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2017-07-24 19:15:18
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2018-11-04 10:09:18
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2018-11-04 10:09:18
Good job
Ima keep this SHORT....You seem a tad....SALTY.....and say you don't care if we don't care but the fact that you type all this out just shows how much you care about us caring.BAKA!
General Discussion
2018-11-07 15:49:30
Good job
^ my buddy here seems to be a TAD SLOW....I can agree with P2W helping out paying the bills...but he seems to be unable to process the number of people that are "freeloaders" are the ones allowing you to play the game at all lol. IF there were no'd be sitting there with your clan...just you guys. That sounds so much fun! at least you wouldn't have to try right? Do you think there would be a reason for you to even PAY for ingame items to get stronger if it's just say...your clan of maybe 20people because of course you all want to be top ranked you all join the strongest guild which happens to be the only one due to just P2W people left.Oh how fun that would be! YES P2W pay the bills but without the F2P you have NO GAME. Competition? well would you really have to pay in a server of like 20 actives(p2w)?DON'T kid yourself...I've come to find out that people that pull off the P2W on one server...end up trying it in many other NEW servers that come out like weekly. So even THEN there's maybe only a good 10% or so P2W....So go ahead and keep paying the bills....that is NOT the problem. The problem is that there are others that have saved with time....perhaps during events and maybe even spent a few dollars here and there .... and now they have coupons but NOPE!Oasis prefers you recharge. CMON a recharge event shouldn't go out and make people pay up over $400(to what I have been told....since I've stopped caring about recharge events).My personal problem with all this is...WHY are there still recharge events that seem to cost more EVERY TIME THEY COME OUT?DAISUKE! if you read this....hopefully you can pass this message along ^Whether you lie to us or not...that's on you...but HOPEFULLY you can at least tell me "I have already passed this over" or something.Where are the random NICE events for those F2P that have saved up?Give them an event like this recharge event....if something is usually around 7k ingots/coupons...make it 9k ingots/coupons for an early grab~but when i hear all this nonsense about "ingots only" YOU have had the one WHEEL on the front...can't even remember the name of it atm.You toss in a few ingots...and you get more of it in Coupons...Yet you can't seem to at least convert coupons to ingot for events?Like if something is normally 100ingots? can you not AT LEAST give it to us for 100-200coupons? Like make some changes! do something! EVERYTIME there are have things like this pop up....Give the F2P some love and make it known to them...Like i think you should literally be like...OK we made this a COUPON ONLY event. Knock yourselves out! Then toss in a minigame to exchange ingots to a REASONABLE rate.With hopefully....DECENT items...and not like MAY randomly get ONE good prize....every 10000 tries! lolOnly good thing I've seen more that DAISUKE is at least talking.Whether we have actually noticed any improvements...Make a Poll DAISUKE...Though as far as I can see...we've yet to make sufficient improvements dont you think? :(ALSO I did notice how you conveniently HAVE NOT removed the message about the one guy in almost ALL CAPSinsulting ALL OF US....for apparently...INSULTING YOU DAISUKE....I know you may like having that one person OPENLY defending you...but yeah...I don't think that help the conversation at all and youAs the GREAT mod you are....should talk to the OBVIOUS ALT ACCOUNT, someone(hoping it's not your alt...) , made and then delete it.Thanks buddy!
