06 10:28:37