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2017-07-24 19:23:44
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2017-07-24 21:41:26
[Ninja Exam]
Ninja Exam Formation List V3 (Updated 12/12/17)
Well ofcourse.. 39.6k was the minimum power i passed this exam with ^^ I take the time to find the lowest power possible to pass with the line ups.
2017-12-30 00:10:03
[Ninja Exam]
Ninja Exam Formation List V3 (Updated 12/12/17)
Well, it should be working even at 82 if you have around the power that i had during the vid (39.6k). The only way the puppet even get's low in the video is because of a crit.
2017-12-30 00:10:03
[Ninja Exam]
Ninja Exam Formation List V3 (Updated 12/12/17)
Continuing on with the Exam Posts here are solutions for 113 - 116 for Breeze Dancer:Ninja Exam 113Line up:x - x - HinataConference Temari - Wind Main - GNW Kankurox - x - xPower: 39.2kTalents: 3/4/4/3/3Summon: Gamaken / GamachuTurn 1- Use Hinata's Mystery.Turn 2- Use GNW Kankuro's Mystery onto Lightning Main.- Use Wind Main's Mystery.Turn 3- Use Hinata's Mystery.- Use GNW Kankuro's Mystery.Turn 4- Use Conference Temari's Mystery onto Ningendo.Turn 5- Use GNw Kankuro's Mystery onto Shurado. (Use Mystery onto Ningendo if he is still alive.)- Use Conference Temari's Mystery onto Gakido. (Use Mystery onto Shurado if he is still alive.)- Use Wind Main's Mystery.Turn 6- Use Hinata's Mystery- Use Conference Temari's Mystery onto Gakido.-----------Ninja Exam 114Line Up:x - x - xx - x - GNW NejiWind Main - GNW Kankuro - KisamePower: 39.6kTalents: 3/4/3/3/3Summon: Ninja MonkeyStrategy:Turn 1- Use GNW Neji's Mystery onto Water Main.Turn 2- Use Kisame's Mystery onto Hashirama.- Use GNW Kankuro's Mystery onto Jiraya after Kisame steals chakra.- Use Wind Main's Mystery.Turn 3- Use Kisame's Mystery onto Tobirama.- Use GNW Kankuro's Mysery after Kisame steals chakra.Turn 4- Use GNW Neji's Mystery onto Hashirama.Turn 5- Use Kisame's Mystery onto Hashirama.- Use GNW Kankuro's Mystery.- Use Wind Main's Mystery.-----------Ninja Exam 115Line Up:Kakashi - Wind Main - GNW Kankurox - x - Shikamarux - x - xPower: 43kTalents: 3/4/3/3/3Summon: Kyushoku DeerStrategy:Turn 1- No Mystery to use.Note: Blind is needed onto Sage Naruto and JigokudoTurn 2- Use Shikamaru's Mystery onto Wind Main.- Use GNW Kankuro's Mystery onto Sage Naruto. - Use Wind Main's Mystery.Note: If Jiraya uses mystery, Use Wind Main's Mystery after Jiraya.Turn 3- Use Shikamaru's Mystery onto Jigokudo.- Use Kakashi's Mystery onto Sage Naruto.- Use GNW Kankuro's Mystery.Turn 4- No Mystery to use.-----------Ninja Exam 116Line Up:Kakashi - Wind Main - GNW Kankuro x - x - Shikamarux - x - xPower: 40.1kTalents: 3/4/3/3/3Summon: Kyushoku DeerStrategy:Turn 1- Use Shikamaru's Mystery onto Hashirama.Note: Ideal blinds are onto Fire Main, Jigokudo and Sage Jiraya.Turn 2- Use GNW Kankuro's Mystery onto Sage Jiraya.- Use Wind Main's Mystery.- Use Shikamaru's Mystery onto Jigokudo.Turn 3- Use GNW Kankuro's Mystery.- Use Kakashi's Mystery onto Jigokudo.Turn 4- No Mystery to use.Turn 5- Use GNW Kankuro's Mystery onto Jigokudo.*Edit* It Seems i forgot to post Exam 113 and 114 so edited to include them. This post was last edited by Amarise at 2017-3-3 11:09
2017-12-30 00:10:03
[Ninja Exam]
Ninja Exam Formation List V3 (Updated 12/12/17)
