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2020-09-26 03:42:01
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2020-10-02 05:07:30
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2020-10-02 04:27:43
Event Cycle 1st October
still hung up on losing an argument I see, and the word "argument" is used very loosely here because you neither made any points or were able to counter a single one against you .ok lets school the special kid one more time and then I will enjoy the game in peace and let you continue to be a huge hypocrite, a terrible player and the worst poster in the forums Why would there be outrage for *ready free ninja being given away for free? Why would there be outrage for a ninja whose entire problem is that every one already has her being given away for free? Why would there be outrage for a ninja who already has altered the balance of the game and has been meta for many months? Still waiting on your meta altering, one-of-a-kind team, oh thats right, even though it is publicly visible cross server, you claim you are "hiding" your team, an act which is not even possible here Still waiting for you to be able to respond to any of the dozen arguments which you ignore because you have no re*al to them You still have no understanding of the concepts of proof or of two sided discussion or even sound thinking. oh and your boot licking wont get you to gl, you are too naive about the game aswell as too toxic towards other players, I know im not the first youve taken issue with. If you could give a single logical reply to any of these points, I would admit I have been wrong about you, but I guarantee you, I bet every single worldly good I own you cant so you will reply with something you consider to be smart, but that everyone else here can see right through This account has served its purpose, was only ever made to catch up with some old friends on the version I find myself withdrawing from more than I even realized since the email i originally registered with doesnt even exist anymore. But again, nice to know even after this account is deleted I will live in your head, enjoy making wild claims with no way to back up your words because the truth is you are a bad player, a toxic person in the forums, and *ready bad human being, if you will excuse me I have a game to play. Enjoy e-fronting and getting your * in a wad over this post. To the other users , apologies if you stumbled across this mess and I give you my word I will not let that person drag me into their idiocy again, enjoy your time here.
2020-10-04 14:50:56
Event Cycle 1st October
Not really, just 1 more cycle after this one and since both last week and this week are pitiful all around I personally do not expect to see anyone spending more on this tsukuyomi, certainly not the higher tiers. What would tempt people to spend this week? *ready rigged wheel whose new "prize" is a bad version of *ready bad character? the slot machine with lower odds than euromillions or ino's flowers whose most useful prize is kimi halloween who is already widely accessible. Honestly it is a very weak showing, the biggest whales already have ashura, but there are people who would take advantage of the time frame of tsukyomi and maybe over the course of it through multiple rebates go for tsunade or karin frags, but the closing weeks of this iteration have been so bad that it would be better to leave a tier unreached rather than to spend maybe hundreds of dollars and get what? jugo taka? a paltry amount of cave keys? kimi halloween? just 20 madara ttj frags? I know oasis have never been generous and they evidently have an odd biased against their english language customers, but the penultimate week of a sizable recharge event and they think that hidan as a potential "prize" and a still sorely lacking, never updated lucky feast is going to motivate people to continue spending in pursuit of a character they already grossly over-charge us $1199 for? but the same character is only 2400 ingots to recruit in china which incidentally is a more competitive environment than here so it doesnt make any sense either financially or PR wise for our dead game characters to be thousands of times higher than theirs...... I dont see it
2020-10-04 14:50:56
Event Cycle 1st October
Would you look at that, the ebragging a** hat who claims to have created a one of a kind team and single-handedly shifted the balance of the game, yet has no proof whatsoever of his supposed superiority is again fronting. Kushi has been free for a long long time, if you bothered to read from the people you insult you would know that was part of my reasoning for calling you out on your lies Also the same pos, who looks down his nose at other people for spending time in forums for "nothing in return" is taking the time to seek out replies from little old me for what? you guessed it, nothing in return. Nice to know im in your head rent free, but I am here for the game, i'm not going to get dragged into your drama, if you ever understand the word "evidence" and can provide a shred of it to support any of your smug claims, feel free to share with us, otherwise enjoy being a boot licker who sits on forums getting bitter about other people spending time in forums.
