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2017-07-24 20:03:16
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2019-05-09 04:42:06
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2017-12-14 11:34:39
Naruto Online 4.0
Overall, this is a great and needed update. dont know why ppl complain so much. some ppl will never be satisfied i guess. 1. Plunder/convoy: I am p2p and despite losing out on some plunder coupons, i think its a great addition. ill get minimum 85+ coupons + coins (which i have rly been short on lately); ill finish faster; majority of the players do only convoy so this will help the majority as they can experience plunder w/o consequence of not being able to do convoy and being plundered less (since strong players can only plunder once); if you do get plundered u get 25 coupons as opposed to 17; ultimately when thinking about majority of the players (who are f2p), they'll be happy, keeping servers alive longer and fun. 2. Survival: survival trials for me do take a long time and i just auto through them, which seems boring and just routine. at least now, i can do it much quicker w/ higher difficulty but still able to finish them on my weaker alts. it also gives me the option of choosing harder survival if i want a challenge and not just auto.3. GNW: its unfortunate if packs will be nerfed, if any, but i dont think it'll be by much. if anything I hope they replace the basic refines you get from gnw packs w/ advanced. basic refines are useless at this point and rly just garbage. no one gets excited w/ basic refines. On another note, doing space time, sage world, and discord, you get to talk to ppl from other servers and make friends and now we have a chance to fight them in GNW. I'm not expecting to win cross server GNW right away, but i think it builds a bigger sense of community w/ ppl from other servers (prob not but if the vision is to merge all the servers in our own space time servers into one in the future, this is great). plus this is another means of getting even more seal packs. 4. Mount Myobuku cultivation: another way to power up. how can you complain? 5: Group duties: now we can set 3 seniors which is great and also distribute the duties of the leader in case i forget. makes members feel more important and it rly helps when the leader doesnt have the time to distribute packs right away.In the end, many ppl have been craving for updates and sure some ppl can find the negatives in everything, but in the end i think it is a much needed change that helps the majority of the players. the slight decrease in coupons from plunder (which is not much, esp if you get scrolls for extra plunders) and a nerfed GNW pack (which wont be a lot if any) is rly nothing compared to all the benefits we'll be getting. can't wait for the updates and thanks oasis for not waiting even more for these updates.
2017-12-01 11:28:15
Group Donations
can't remember all the changes in max donations for each level but what we do in our group is set a max weekly donation of 3000. most can donate 500 daily and you do that from monday to saturday will give you 3000. sunday would not be included in it though. if they have over 3000, you just count 3000. our group members consider this fair.
General Discussion
2017-11-15 21:25:47
5th hokage tsunade
the free tsunade (sannin) is just as strong when skillbroken. I say you wait. It's way overpriced in my opinion.
General Discussion
Broken Screen
2017-10-30 05:17:26
Bug Hunting Contest : Naruto Online 3.0
UID: 200000102716719 ServerID: S448 Character Name: CIG Location of Bug: Konoha in town. Bug Description: (what kind of bug was it? How did you trigger it?): when I left a team after SA, I noticed that I saw two of myself (I was on my alt Uchiha). Only Uchiha could see the double and the other accounts could not. Bug Print Screen (most important):
2017-11-10 15:43:56