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2020-03-04 19:26:13
SOSP Naruto deserves a BT?
They just need to own secondary stats high enough to not take for granted that every attack they endure is a critical hit with a so high injury boost that destroy them in one shot or to not take for granted that whatever control skill you use will fail always. Obviously if you face a team 200k stronger that yours where your move 1 is 200k and your move 2/3/4 is 70k while his one are 180k in 1 and 140k in 2/3/4 it's quite normal you win, since the match is actually your 200k move 1 vs his 180k move 1 even if he owns 200k more total power than you.
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2020-02-28 18:21:16
SOSP Naruto deserves a BT?
I didn't say is bad. I say that is not that op when you meet somebody with comparable or higher power than yours that owns initiative over you. If a full damage oriented ninja doesn't grant you a chance to win in this condition then is not an op ninja, but just a useful one. Edo minato sb or kushina sb, instead, are good ninjas for this very reason. Ronin naruto is good exclusively if you own initiative and if your move 1 secondary stats are so higher than the enemy move 2/3/4 stats that those moves are there just as a decoration (since they cannot control him, they cannot deny a devastating critical hit from him and so they are just there as food for his selfstacking passive). It's a whale only gadget good exclusively for fast stomping streaks in swb that does literally nothing in a whale vs whale environment or in arena (where control fail doesn't exist, more or less). In general there's literally close to no reason to choose him over full sb chojuro in every situation. P. S. Tbh to make ronin naruto useless it's enough a faster water main together with a round 1 buff cleaner. Take the team renji suggested: ronin naruto, edo hashi full sb, mb, bee sst. Against water main, normal han, wb asuma, gakido full sb (a full free team) where you don't own initiative. Round 1 han clears buff with mystery, water main round comes first, your whole team but bee is chaosed (unless you select the y+2 passive of hashi, but if you do hashi won't clear the chaos on ronin naruto). At that point what do you do? Even if you are able to trigger hashi chase thanks to his mystery on water main, gakido will reduce again the cd on her if needed. If instead of edo hashi, we talk about normal hashi that's there just to boost him is even better, for obvious reasons. An hyper op on paper team, expensive as hell, that gets nullified by a full free team with 1 more point of initiative. Indeed good this ronin naruto.
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2020-02-28 18:21:16
SOSP Naruto deserves a BT?
I said clearly that if your move 2 is decent you will have the chase that supports you long enough to let minato stack. I talked about or nagato or sage naruto and the combo edo roshi kushina habanero exactly for that reason (all ninjas immune to debuffs or that are able to self clear their debuffs). I thought i explained myself clearly enough. About ronin naruto that selfheals with anbu... Of course, every ninja with a tai or half nin half tai attack selfheals thanks to it, but since ronin naruto isn't immune to debuffs it's enough 1 ignition to deny it even if the mb is still alive (considerig the fact basically every common meta right now remove buffs and apply ignition somehow, the anbu tactics point isn't a good point in his favor). The only situation where ronin naruto is good is when you are faster and own at least 8k more control rate than the enemy. Otherwise ronin naruto will always lose against teams that are able to cc him. We were talking about sosp, no? Naruto sosp beats every time ronin naruto on 1vs1 if their stats are comparable.
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2020-02-28 18:21:16
SOSP Naruto deserves a BT?
People will continue to forget about it until he begins to appear in mega carnival at 2400 ingots. That said, ronin naruto is very bad, tbh, once your move 2/3/4 aren't shenanigans, since he isn't immune to debuffs and doesn't selfheal. Don't think about him only from the perspective of a low power player that meets a 700k whale with a 180k+ move 1 that uses him against you. That same whale would destroy you in the same exact way (tbh better and faster) by using a full free option like chojuro full sb.
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2020-02-28 18:21:16
SOSP Naruto deserves a BT?
Oasis collects our desires and reports them to tencent. If it's something that brings in money, and naruto sosp breaks obviously are, then you can bet your head it will be done.
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2020-02-28 18:21:16
SOSP Naruto deserves a BT?
What are we talking about? Two 350ks or lower that meet each other with a 120k+ move 1 and wholly unexistant move 2/3/4? In this case all you said is true, besides one thing: naruto leaches only if is in explosive move. If the enemy combo rate is higher than his one or if dodges then there's no leach (and edo minato is one of the ninjas that may easily overcome him in combo rate). Are we talking instead about matches among 600k+ players whose move 2 is very comparable to move 1 and whose move 3/4 aren't just there to be a cute surrounding garment? Then minato links always is chase (unless full immunities) thanks to whatever ninja you put in move 2 that lets him do it (that may be for example sage naruto or nagato, or edo roshi + kushina habanero too, that is quite an op team with edo minato). You have always to look at a ninja's set of abilities considering how they would work in this situation and not in the situation where at the end of round 2 the match becomes a 1vs1 since that moment onwards. The game meta isn't thought to be balanced for matches where there's 1 move only that matters. The situation you bring in about naruto vs naruto meta happened exactly for this very same reason.
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2020-02-28 18:21:16
SOSP Naruto deserves a BT?
Indeed, but way after they added kaguya and skillbroken sosp.
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2020-02-28 18:21:16
SOSP Naruto deserves a BT?
Are you really comparing edo minato mystery with sosp naruto's? Are you serious? Edo minato mystery is by default a bigger damage mystery than naruto's (even without breaks is a 150% stats one while naruto's is a 100% one) that delivers REPULSE (naruto's delivers knockdown, a difference as big as a mountain) and tag too on whoever is not immune to debuffs. Once you break it you can choose between a 3 rounds version that cannot be dodged and that deals an additional 30% wind damage or a 2 rounds cd version that can be dodged and still has all the basic traits of the not broken one, besides the unmissable (but you can still easily select a clone or a weak ninja and obliterate whatever is behind it, due to repulse damage that still cannot be dodged). But the amout of advantage doesn't stop there. Unless the whole enemy team is immune to chases somehow with minato you c*ways select an enemy that doesn't dodge and trigger a combo that selfstacks atk and combo and that also lower the cd of the mystery. To do so with naruto (without getting any boost to your stats too) you need that your standard attack triggers the combo effect on a target (something that doesn't happen with 100% chance if the enemy combo rate is higher or comparable to naruto's or if is able to dodge it). So in what is minato y+1 mystery that may be dodged as much as naruto's comparable to naruto's? (without considering also the fact that there's no medical prescription that impose on you to select it in the place of the +2 version and just kill everything round 4 the same by taking full advantage of his other passive that decreases def). And no, removing from the game dodge or superarmor makes no sense, otherwise there would be no point in using ninjas that may ignore them and make their players pay a lot to get them. That said, this game unless i am hallucinating is called naruto online and if the strongest version of naruto there is in the anime isn't even close to be comparable to a very secondary ninja like his mother or with a ninja they beat before the final arc of the story like kakuzu, then there's a serious issue.
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2020-02-28 18:21:16
Like if there were no plants in the game...
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2020-02-12 09:39:23
They fix it when two whales lose 2k$+ each one on something and treat to sue them (like happened with lucky stars wheel in early times), otherwise they care 0.
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2020-02-12 09:39:23
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