2020-10-04 14:50:56
Best Lineup w/ all ninjas
you ignored 99% of my points and arguments and are now saying that at this moment in time the richest people in a different region not using kushi is evidence that kushi is not common and proof that you, a terrible player like you, has created the perfect anti kushi team? Way to go, still dont understand how evidence or critical thinking works do you How is hiding your team an argument, in a game where your team is publicly visible cross-server, even when you are not here? How does a handful of very wealthy players indicate that the vast majority of players do not use kushi? How do the current lineups in LA support your claims that you are high in LA server? that you have been watching the top spots for months? that over the course of said months you have not seen kushis? You have done nothing but make claims, boasting about your abilities, yet when a simple question of providing proof of any of your absurd claims come up, you get bitter and defensive and conveniently gloss over the arguments
2020-10-04 06:06:02
Best Lineup w/ all ninjas
it proves nothing because what you claim to have seen over the course of months is not evidence, unless you have screenshots dating back those months supporting up what you are saying you are again just making unsubstantiated claims, hence why I said I wont act as though my argument is sealed because me simply saying that kushi is used by everyone still is not evidence, your words mean nothing, especially when you throw around claims but dont have a shred of evidence to support it and when questioned about it you get defensive and dance around the questions. "A Spacetime ranking that does not show the majority using P1 Kush says everything." No, it literally does not say everything, lets say hypothetically you were telling the truth, and LA space time top players do not run kushi currently and you had the evidence to back this up beyond reasonable doubt, that sill does not prove or say anything, your argument is that because the richest of the rich, the guys who have enough power to beat most players using just their mains and not even using auto is a reflection of the majority? thats nonsense, kushi is a character who is both broken and compeltely free, even in a hypothetical scenario where the walking wallets no longer use her that in no way shape or form signifies that the vast majority of players who are not rich people dont still use her, Space time, at least in my cluster the top spots are dominated by madara ttj, that doesnt mean he has replaced kushi or that those teams are common among the masses. The possibilities afforded to the 1% are not mirrored in the limitations of the 99% and as I said, kushi is free I did not ignore it did you read what I said about the poll? everyone does use her, every body, and I mean every single player in gnw uses her, most people in training grounds use her, most people in sage use her, most people in matsuri use her, even guys with over 1 mil bp use her in bonds " I will not discuss the ninjas I use for all of my competition to see and copy", you are just proving me right, that you cant support what you said, this is a game where most reasons to log in are pvp, yet you expect us to believe, that you of all people have created a team to counter the most cancerous meta ninja we have ever had, and yet nobody else has thought of it and nobody else has copied it despite you supposedly beating their precious meta?, and despite anyone in your server or in your cluster being able to see your lineup, even when you are not online?. This is not a game where you can hide your team and you claim to have achieved something that the entire community has not done, because kushi is still everywhere. even the mod in my server runs her in gnw because he, (or she, I dont know them personally),know as strong as they are they cant compete with 3 waves of def/res stacking kushi single handedly, yet you are saying you dont want to provide evidence for your claim because you would rather hide your team, that makes no sense and is a clear cop out This has gotten out of hand, you can continue to ebrag about something you are not capable of and I will continue to believe what my eyes see and believe in evidence and reasoning. There is nothing more to be said, I have no problem with discussions, but hurling wild claims about you achieving something that alters the balance of the meta and therefore the game but respond to questions with dodges and condescension and try to brush off the burden of proof you brought on yourself by saying you want to hide your team even though it is already publicly visible..... that's just a waste of time
2020-10-04 06:06:02
Event Cycle 1st October
Will this new hidan be the top prize in the shinobi wheel or elsewhere? Didnt know there was an akatsuki inception version of him yet but his skills seems terrible, especially considering how strong both deidara and kakuzu inception are. Ok purely for the sake of collection, but him as a paid product? please dont tell me even he is paywalled
2020-10-04 14:50:56
Best Lineup w/ all ninjas
You have no idea how arguments work do you? You made a claim. When asked to support your claim, you couldn't Instead you posted a condescending remark and patted yourself on the back as though you had accomplished something. And now you are using an anecdotal tale from LA servers, which cant be proved to again act as though you re right. You saying there arent many kushis proves nothing, and if polls were a thing here I could make one asking people who is the most common pos 1 character they see these days and I can confidently say it would overwhelmingly be kushi followed probably by kimi, kakuzu and a few madara jins and then ronin, but since that cant be done and I understand that means that point cant be proven I personally will not act as though that seals the point " Do you really expect someone to tell you how they are beating a me ta team? Figure it out on your own." Again, you cant, you are getting defensive because you cannot support your own words, if she was so easy to beat she would not be meta, and if you somehow had a team that could consistently and easily counter her other people would have figured it out or copied your supposed galaxy brain strategy. Burden of proof is on the person making the claim yet you are unable to provide any proof at all of your claim and clearly you think that talking down to other players proves you right, that is all that is happening here
2020-10-04 06:06:02
[Player Guide]
Coupon Events 9/24
I think its safe to say we can confirm this as the worst week for events, possibly ever? Nothing for spenders Nothing for f2p Unlike other weeks there isnt a single purchasable thing that the most useful poster in these forums can quantify as good deals
2020-09-30 18:30:45
No, if the mysteries are interrupted kakashi does not gain attacks, it only counts completed mysteries. No, they do not carry over, would be too op that way, he gains 1 additional attack per mystery completed in the current round only. If you face a kimi team for example and they use all their mysteries round 1, in that round kakashi gets 4 additional attacks, but in round 2 he would just have one
General Discussion
2020-09-29 05:46:09
Teams you actually respect
edo tobi got shafted so hard here, breaks too late and we still dont have the one that makes his tag affect immune characters. I would love to finally be able to run him but unfortunately at the moment even fully sb his only use is for his barrier and even that is undone very frequently with all the gaara's and edo release madaras
General Discussion
2020-10-04 05:26:09