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2021-02-23 08:23:11
Misbehaviour thread
Name of offender: jhonybServer ID: S1518Short description of the situation: Was in theme arena when they popped up as opponent. Immediately began raging. At first, it wasn't much but then he escalated by calling my mother a *. After that, it went all downhill with insults and vulgarity.Screenshot/s as evidence :
Bugs & Support
2022-05-31 10:36:34
[Strategy Share]
How to counter Kushina red BT
The "control fail" is not a failure of the system but rather a game mechanic itself. If the target that someone is attempting to control has a higher control sub-stat (ex: 10000>5000) than there is a percentage chance that your control fails. The bigger the difference in control the higher the chances that the attempt fails. In regards to the mysteries that last 2 rounds, they do in fact last the full duration if you are attempting to control a non-naturally immune ninja. Immune ninja's will always reapply their immunity at the start of every round (as that is a part of their kit). As such, most debuffs that suppress-immunity allows to affect the otherwise immune ninja is removed by the start of the next round as their debuff immunity is reapplied and the current debuffs are cleansed. The only exception to this is Edo-Itachi's Dream debuff as it specifically is unremovable without 30 chakra being present during the attempt of removal (though it can only be applied to someone that is not immune to debuffs requiring a prior step before application).
2020-06-14 20:55:20
Kushina [Christmas] Lineups
Hey ICE*, I made a post hoping for more definite responses but it has not borne much fruit. Do you know if Kushina's unique passive extends to Rinne-Sasuke's chakra consumption passive? The wording of Kushina's passive does not specify mystery usage (although Sasuke and Summer Asuma are the only case where chakra is "used" by means other than mysteries). Should I assume that the passive only interacts with mysteries or is the generality of the wording purposefully allowing for a solid Kushina/Sasuke tandem?
Choji Akazaki
2020-09-19 06:15:56
Sasuke rinne info!!!
I was going to explain how Sasuke's kit was made well balanced all things considering but... reading this again... I realized that you were not complaining about what he has, but rather what he doesn't. I am sorry to say that if Sasuke were allowed to be Immune get 100 chakra by himself and also be faster than his opponents before he does anything while also keeping every other benefit he has he would be a broken ninja. He would be the cancer of the game. There are 4 slots to a lineup for a reason, build a team to support his weaknesses and build on his strength. He is very usable across all forms of PVP for players of all bp. His Y+2 Fear passive is deadly when there are at least 2 of him on the field and his ability to kill the immortal Kushinas running def/res stacking makes him invaluable. If you want, you can ask me and/or the rest of the community for a line up to better utilize him but there is no need to ask for him to be further buffed then he already is.
General Discussion
2020-06-12 13:38:54
Sasuke rinne info!!!
...Can you run your post through Grammarly cause I did not understand half of that? I can explain somethings about Sasuke after I understand your questions about him considering I use him mainly.
General Discussion
2020-06-12 13:38:54
Kakuzu grudge
In my opinion, Kakuzu is still the best round 1 blitz team period (based on how quickly he deletes a team without the time delay of a mystery). However why most people would not consider him op is the rise of newer ninja that take away what makes him a blitz: his standards and/or his buffs. Rinne-Sasuke is usually paired with LM and Itachi so they have a res buff to survive 1 standard (with Itachi randomly dodging). On top of that, there is a 30-50% chance to cause fear which stops him cold regardless of immune. Combine that with the mystery that gets rid of his Superarmor, a crit reducing chase, and the most elite scaling passive in the game so far means that if you can't kill at least 1 unit by the end of round 1 you are probably going to lose. Halloween Kimimaro who is now in contention for best blitz unit will also be paired with LM and if you aren't faster than him will absolutely ruin your biggest damage dealer by reducing your standard and chase damage by 30% while also passively dodging both standards anyway. on top of that, his mystery only costs 20 so if he gets it off you can bet Edo-Hiruzen (his dynamic duo in most cases) is right there with a now 60% buffed attack. Edo-Minato (who is unofficially the most meta unit in the game now) has 3 different effects on him that make Kakuzu all but useless. If he isn't immune then his enfeeble reduces his ninjutsu damage by 25% while also disabling his scaling (not sure if chakra scaling is fully affected). On top of that Minato will also have a passive that lets him dodge 50% (read: 80% really) of all standards coming his way. And if you are facing against the true elites he will also have a barrier that boosts his def/res while also canceling chakra gain. While he himself doesn't scale crazy damage-wise his sustain by itself will let him win against Kakuzu. Edo-Itachi was basically created to be a Kakuzu stopper with his percentage damage reduction passive. (-50% nin damage for the first 2 attacks sounds particularly specific). His dream mystery is also very deadly as he can simply hit Kakuzu and take away all his buffs and immune at the very least. Edo-Madara is not seen as much but when he is there it is basically a loss (most Kakuzu teams do not include a proc barrier after all). Getting no chakra for 2 straight rounds while also being unable to damage him at all (nin-immunity) unless you target him specifically for a mystery means that you are focused on trying to kill him with no scaling whatsoever while your opponent has free range to actually run his gameplan. Yes, there are support ninjas that are gimmicky enough to cause problems (i.e. Summer Kurenai and Ibiki) it is really this main 5 make Kakuzu less of an auto and win type of guy and require finesse both on the mystery usage and the actual team construction.
2020-06-12 07:50:20
Christmas Kushina and Rinne-Sasuke Synergy
Would you be able to show me some damage testing? like with/without Kushina on someone?
General Discussion
2020-06-11 06:59:20
Christmas Kushina and Rinne-Sasuke Synergy
The thing is Kushina's passive doesn't specify beyond "using chakra" so I would like someone to know for sure rather than try and interpret the English
General Discussion
2020-06-11 06:59:20
[Player Guide]
Naruto Online Tier List 02.10.2020 by Eli (Updated)
Just a note on Rinne Sasuke. As a user of him I can state that with 160 chakra absorbed he easily wipes a team round 3 and often takes a p1 to below half health. I am not entirely sure about this, but I think that his chase is where his real single target damage stems from. By round 3 every chase is a crit and I watched him pop 2 separate 8k hits on a def/res stacking kushina who was by that time only taking 300 damage from everyone else. Great writing with everything, keep it up
2021-05-06 16:56:06
General Discussion
2019-09-17 03:36:15