General Discussion
2018-11-07 15:49:30
Clarification about the "Release Schedule"
Thank you so much for communicating with us!Been feeling like you just wanted to ignore us entirely and just delete our comments like usual.This does at least give us some info on everything.Main reason why people question the relationship between Oasis and Tencent at all is because we ask about things...and ask you to send it up...and we don't get back feedback on whether it went anywhere....will go anywhere...or is even in consideration...So because we try to give and get nothing back in return...we're like "What happened? can Oasis even do anything? Maybe even Tencent won't listen to Oasis"and things of the sort....whether that be true in any way or not...we may or may not ever actually know.BUT we only wonder because we get very little back from Oasis.People will listen and people will expect to be heard. That's how a good community works.When either the company itself or the players...stop communicating...THAT is when questions and problem arise.Company says nothing to players....players begin to speculate and question a lot more....Players say nothing to company....probably means they tried to ask and got nothing...and just gave up and left.Then the community ends :( the game is great. Just us wanting clarification on things.Such as...if there are such things as polls...and if we are allowed to change a few things then why can't you ask the community what they want?"Here's a poll! if you guys want the missing content from 3.0 then it will cause a delay on 4.0 for months"and have people decide. If such a thing is known to us...we can respond. In such a case you would literally let US pick the "lesser evil"Perhaps you do have a schedule to keep...a hidden one that can change at any moment because of a bug or many and so you cannot tell us...."FEATURE X will be implemented next patch!"That's understandable of course.BUT instead of giving us a can tell us something like"There will be delays but the team is working on FEATURES A, B, C and D to be released hopefully in the next few months"That's not a promise at all...but it gives us an idea at how long we may have to look forward to to HOPEFULLY have them.and then there's the fact that even if the TEAM works on many possible Features...not all would be implemented at the same time either.I know a company that lets the community know of their schedule.They don't give dates until they know for sure but overall their team works well and we can expect it about a week or 2after it goes into the player testing server. They allow players to test it separately from their actual accounts and help with bugs.Then they usually implement the feature a week later OR they let us know there will be a delay of about a week or so.When they will have sales...they also let players know of what items will be up for sale and even by how much %%So that players can save up and buy during those open times.They are always open to player suggestions and have even implemented features the community has come together to vote on(weirdly enough...never had a post deleted there lol)items and game modes have also been implemented due to community asking for it.Although it didn't happen overnight either. Took a year for some..years for others....But they have always been open about their plans for the future.Always telling us about features they wish to implement and how said features are starting to look.Even early character designs so far back as even 1year+ before it being actually implemented because the community wanted to know when the next X Characterwould appear.But yeah...we'll understand if you have things you can or can't say.We just want to hear YOUR voice....OASIS' voice over here in the forums too....Give us some polls if it's possible...(though nothing like the cross server stuff we wished hadn't been implemented...and voted to a majority in favor of not having...just for Oasis to implement anyways) that one was kind of sad....Company and its developers deciding if certain features are worth adding or not alright cool!but if it can be decided to add or not...any feature at all....would it not be possible to ask the community what they would prefer?Such as getting Feature X but delaying Patch YZ ?or getting Patch YZ but delaying or even getting rid of Feature X?^I would really like to know about this last one.Because if you think about it...IF we...the Community...gets to pick the "Lesser Evil" ourselves...then we really can't even blame Oasis if for whatever reason we regret our decision....since we would have picked it ourselves with a majority.I know another company that has polls for updates...We have to have a 75% IN FAVOR for the update to happen.They toss out around 10-15 ideas of different updates they can work with and implement.If it's even 74.9% or so...they will not implement it and scrap the idea entirely.While they do add in normal things themselves when necessary....They still talk to the community a lot about future updates and how WE would like to see them or not.If a FEATURE is REALLY good....I might not even care about DELAYING another for it.IF there were a poll...and I still don't get it...then I wouldn't even be mad...because at least we were allowed to choose.
General Discussion
2018-08-01 20:28:51
Clarification about the "Release Schedule"
We do have to understand that whether he says one thing...then contradicts himself right after...HE WILL ALWAYS FIND A WAY OUTor if he can't....Your messages...WILL BE DELETED!We aren't even allowed to UNITE as a COMMUNITY because of this....Dare i say....DICTATORSHIPI'm sure others have tried in the past and then...BAM all their hard work....VANISHEDwhy? because of a certain someone always deleting instead of speaking to us.In a place where someone could give us information to help us...we instead get someone to delete our posts and ideas....our beliefs...and we just lose motivation.YES THE GAME IS DYINGdoesn't mean it can't last years...Oasis could keep this game going...They keep creating new servers....OLDER PLAYERS(as in experienced ones)Just move servers or play on multiple accounts on different servers since they already know how it works.Does that mean there are more players? Not necessarily. It Just means that although the game could be dying...There are people that switch to newer servers in HOPES that they can spend there and be strong in said server.Why though? because the game is GOODThis game is amazing!! it's just kind of....being killed by the company hosting it.And without being able to get decent feedback(because SOMEONE just deletes our posts) they cannot improve.I remember all those polls...where WE WON and yet....they implemented what they wanted to implement from the beginning...The very first one I remember had to do with CROSS SERVER things...We WON in FAVOR of NOT having Cross Server....ANYTHING loland they turned around and ACTIVATE CROSS SERVER....EVERYTHING...really?Did a Mod go and change the results and say "Yes the community wants this!" I know a game that practically died already but is still spewing out content.No is being run still and if you were to log onto that'd see that there are like no Mods(at least their posts never get deleted)*ers run amok and is an uncontrollable mess now...Hey it is still it must be alive right? I guess it depends on the point of view...
