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2017-07-24 19:15:56
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2021-01-02 08:02:02
Misbehaviour thread
Name of offender : jhonyb Server ID : S7: Neji is mine. Didn't get time to look at theirs. Short description of the situation : I met the person in ranked arena while working back. They spouted this when they saw my team then ran before I could check their server number. I never responded since I was taken so aback by their comment, mainly the third statement onward. Screenshot/s as evidence : (Your screenshot/s must contain entire conversation between all parties involved, time and date. Without it, we won't consider your screenshot/s as real proofs and we won't be able to punish player/s for misbehaviour.)
Bugs & Support
2022-05-31 10:36:34
Official bug report thread
Platform (Browser -Chrome, Firefox etc / Mini client) : Browser-Chrome and Mini Client Server number : S7 Neji Character name : MoogleLordKupo UID (Facebook account - you can find your UID on the bottom of the Facebook page, Oasis account - go to your profile page and click on your avatar) : 200000083206578 Description of the problem you are experiencing : When trying to renew the Monthly Card, the loading wheel pops up and eventually the screen brings up 'System Error'. This occurs for both monthly cards and on both browser and the Mini-Client Screenshot of the error page : Operating system : WIndows 10 Screen resolution : Do not know. Your computer time zone and your country : PacificStandard Time and US. Are you using VPN ? : No.
Bugs & Support
2021-08-21 03:06:16
Money transferred for ingots, but didn't get the ingots.
I am going to give CS five more days to respond. If not, then I will PM you. I am not going to be unreasonable in regards to the lost slot spin rewards if I have to go to PM. In the case they don't respond by that time, this gives 6 days for negotiations prior to default judgement for the claim. If an agreement is reached prior to that, I will end the claim same day the agreed compensation and ingots are received.
Bugs & Support
2020-05-19 06:13:01
Official bug report thread
Platform (Browser -Chrome, Firefox etc / Mini client) : MIni-ClientServer number :S7 NejiCharacter name :MoogleLordKupoUID (Facebook account - you can find your UID on the bottom of the Facebook page, Oasis account - go to your profile page and click on your avatar) : 200000083206578Description of the problem you are experiencing :I recharge early today, but I have not gotten either the ingots themselves or the contribution toward recharge based events. Screenshot 1 is the pic showing the recharge. The time and date are in both the receipt and the email. Screenshot 2 is the pic showing that I have not gotten to any of the recharge tiers despite the recharge. This also contributes toward the Platinum recharge and the crazy slot machine. Third pick is the pick for the Platinum Recharge which also didn't trigger. Last picture is the one for the Daily Pack. DIdn't show pic for Infinite Tsukuyomi cause the recharge that is portrayed is from April. Didn't show picture for slots as that can be identified as me just having used them all. Didn't do Try Your Luck as it could be portrayed as the recharge spin having been used.Screenshot of the error page : Operating system : WIndows 10Screen resolution : Idk to be honest.Your computer time zone and your country : USA Pacific Standard Time.Are you using VPN ? :No.
