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Naruto Online Forum
Michelle Utoniu
Michelle Utoniu
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Topics 0 |Posts 29
2017-07-24 19:18:06
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2024-01-03 17:22:57
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2023-09-20 21:36:41
Renaming Spaces not working?
Normal spaces are disallowed name characters ingame, but not character creation. Just as special characters are disallowed on creation but not ingame... Your best solution is to use unicode alternatives such as "1/3 space" and "half space" etc. It's easiest to copy paste the special varient then type the rest of the name around the "space" (or premake the intended name and copy paste it in), you can see how it looks before applying the name change so by all means check what works, see if you like it before you commit. you c*so use most emoji in your name. I use this site for spaces. However if you are on windows you can simply open your start menu and type "Character Map" to find a native program that has most classic universal symbols listed.
Bugs & Support
Michelle Utoniu
2023-09-20 21:36:41
did u guys enjoy from the game
Was I telling a story? when did I ever say anything about them "adding something new every week"? If you play for 1 month you will understand everything? been playing since 2017 so going on 6 years now, let me know how much longer till I reach that mythical month you are talking about. How is 1 year of loyalty to a server unacceptable, it's logic like yours that causes all the new servers to die off within a month or two of their launch. Noone is denying the game isn't good, it isn't. I even fairly commented that the staff have no idea what players want in the first bit, which they don't. Noone is denying that the rewards for all the events other than seasonal are a joke, cause they are a joke. You only see the tr*sh ninja in fuko so I can't help you, the power growth items would lessen the s*ck factor if you actually played long enough to value the long game and communities that get formed but you speak as someone that wants to solo and jumps to a new server too frequently to make friends or lacking that rivals, the meta game is the only thing worth enjoying out of this hot mess without it you may as well be playing a SNES or Atari game for a vastly better "game"
General Discussion
2023-08-27 15:23:06
did u guys enjoy from the game
Oh wow. A company thinking about money, how dare they. More seriously the game was fine before they brought Susanoo shisui's bt's in, no new f2p nor p2w matters in a shisui dominated world. So now it's all about power creeping, power creeping is f*cking boring and everyone except Oasis staff know it. If you play smart your Fuko complaint is a bit embellished, it would take ~55 weeks or just barely over a year to farm 110k cp as a f2p ignoring the worst cp events ~48 weeks with them, that isn't the worst server loyalty benchmark, in exchange for not being a server hopping clown or whaling/supporting the game you get a bit of a power boost. That "They don't value the players, they don't care about our opinions" Bit while it holds some truth Is shortsighted, if it's just a few players or a small minority it's treated with the same "we'll fix it, we'll vote on it, we'll talk about it blasé response that answers your questions but means nothing. It took a massive outcry from the playerbase to mitigate the last anti-player change, and guess what... they lost staff and players en-masse around the issues after they relented anyways so it was all for naught and only annoyed Naruto Online's parent company, They were taught to be cautious about dealing with player requests after that.
General Discussion
2023-08-27 15:23:06
Account stolen
If you still have the old miniclient you can select the eye in the password box to show the password. If you haven't reinstalled a new miniclient yet you can go into your appdata and back up the files in: C:\Users\"username"\AppData\Roaming\Naruto Online\ Restoring these files after installing the miniclient on any machine will effectively transfer logindata. If you have legitimately Forgotten your password and cant recover your account you will have to go through the steps in the prior post, this would only be resolvable with customer support. Customer support is only accessible via support ticket, do not fall for scammers ingame or on discord claiming to be support or staff.
Bugs & Support
Michelle Utoniu
2023-08-04 17:14:40
Account stolen
Okay the how: You create a new account (which you have) -1(from the forum on the new account ) Go to settings , Go to "My Customer Service" -2(In-Game on the new account) Click your name next to the little person icon on the top right ,Go to "My Customer Service" Submit a ticket about the lost account to customer support from the new account. They'll respond with the proper appeal format detailing what information they need to prove ownership, Once the proper filled in "appeal ticket" has been submitted. They'll look into the appeal claim and contact you in responses to the ticket for any additional information. Simply follow CS-teams instructions and requests on the ticket responses and you should be able to regain access assuming you did not violate TOS etc. I am NOT staff nor speak for any facet of Naruto online/Oasis, just another player that has had to go through this before.
Bugs & Support
Michelle Utoniu
2023-08-04 17:14:40
New Event Cycle - August 3rd
Making Mei usable is welcome, it's sorta the fuko expected for the anniversary... Bizarrely I'm looking foward to greatplates despite it being a disrespected meme ninja.... if only I had a few more accounts that had enough saved up to insult whales and gods with "worse Rin".
2023-08-08 04:29:02
New Event Cycle - 11th of February
Not moderator or any form of staff, ingame if you are playing with the mini client you may already find Zabuza(ronin) in the ninja list (ninja>Training) meaning that he is "added" just "unobtainable" until the event that makes him obtainable comes out. I did not intend to imply anything beyond an observation point.
2021-02-16 18:05:28
New Event Cycle - 11th of February
After recent weeks having froggy, fair p2w events. I'd say this is... ok. Some bother complaining about getting an Edo Jin in fireworks and how "useless" he is. Well maybe he'll have a bt down the line, maybe some people will be happy to get a free nin that isn't a meme or overplayed to death, we all know theres plenty of groups that'll day 1 Fireworks like always regardless of what shows up in it making whatever is there less important in the grand scheme. 7 days welfare hasn't had much reason for anyone to want it in almost a year, it just happens if you are part of the majority that dont care about it just ignore it no point complaining. We have Ronin Zabuza in the pipeline, he is in the ninja list just not obtainable yet. Shinobi feast is honestly the most interesting one to me this week, meanwhile theres several groupmates waiting to see whats in sn@tch.
2021-02-16 18:05:28
Do You Think That We'll Ever See Boruto Characters..?
The simplest answer is at best a maybe. Yes Tencent the governing parent company got boruto characters approved for their mobile game, however for various reasons we will likely never see a port of that game. Even if the CN/Tencent servers do get Boruto characters added to the game there is no guarantee that would mean our OAsis servers would be approved to use those characters. -side note- Boruto as a series is not necessarily even a Naruto property *weird to imagine* That said I'd love to one day see Sarada and Mirai appear...
General Discussion
2020-08-21 12:07:47
Events Cycle - January 9th
Wait a minute maybe this means Kankuro will receive an exclusive 2nd set of breakthroughs to make him remotely worth using since the breakthroughs he literally just got last week didn't even raise him to meme status. Or perhaps they meant Ronin Naruto so whoever whales those 1000 frags can fully star up and bt.
2020-01-14 09:52:09