General Discussion
2018-08-01 20:28:51
New Event Cycle - 12th of July
oh hey look! what a surprise!I post about this week's event.I stay on topic...I say ONE PHRASE about something unrelated...and I get no warning or EDIT loland suddenly my post is GONE~Wow that's some good moderation right?Moderator - a person who moderates an Internet forum or online discussion.So how is deleting without warning actually moderating anything?YOU DO REALIZE a Mod is supposed to help and assist...not be a tyrant right? You know who you are! and anyone reading this knows it too :( It's don't understand your job...I'm over here on topic and BAM deleted because of one unrelated phrase at the VERY END TOOI demand to speak to your boss!!! no're getting out of hand.
2018-07-17 11:54:11
New Event Cycle - 12th of July
that would've been amazing :O!!!
2018-07-17 11:54:11
New Event Cycle - 12th of July
can't say i like this week's events. They seem bad...hopefully they at least have some decent ninja frags.Should be more generous~Nothing worse than when you actually like an event and get * ninja frags that you'll probably never use...So then you just skip the event lol~ You know what's more fun than this week's events?!When Daiske deletes your threads once again.Tells you not to post here and to post it on listen...and what does he do? plainly deletes it to sweep it under the table.Pretending no one will ever notice it ever happened.Not sure what his problem is yet. there no chill with this guy?That instead of answering questions and doing his job...he just deletes it so that he can laze around?Is this a thing? would love me one of these jobs! Think even I could do that LOLLove you! You are an inspiration to all us couch potatoes in the world <3
2018-07-17 11:54:11
Kage TI was a 4.0 feature? And needs to be implemented immediately?
YES! It's like...i feel threatened enough by a MOD to feel the need to actually tell him....thatI MEAN YOU NO HARM! and stuff....Since when do people take so much offense to things such as "we would like you to explain to us the situation with things."ALSO think someone said we'd get the KAGE TI with 5.0 because Germany didn't get it till then...BUT Daiske here tells me that we are OUR OWN VERSION.and as far as I can tell... should be with 4.0 not 5.0....Lol yet we'll probably get it same patch this time as ANOTHER VERSION?This'll be a blast.Anyways! I don't know much about that I haven't kept up with their patches lately.So i'll leave it at that. Like seriously...if NO ONE(Daiske) explains the situation...then I have no reason to believethe OP has lied at all. ESPECIALLY with the PROOF brought up about it being a 4.0 update and not a 5.0....One thing I do know is....we aren't getting reasons...explanations....nothing.I think as the playerbase....we should just be given info.I mean I can understand if Daiske has no idea when stuff can be implemented.Alright! tell us that THEN tells us why.If he doesn't know exact dates then that's OK but the fact that he can't explain much of anything(half the time)either says that the Company might be failing to communicate as a whole or they are withholding information on purpose without real reason.Can we not be told that they had problems with Kage TI but it will be implemented within the next month or two?(example)or maybe something like. We planned to release Kage TI but we messed up and got backed up! Here's free coupons! we're still working on releasing Kage TI.(example)^ There are ways to go around it all. I do understand all games do things differently...but never had I joined a game with such lack of communication.And I won't go on saying WHICH games...because my BUDDY(you know who he is) will come by...delete it all...and say it was ADVERTISING OTHER!Too many things happen....too many questions are asked....and the players that keep the game afloat get kept in the dark?Literally just want info. Are we wrong in believing KAGE TI was a 4.0 FEATURE?IF we are we wrong and why? explain to us...proof! That's all we want...Was it pure delays? why delay it?was it failing to code? why??was someone at fault? shouldn't there be an apology?!(should accept it when you're wrong.)WE JUST WANTANSWER TO OUR QUESTIONS.that is all~ lol
