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2019-04-17 17:08:29
I don't know if this was made clear, but naruto was holding back against itachi since they were having a nice and friendly conversation (joking) but needless to say, if naruto were actually going at full speed against itachi, it would have been over before they could finish that conversastion. Itachi's speed is mid tier and at best is comparable to sasuke's. And if you want to bring up the dead part, then the raikage is also in a weakened edo tensei form and would have been much faster and more powerful if he were alive. For real, anyone who doesn't have sage mode, kcm, or isn't minato is not gonna be able to keep up with the third's speed. edited: and you rely too much on totsuka blade and yata mirror which is a problem for a lot of debates that involve itachi since it makes him a one shot pony. Again, yes he could just seal the raikage with the blade but only IF he hits him with it, which I highly doubt he can do.
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2019-04-11 01:32:26
What, no. But before I explain, let me point out that sasuke DID NOT have eternal mangekyou at the five kage summit that was a mistake. But that said, sasuke obtained a substantial powerup that rivaled itachi's during the summit arc. I'm not saying he could win against itachi, but the only thing stopping sasuke from surpassing him is the totsuka blade and yata mirror. I bring up the raikage vs sasuke part because it's a good way to scale off itachi and the third raikage. Sasuke at that point was comparable to itachi, with itachi being slightly more powerful. The third is more powerful than the fourth and if sasuke is comparable to itachi, then it's safe to say that the third is a bit too much for itachi to handle. Also, the condition to use izanami is to replicate the sensation you and your opponent feel during a clash of attacks (like when itachi blocked kabuto's weird claw hands with his sword) Now, if you can concretely say that itachi can do that block with the raikage's full powered thrust then I concede that izanami would be a closing factor.
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2019-04-11 01:32:26
I'm saying it under the pretense that the susanoo, when formed, acts as a physical object that can interact with the environment. If the susanoo would allow the user to move just as freely as they can without it, then itachi would have kept it on all throughout his fight with naruto and bee. Same thing with madara. We could see his susanoo cause him to be slower as shown when even gaara and tsunade were dodging attacks from him as opposed to when he didn't have it on. The susanoo user just stands stationary and only really runs or jumps. And so with that in mind, that's why I said that itachi might not be able to turn the yata mirror in time to react to the third raikage.
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2019-04-11 01:32:26
Itachi is by no means the fastest character in the series. Arguably, shisui is faster than him and so is minato. Now, true that Ay does have to get close to him to attack but it doesn't really matter if he can close the gap between him and itachi in literally less than a second. During the fight between the fourth raikage and sasuke, sasuke was struggling to keep track of the raikage even with his eternal mangekyou sharingan; something that itachi did not have. If sasuke had trouble with the fourth raikage, then I don't see itachi faring any better against the stronger third raikage. Also to mention is that itachi has never shown the ability to control amaterasu the way sasuke does to cover his susanoo like a flame armor. And as I've already said earlier, the tsukuyomi is a non-factor given itachi wouldn't really be able to force raikage to look him in the eyes for him to use it. The raikage's speed is faster than the sharingan can see.
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2019-04-11 01:32:26
Look I'm not taking away anything from naruto but the info literally given to him is not an inherent part of himself, it's an outside factor. If he had fought the raikage without gyuki there to tell him the story of how he fought the raikage or that lightning ninja to tell him about the scar, then he would have at best been in a stalemate with the raikage where he would keep launching rasenshurikens until he either runs out of chakra or is forced to retreat. It would have been another thing if Naruto were able to put together the pieces by himself (which would be impossible) which is why the lightning ninja and gyuki had to be there to tell him about it.
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2019-04-11 01:32:26
Question About Level Freezing
Equipment upgrades are a must and you can just sweep since it provides very little exp.
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2019-05-22 16:54:52
Question About Level Freezing
Okay this is just of thought but level freezing doesn't seem to be all that beneficial considering the things you can get when you maximize the exp sources you have. But if you really plan to do it then I suggest just not claiming any of the frogs and not participating in events that give tons of exp to make your level last.
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2019-05-22 16:54:52
Talking with the eight tales plus one of the land of lightning guys telling him about the scar is what gave naruto the idea of using raikage's attacks against him. Without those, naruto wouldn't have beaten him. He hit the raikage with a rasenshuriken and literally it did nothing to the raikage. Even naruto stated it. This is especially impressive considering that wind naturally counters lightning and yet rasenshuriken did nothing to the raikage but to remove his lightning armor. Okay now on to itachi. Itachi using amaterasu wouldn't do anything but to maybe burn the battlefield since the fourth raikage was able to easily dodge sasuke's amaterasu and proceeded to nearly blitz sasuke. The third raikage is stated to be faster and stronger than the fourth so I don't see amaterasu hitting him. Itachi's intelligence and ability to find a weakness to every jutsu is dangerous for most opponents, but not for the third raikage considering his most powerful technique literally has not weakness except to pull out a jutsu powerful enough to break through his perfect shield; something that itachi doesn't have since he hasn't really shown any strong wind techniques. Totsuka blade is iffy at best since it's a big sword that can be easily dodged given you have the speed to do so. To further upon this, itachi had to capitalize on nagato being momentarily dazed by chibaku tensei's destruction to be able to hit him with the blade. The yata mirror is the most OP thing in the anime and manga but it is also not omnidirectional. Itachi's susanoo also hinders his movements making him a slow and big target. If he can turn the mirror fast enough, then he can hold off the raikage but given the raikage's speed, he could just go around the back of itachi's susanoo and hit him from there with his strongest spear technique which can definitely pierce the susanoo. I just don't see itachi having anything other than the totsuka blade to combat the raikage and that is considering he can even hit the raikage. edit: also forgot to point out that tsukuyomi and genjutsu would only work if the opponent directly looks at itachi's eyes, which the raikage would most certainly not do. And with his speed, I doubt itachi would be able to force the raikage to look at him. To further upon this, madara had to stop the fourth raikage with his susanoo so he could put him under genjutsu. I don't see itachi's susanoo doing that to a faster and stronger third raikage.
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2019-04-11 01:32:26
Why they change Chikushodo Pain
Correct me if I'm wrong here. When Jiraiya infiltrated the rain village and fought the pains, he managed to kill and capture the animal path (the one in your picture) to be sent to konoha for information. When this happened, nagato simply produced another body to replace the animal path. When pain attacked konoha, one of the pains found the body of the former animal path and destroyed it.
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2019-04-09 13:11:57
Naruto beat him because of someone telling him how to actually beat the raikage. If that hadn't happened, Naruto would just keep on lobbing him with rasenshurikens that do little to no damage to him. Itachi honestly I don't see him winning against raikage since the only thing he has to damage him is the totsuka blade and that's assuming he can hit the raikage with it. Nagato, you got me there I completely forgot about this monster. Obito as well.
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2019-04-11 01:32:26
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