So i know it's been a few days but i've finally had time to do some more Wind Main Exam's with the more accessable ninjas.Ninja Exam 111Line Up:x - Kisame - Gaarax - x - GNW Kankurox - x - Wind MainPower: 39.4kTalents: 1/4/3/2/3Summon: Serpent / White SnakeStrategy:Note: This line up is about stealing the chakra from the enemy team so don't worry too much if a ninja revives from Jigokudo's Mystery.Turn 1- Use Gaara's Mystery after Earth Main Interupt.Note: Perfect blind is all 3 in the top row blinded. Ideally want Jiraya and Jigokudo blinded.Turn 2- Kisame's Mystery onto Jiraya- Wind Main's Myster onto Jigokudo- GNW Kankuro's Mystery onto JirayaTurn 3- Gaara's Mystery onto KyubbiTurn 4- GNW Kankuro's Mystery onto Jiraya- Kisame's Mystery onto Jiraya- Wind Main's Mystery onto Earth Main--------------Ninja Exam 112x - GNW Kankuro - GNW Nejix - x - Kisamex - x - Wind MainPower: 38.9kTalents: 3/4/3/2/3Summon: Ninja MonkeyTurn 1- Use GNW Neji's Mystery onto Itachi.Turn 2- Use Kisame's Mystery onto Fire Main.- Use Wind Main's Mystery.- Use GNW Neji's Mystery onto Kakuzu. (Make sure he gets Accupunctured)Note: If Reflected Accupuncture is on the Wind Main - Restart.Turn 3- Use GNW Kankuro's Mystery onto Tobirama.Turn 4- Use Kisame's Mystery onto Kakuzu.Turn 5- Use GNW Kankuro's Mystery onto Tobirama.
2017-12-30 00:10:03
Idea's for a team containing Darui with the available ninja I have
What stood out to me was something like this:Asuma WB - Darui - Light Mainx - Iruka - xx - x - xTalents: 2/3/2/2/3Summon: SerpentAnother team you could run also would be:Killer Bee - Darui - Light Mainx - Iruka - xx - x - xTalents: 3/3/2/2/3Summon: Dog of HellAny of the 1st line of passives can be used with either team, first team is more about turn 2 with burst where as team 2 is about giving your main as many standard attacks as possible in turn 1.
2017-07-24 21:37:16
[Ninja Exam]
Ninja Exam Formation List V3 (Updated 12/12/17)
2 more exams for Wind Mainsm 109 and 110Ninja Exam 109Line Up:Wind Main - Conference Temari - Hinatax - x - xx - x - GuyTalents: 3/4/2/3/2Summon: White Snake / SerpentPower: 38.2kStrategyTurn 1- Use Hinata's Mystery.Turn 2- Use Guy's Mystery onto Kakashi.- Use Wind Main's Mystery.- Use Hinata's Mystery.Turn 3- Use Guy's Mystery onto Zabuza.- Use Conference Temari's Mystery onto Zabuza.Turn 4- Use Conference Temari's Mystery onto Gakido. (Kakashi if he is still alive.)Turn 5- Use Hinata's Mystery.- Use Wind Main's Mystery.- Use Guy's Mystery onto Gakido.--------Ninja Exam 110Line Up:Wind Main - GNW Kankuro - GNW Nejix - x - Conference Temarix - x - xTalents: 3/4/1/3/3Summon: Ninja Monkey / Monkey KingPower: 36.4kStrategy:Turn 1- No Mystery to use.Turn 2- Use Conference Temari's Mystery onto Sage Jiraya.- Use GNW Neji's Mystery onto Jigokudo after Water Main Mystery.Turn 3- Use Conference Temari's Mystery onto Sasori.- Use GNW Kankuro's Mystery onto Sasori.- Use Wind Main's Mystery.Turn 4- Use Conference Temari's Mystery onto Sasori.- Use GNW Kankuro's Mystery to resummon Puppet.Turn 5- Use Conference Temari's Mystery onto Sasori.- Use GNW Neji's Mystery onto Water Main.Turn 6- Use Wind Main's Mystery- Use GNW Neji's Mystery onto Jigokudo.- Use GNW Kankuro's Mystery to resummon Puppet.- Use Conference Temari's Mystery onto Water Main.Turn 7- Use Conference Temari's Mystery onto Jigokudo.Will finish 111-120 soon, haven't had much time to attempt them the past few days
2017-12-30 00:10:03
[Player Guide]
Wind Main Basics(Help)
Early on you c*e Team 7 or go for Karin, Kurenai and Hinata and run an empress team.Later on look for ninjas like Conference Temari, GNW Kankuro, Gaara.If you plan on spending you can eye up ninjas such as Sage Naruto, Kazekage Gaara.Early game the ninjas aren't so key but later on, with the game at the current stage you will want to look towards wind nature teams as you'll get better results from them. There are some exceptions with this such as the Mei empress team with Mei Terumi, Mabui and Playboy Sasuke.