Bugs & Support
2021-08-21 03:06:16
New Ninja Collection! [6.0 Preliminary Event]
I am not that good with art, nor with descriptions. Name: Madara Uchiha [Destroyer of Bounds]Classes: Uchiha, Konoha, Secret Ninjutsu, MaleElement: FireMystery: Majestic Destroyer FlameFire Type Pure NinjutsuDescription: Pure Ninjutsu Fire Attribute. Causes high fire damage and ignition to 9 enemy units while removing super armor and causing knockdown to selected unit.Chakra: 40, Battlefield Cooldown: 2 Rounds, Starting Cooldown: 1 Round.Standard: Kurama SweepDescription: Attacks 3 units in front row, ignoring contact effects like Chaos from Rinnegan Sasuke, Ignition from Chakra Cloak Naruto, and Poison from Torune Aburame Clone. This attack is undodgeable.Chase: Tailed Beast Bomb: Chases Knockdown causing Repulse, can be triggered twice a round. Removes immunity to debuffs, shields, buffs, and causes ignition. Passive: Strength to Rule.Description: Each time an attack made by Madara kills an enemy, Madara gains an additional standard attack. This includes Mystery, Standard, and Chase.Passive: Indra IncarnateDescription: Deals 75% additional damage to all Senjutsu users. While Madara is alive, all attacks toward Senjutsu ninjas on enemy side cannot miss, including Chases.Recruitment: 3 Stars, thus 80 frags.Breakthrough: Majestic Destroyer Flame+1: All enemies killed by this attack cannot be resurrected.Breakthrough: Kurama Sweep Y: Attacks the entire front row, damage dealt is reduced by 30%. 4 Star Bonus: Majestic Destroyer Flame now attacks every enemy.Here is another one:Name: Rin Nohara [Untamed Bijuu]Class: Female, Konoha, JinchuurikiMystery: Rampant PowerDescription: Hits 9 Ninjas combined between friends and foes. Damage increases against foes for 5% for each ally hit, stacking indefinitely. All damage is done to health, ignoring the entirety of shields. Selected unit suffers from chaos and knockdown. This Chaos cannot be reflected. Tai + NinChakra Consumption: 40, Battlefield Cooldown: 3 Rounds, Initial Cooldown: 1 RoundStandard: Strength to defend.Description: Heals 2 units with the least health in team and all allies hit by Rin's Mystery while clearing all debuffs from those ninjas. The healing she does to allies hit by her mystery is equal to the amount of damage the mystery did to those allies and will only heal them for the damage that she did to them once.Chase: Tailed Beast BombDescription: Chases Repulse and causes High Float. If the target had a shield, removes the shield and does additional damage equal to 10% of the full shield amount. NinPassive: I Can't Control ItDescription: Rin is immune to all debuffs. For each 1% of health she loses, her healing ability increases by 1.5%. This healing increase does NOT affect toward those that she hit with her mystery.Passive: Sacrifice to ProtectDescription: If a unit in the team RIn is in is about to die, Rin will die in their place and heal the unit she protected back to full. If multiple units are about to die from one attack in her team, she will randomnly select one of those ninjas.Recruitment: 80 frags.Breakthrough: Sacrifice to protect +1. If multiple units in Rin's team are about to die, all of them will stay alive. If 2 of them are about to die, they will both be restored to half of full health. If 3 of them are about to die, they will each be restored to 34% of full health.Breakthrough: I Can't Control It Y: For each 1% Rin Loses, her healing ability increases by 1% and her ninjutsu increases by 1.2% IGN: IamWeakerServer: 7 Neji.
2019-04-18 10:29:29
Stuck at 14%
I have been trying all day between late last night and early this morning to get on. Stuck at 14%. S7: Neji IGN Feebas.
Bugs & Support
2019-03-09 17:37:10
Sunflower Covenant Forum Event
Dear Oasis, If you really want to give us FAIRER ACCEPTABLE refund rebate due to your error. Here is my suggestion: Top 1: 40% coupon rebate Top 2: 35% coupon rebate Top 3: 30% coupon rebate Top 4: 25% coupon rebate Top 5: 20% coupon rebate Top 6 to 20: 15% coupon rebateThat means if the Top 1 player use 500 flowers, that's 500x50x0.4 coupons. = 10,000 coupons. Still not comparable to 100 frags of edo tobirama + Red chakra rune 1 + Purification Breakthrough Pill 1 Which is easily more than 20,000 coupons base off your own price sale for frags + other rewards. Please valuate your own items correctly!! Your Sincerely, Tombolock I agree with this form of compensation a lot more. If not this, then alter the event to be on each INDIVIDUAL server as the rankings are simply showing them to be. UID: Server: 7 Neji Name: Feebas
2018-06-08 23:57:47