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2017-07-24 19:17:40
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2017-07-24 21:45:06
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2017-07-24 21:45:06
Report of misbehavior
Hello it's me the guy who reported in the first place, and the guy being reported as well. I have reported for the second time now, i don't think being mentally ill gives me many favors. I have a lot of instances of being mistreated, bulllied and kicked out of sage and being hunted as a red player. I have tried to avoid this a lot, i have tried to think that oasgames can be something of a saviour but apparently it can't as much as i would admit. The story of this new fight you're seeing is because this guy once again *ually harassed a guild leader using chat. Now nobody has provoked him, nobody gave the thoughts to his head, and nobody wants to fight with his group anymore. I am unconsciously connected to this because simply put i am a target or their "target". He said that i told him those words, i don't even chat with him anymore and blamed me for teaching him those words. Now simply put he wants reparations. He wants to be paid because he has slurred *ual harassment to a woman, and because he is getting tired of bullying everyone out of sage that he wants to implicate in his crazy game of blame shame. I don't want have anything to do with this anymore, i don't event want to reply openly. I'm just tired, very very tired. This post was last edited by ald*** at 2017-3-15 01:47
Bugs & Support
2017-07-24 22:21:41
Report of misbehavior
Name of Offender: TukiiServer ID: S80 GakidoShort Description of the Situation: Player has been *ually harassing a female player repeatedly and has finally given more evidence in wc.Screenshots as Evidence:
Bugs & Support
2017-07-24 22:21:41
[OFFICIAL] Increase Level Cap?
E-mail:*1. Make Block player messages work *2. You have to answer to every person who wants to flame in every server rather than just make us be able to block a guy? Simple logistics
Surveys & Polls
Mr. Doe
2017-07-24 21:39:59
[OFFICIAL] Increase Level Cap?
E-mail: Your E-Mail*1. Make Block player messages work *2. You have to answer to every person who wants to flame in every server rather than just make us be able to block a guy? Simple logistics
Surveys & Polls
Mr. Doe
2017-07-24 21:39:59
Report of misbehavior
Bugs & Support
2017-07-24 22:21:41
Report of misbehavior
I don't know what to do with this server anymore. The three strongest people in here not only want to abuse me in game but also throw insults at me for no apparent reason. I do not understand how i would make sense of this. I don't report this usually because i want to feel as the better person or maybe because i want to stay strong but this server is living hell for me now. I can't world chat because apparently i have killed their dog or something and am mocked or feared or anything i don't know. One of these guys just told me to kill myself today. I win every argument but i lose my soul in the process a little bit each time. It's degrading for my past time to be spent on so much emotion when i have none to spare. I have ADHD, Depression and Anxiety. I'm here to report it because i may do something * someday because of this *, i'm easily emotionally phased but i don't show it. Can i just get the chance to see block working, like i can't see them message me anymore. I have seen * but not like this, they're making this game evil, contrived and all around a chore. I didn't expect to be hated this much when i have done so very little, i mean why?Can i just get block to work in chat? Or do i have to sue somebody to get something rollingPlease take this seriously. I have very deep emotional and mental troubles, any rock thrown at my psyche is basically draining to my already limited emotional capacities.I can't take being angry, sad and grieving over my usual monotone days of non emotional usage, i can't even watch horror and real deep drama anymore without violently reacting, and every day i am reminded that i have donated so much into this game financially and yet it fails to protect me in any way or manner from monsters who stalk my facebook, insult me , and also strong arm me out of any decision.
Bugs & Support
2017-07-24 22:21:41
Server Merge Updates – Jan 17th
1. Server ID Server 80: Gakido2. GNW participation and group activity3 Groups participate, 2 fight competitively, 17k actiivity rate for the strongest, 15 k for the second. 20 below people fight in wars. 3. Sage World Battlefields statusPretty much only one side wins all the time as in the guy with the person who has the most power and alts in the server4. Average power30k i'm at 41 but 30k is average even in level 795. Matsuri participationBefore Cross Server about 100 people below participate. Most people don't win about 15 get 5 wins at all without using alts6. Ability to kill Kurama in the World Boss eventEasy to kill but the same people are in top, same people do it too. Making Kurama Easier didn't help much, the new people must have luck in their side to get any exp.New people come once in a while but mostly the people on top are still on top. Konoha itself is barely populated by much people, People basically rant out to other clans just to get by with Team Instance and Stuff since we are already so few. This post was last edited by ald*** at 2017-1-19 07:56
2017-07-24 21:34:06
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