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2020-09-03 21:18:51
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2020-09-04 03:39:24
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2020-09-03 22:32:24
Ninja Exam 420
how? *edited for brevity. You have weaker characters than I do, safe to assume overall less power than I do You dont have the main character breaks Kakuzu mystery alone takes my madara to below half health instantly even with the shield tobi's "random" attack starts a chase which leads hashi to control my main round 1, immune shield be *ed 2 kakuzu attacks + 2 ronin attacks leave my main, chiriku and madara on less than 4k health between them round 1 My minato dodges genuinely nothing, although this isnt an exam only issue, I own the only non dodging minato in the region, had him since he was first released, had him sb since they were first released and I can count the number of times my dodge has triggered on one hand So, again, I ask, how does your team survive? the only damage you can deal to the puppets,(which are the only tough part about this exam) are ignition and poison, but with a weak main, a 1 round shield, a weaker ninjutsu urge and standard, against enemies that can chaos and paralyze consistently, how on earth is your team hanging on for 10 rounds whilst also consistently hitting the chases? by the by, I am trying exam 420 today, I have been 3 mains and tried over 500 combinations of characters/positions/equipment distribution and 100% of the time kakzu,ronin,tobi and kimi's "random" attacks aswell as hashis and itachi's combo chases ALL hit and where possible start a chase on my main. I do not know if that is classic example of my "luck" or if that is intentional, that is where the difficulty comes into play, but out of hundreds of attempts their accuracy is 100% on the main, thats what leads me to question this post Update: watched videos on youtube almost entirely from guys with lower power than me and using some variation of this team, in over 1500 attempts today alone not once have I had the sequence that other people get, not once was my front row the target of chases not once did my kushi not waste hits on the puppets not once did tobi fail to combo and hashi drain my chakra round 1 not once did the enemies I face do as low damage as they do to people in videos regardless of where I position my characters and regardless of who has the highest/lowest health my main was combod by kakuzu, naruto, tobi, madara and kimi in every single one of my almost 2000 attempts this day not once did itachis chase not control my main round 1 etc etc. Think what you want, means nothing to me, but this is bull*, we already know not a single thing about this game is random, but as far as this exam goes videos show that I am evidently playing a very different game to the other people for whom this exam is basically auto, just put kushi and chiriku in place and the useless ai will do nothing to stop you winning, whereas my experience is the literally opposite, the ai works around kushi and chiriku without fail. Maybe its the reason my forum account is banned, maybe it is the pre-rolled "luck" on account creation, but I would give anyone my details to see for yourself, because one day in my account no one could deny it is rigged
2020-09-03 22:32:24