2017-07-24 21:35:40
Jinchuuriki treasure
Just let them bring it whenever they are ready. The pace of the game is already far too quick as it is anyways.
General Discussion
2017-07-24 21:36:25
[Ninja Exam]
Ninja Exam Formation List V3 (Updated 12/12/17)
Apologies for the huge post in advance but here are Ninja Exams 104-108 as Breeze Dancer:Ninja Exam 104Line up:Wind Main - Naruto - xx - x - xx - Conference Temari - GNW NejiTakents: 3/1/3/3/3Summon: Gamaken / GamachuPower: 36.9kStrategy:Turn 1- Use GNW Neji's Mystery onto Shikamaru- Naruto combo onto Sasori is a plus here.Note: Ideal blind is onto Shikamaru and Fire Main. Ideal blind onto our team is GNW Neji or Conference Temari, it maybe difficult if Naruto or Wind Main gets blinded.Turn 2- Naruto's Mystery onto Sasori- Use Wind Main's Mystery after Fire Main attacks.Note: If Wind Main gets Accupunctured before using her mystery then restart.Turn 3- Use GNW Neji's Mystery onto Jigokudo.- Use Conference Temari's Mystery onto Jigokudo.Turn 4- Use Conference Temari's Mystery to bait Shikamaru.- Use Naruto's Mystery onto Jigokudo.Note: If reflect results in Naruto being Accupuntured then Restart.Turn 5- Use Conference Temari's Mystery onto Jigokudo.Turn 6- Use GNW Neji's Mystery onto Jigokudo.------------Ninja Exam 105Conference Temari - Wind Main - Gaarax - x - xx - x - GuyTalents: 4/4/2/3/2Summon: White Snake / SerpentPower: 37.9kTurn 1- Use Wind Main's Mystery onto Lightning Main.Note: Restart if Gaara combos. We want the Light Main to attack first before we combo and ignite him. If Gaara survives past Turn 1, this is a huge plus!!Turn 2- Use Guy's Mystery onto Ningendo.- Use Conference Temari's Mystery onto Ningendo.Turn 3- Use Conference Temari's Mystery onto Kimmimaro.------------Ninja Exam 106Line Up Conference Temari - Wind main - Gaarax - x - xx - x - Guy1/4/2/3/2Summon: White Snake / SerpentPower:35.8kStrategyTurn 1- Use Gaara's Mystery.- Use Wind Main's Mystery onto Tobirama.Note: Ideally Wind Main doesn't get blinded on our side.Turn 2- Use Guy's Mystery onto Wind Main.- Use Conference Temari's Mystery onto Wind Main.Turn 3- Use Wind Main's Mystery onto Chikoshudo.- Use Gaara's Mystery onto Chikoshudo.Turn 4- Use Conference Temari's Mystery onto Chiyo. Turn 5- Use Wind Main's Mystery onto Chiyo------------Ninja Exam 107Conference Temari - Wind Main - Gaarax - x - xx - x - GuyTalent: 1/4/2/3/2Summon: White Snake / SerpentPower: 37.8kTurn 1- Use Wind Main's Mystery onto Kimmimaro after Earth Main's Interupt and Shielding onto Kimimaro. Turn 2- Use Guy's Mystery onto Jiraya to Interupt his Mystery.- Use Gaara's Mystery and wait for the barrier to appear.- Use Conference Temari's Mystery onto Jiraya after Gaara's Barrier appears.Turn 3- Use Conference Temari's Mystery onto Itachi after Earth Main's Interupt.- Use Wind Main's Mystery onto Earth Main.------------Ninja Exam 108Line up:Conference Temari - Naruto - xx - Wind Main - xx - x - GNW NejiTalents: 1/4/3/3/3Summon: Gamaken / GamachuPower: 38.4kStrategy:Turn 1- Use GNW Neji's Mystery onto Shurado.Note: We want our blind from Harem Jutsu to blind Asuma Wind Blade.Turn 2- Use Conference Temaris's Mystery onto Asuma Wind Blade.- Use Wind Main's Mystery onto Asuma Wind Blade.Turn 3- Use Conference Temaris's Mystery onto Asuma Wind Blade.Turn 4- Use Wind Main's Mystery onto Fire Main.Turn 5- Use Naruto's Mystery onto Sasori.- Use GNW Neji's Mystery onto Fire Main.Turn 6- Use Wind Main's Mystery onto Sasori.
2017-12-30 00:10:03
[Strategy Share]
Life Threatning - Chapter 7 - Blue Circle - Wind Main
A picture for the line up has been added as requested. :)
2020-08-28 06:31:44
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