General Discussion
2018-07-08 05:20:52
New Event Cycle - 5th of July
Again. I would like you in particular to not delete things that make you feel threatened just because you can't answer questions.Get your act together!"Oh no! they realize I'm not doing well...I better delete their post so no one else finds out"Yeah....real grown up of you.It's weird that you don't delete your OWN posts when YOU don't * to the "main topic"and it's even weirder how you just deleted ONE post and not my previous one...HMMM!!!!Makes you wonder right? Is this how Oasis operates? or is this just your own personal thing?Well I mean...normally you assume the people showing their faces are REPRESENTING the company right?So it would be safe to assume you are how Oasis TRULY is.Thanks. This means a lot! Also...why not delete the posts that say things like "First" "2nd" "3rd" and so on...I don't see how those are *ing to the main topic. LOLALSO anything regarding this event and another versions AFFECTS US.So why can't we speak of things from other versions when it has to do with OUR events?Literally at most...we get different ninjas with same events.I don't think I know of a good, decent event that only we got that another version did not.So if the MOTHER VERSION is the only one truly creating events...and we're taking them for ourselves...Changing the ninjas for the event...and calling it our own...such is the life of THEFT. Anyways~ that leads to OTHER VERSIONS affecting us. So why can't we speak of another version?This is a form of OPPRESSION!why? because we are told not to and not told WHYWe need better answers because your personal opinions are overly exaggerated.Not gonna lie. I said it in my previous post AND in the one you deleted(you knew i was right lol)If you delete something it just proves me right after all.Why? because you COULD have given answers...been transparent...shown the forums I am 100% wrong...But no. You just delete it. ask to focus on the main topic(which you weren't focusing on either) and pretend it was never there.SU*IOUS!Instead of making yourself look is quite the opposite.What is so hard about giving straightforward answers to questions the COMMUNITY may have?What is the deal with beating around the bush just to not answer questions?Why are you making Oasis look worse than it already is by deleting posts that are not in your favor?Tyrant! :( oops! I mean...Oh so wonderful and powerful Forums person that will delete this after reading line 1~
2018-07-08 03:18:39
New Event Cycle - 5th of July
"Then, there are few more features from current version (Skill experiment, Bond System and more Ninja Exams) that are missing but they will be added. They were not skipped, they were not delayed. Everything is going according to the plan."This was the main point of the whole thing. You're even saying you know what is missing.You say they WILL be added.You say they were NOT skipped.You say they were NOT delayed.Cmon...if you don't skip but you plan to add...that means you are DELAYING IT.Should go ahead and be WAAAAY more transparent because at the moment you aren't doing a very good job if you have this many people "confused" because of the way you attempt to communicate everything. Give people a whole rundown on what is happening and why. Tell people what will be added and what can't be added yet and why. Give us a possible estimate of when we MIGHT get these such as..."We will not be able to implement the feature until after August but definitely before December."Then just calmed down people. Give a big enough window so that people know you are working on it and can't place an exact date and that's it.But no0o0o0o0o. You beat around the bush. We have to practically force stuff out. You are then having to "correct" people because apparently "I never said that...." never said anything helpful is what happened. Sheesh....seriously feels like we just need a BOT with automated responses for the forums. Sorry to say but it would do a job about as well as you do at this rate :(ANYONE AROUND HERE GOOD AT MAKING BOTS? WE ARE IN DIRE NEED OF A FORUM BOT TO ASSIST US WITH QUESTIONS!!!!maybe it could assist Daiske~
2018-07-08 03:18:39